07:50 | 23/07/2024

From July 1, 2024, which specific items are increased in the new military salary scale when implementing the 2024 salary reform?

From July 01, 2024, which specific allowances will increase in the new military salary table when implementing the 2024 salary reform?Your question from T.Q in Hanoi

From July 01, 2024, what specific allowances will be increased for the military when implementing the 2024 salary reform?

From July 1, 2024, a comprehensive reform of salary policies based on Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 by the Seventh Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee will take place.

Three new salary scales for the military from July 01, 2024 will be developed based on job positions, titles, and leadership roles to replace the current salary system; transition from old salary scales to new salary scales, ensuring no reduction in current salary levels, including:

- One salary scale for military officers, professional police officers, non-commissioned officers (according to position, title, rank, or grade).- One salary scale for professional military staff, technical police specialists.- One salary scale for defense workers, police workers (maintaining the current salary correlation of the armed forces compared to administrative officials).

The new salary structure for the military under subsection 3.1, Section 3, Part II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 will include the following:

- Basic salary- Allowances- Additional performance bonuses.

After the July 01, 2024 salary reform implementation, the military may receive an additional income from performance bonuses (a bonus fund of approximately 10% of the total annual salary fund, excluding allowances).

In addition, the new salary scale for military officers will be developed based on position, title, and military rank or grade.

Moreover, from 2025 onwards, salaries will be adjusted to increase by an average of 7% per year for officials and public employees, armed forces until the minimum wage equals or exceeds the minimum wage in Region I for enterprises.

Currently, there is no official document specifying the new salary scale for the military post-2024 salary reform; thus, the exact salary increase will be subject to forthcoming detailed regulations.

From July 01, 2024, what specific allowances will be increased for the military when implementing the 2024 salary reform?

From July 01, 2024, what specific allowances will be increased for the military when implementing the 2024 salary reform? (Image from Internet)

How will military allowances change from July 01, 2024?

From July 01, 2024, military allowances will change as follows:

Under subsection 3.1, Section II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, the following salary reform contents are outlined:

Reform Content


For officials and public employees and armed forces (public sector)

- Abolish seniority allowances (except for the military, police, and cipher to ensure salary correlation with officials); leadership position allowances (as leadership positions in the political system will have salary positions); party, political-social group work allowances; civil service allowances (as already incorporated into the basic salary); hazardous and dangerous work allowances (as hazardous and dangerous working conditions have been incorporated into professional allowances).

Thus, according to the above reform content, the 2024 military salary scale after salary reform will eliminate the following allowances:

- Leadership position allowances.- Party, political-social group work allowances.- Civil service allowances (already included in the basic salary).

Military allowances that may be retained include:

- Out-of-frame seniority allowances.- Area allowances.- Job responsibility allowances.- Special and professional seniority allowances.- Remote and difficult area allowances.- Concurrent position allowances.

What are the current general standards for military officers?

Article 12 of the Law on People’s Army Officers of Vietnam 1999 stipulates the standards for officers as follows:

- General standards:

+ Have a firm political stance, absolute loyalty to the Fatherland and the people, the Communist Party of Vietnam, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; possess a high revolutionary vigilance, ready to fight, sacrifice, and complete all assigned tasks.

+ Have revolutionary ethical qualities; be diligent, thrifty, fair, and upright; strictly comply with the lines and policies of the Communist Party, and the laws of the State; promote democracy, adhere to military discipline; respect and unite with the people and comrades; be trusted by the public.

+ Have political and military science qualifications and the ability to creatively apply Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, and the Party and State's lines, viewpoints, and policies in building an all-people national defense and people's army; possess knowledge of culture, economy, society, law, and other fields; have practical activity capabilities to meet task requirements; complete training programs according to regulations for each position.

+ Have a clear background, age, and health suitable for the position and military rank being undertaken.

Specific standards for each officer position shall be prescribed by the competent authority.


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