07:50 | 23/07/2024

From July 01, 2024, which allowances are professional soldiers entitled to, and which are they not entitled to?

From July 01, 2024, which allowances do professional soldiers get, and which allowances do they not get? Your question from T.Q in Hanoi

From July 1, 2024, which allowances will professional soldiers receive, and which allowances will they not receive?

On November 10, the National Assembly passed the Resolution on the State Budget Estimates for the year 2024.

The Resolution clearly states that from July 1, 2024, comprehensive wage policy reforms will be implemented according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018 of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Executive Committee.

*The allowances that professional soldiers will receive from July 1, 2024, according to the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018 include:

Professional soldiers may receive allowances such as seniority beyond rank, area allowance, job responsibility allowance, special allowance, occupational seniority allowance, and allowances for working in particularly difficult areas.

*The allowances that professional soldiers will not receive from July 1, 2024

In sub-section 3.1 of Section II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018, wage reform contents are presented as follows:

Reform Contents


For officials and public employees and the armed forces (public sector)

- Abolish occupational seniority allowances (except for the army, police, and cryptographic to ensure wage harmonization with officials); leadership position allowances (as these positions in the political system will implement position-based wages); party, socio-political group work allowances; public service allowances (as they have been incorporated into the basic salary); hazardous and dangerous condition allowances (as working conditions with hazardous elements are included in occupational allowances).

Thus, according to the above reform content, the salary table for professional soldiers in 2024, after wage reform implementation from July 1, 2024, will exclude the following allowance:

- Public service allowances (as they have been incorporated into the basic salary).

From July 1, 2024, which allowances will professional soldiers receive, and which allowances will they not receive?

From July 1, 2024, which allowances will professional soldiers receive, and which allowances will they not receive?

On what factors is the salary table for professional soldiers from July 1, 2024, based?

At point c, sub-section 3.1 of Section II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018, specific factors for designing the new salary table are identified as follows:

Reform Contents


c) Identifying specific factors to design the new salary table

- Abolish the statutory pay rate and the current salary coefficient, and build a basic salary amount in specific monetary terms in the new salary table.

- Implement uniform policies on labor contracts according to the provisions of the Labor Code (or service provision contracts) for those performing service and support work (requiring qualifications below intermediate level), not applying officials and public employees salary tables to these subjects.

- Determine the lowest salary level for officials and public employees in the public sector to be the salary level of those doing jobs requiring intermediate qualifications (level 1) and not lower than the lowest salary level for trained labor in the enterprise sector.

- Expand salary relationships as the basis for determining specific salary levels in the salary system, gradually approaching salary relations in the enterprise sector suitable to the State’s resources.

- Improve policies for regular salary increases and pre-term salary increases for officials and public employees and the armed forces in accordance with the new salary table regulations.


According to the above regulation, the factors for constructing the salary table for professional soldiers include:

- Abolishing the statutory pay rate and the current salary coefficient, and building a basic salary amount in specific monetary terms in the new salary table.

- Expanding salary relationships as the basis for determining specific salary levels in the salary system, gradually approaching salary relations in the enterprise sector suitable to the State’s resources.

- Improving policies for regular salary increases and pre-term salary increases for officials and public employees and the armed forces in accordance with the new salary table regulations.

What is the highest military rank for professional soldiers currently?

At Article 16 of the Law on Professional Soldiers, Defense Workers, and Public Employees 2015, there are regulations about the military ranks of professional soldiers from Second Lieutenant to Senior Lieutenant Colonel.

Military Ranks of Professional Soldiers

1. The military ranks of professional soldiers are determined corresponding to technical and professional qualifications, and salary levels, which include:

a) Senior Lieutenant Colonel;

b) Lieutenant Colonel;

c) Major;

d) Captain;

e) First Lieutenant;

f) Second Lieutenant;

g) Second Lieutenant.

2. The highest rank of professional soldiers includes:

a) Senior type is Senior Lieutenant Colonel;

b) Intermediate type is Lieutenant Colonel;

c) Junior type is Major.

The highest ranks for professional soldiers are Senior Lieutenant Colonel for the senior type, Lieutenant Colonel for the intermediate type, and Major for the junior type.

Thus, according to the above regulation, the highest military rank for professional soldiers currently is Senior Lieutenant Colonel for the senior type.


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