07:50 | 23/07/2024

From July 01, 2023, what is the new salary for intermediate professional soldiers after the 2024 salary reform according to Resolution 27?

From July 01, 2023, what will be the new salary for junior professional military personnel after the 2024 salary reform according to Resolution 27? Your question from T.S in Gia Lai.

What is the current salary for intermediate professional military personnel?

Based on Section 2, Table 7 issued along with Decree 204/2004/ND-CP, the salary coefficients for intermediate professional military personnel are stipulated as follows:

The salary for intermediate professional military personnel is divided into 2 groups as follows:

- Group 1 has salary coefficients ranging from 3.50 to 6.20.

- Group 2 has salary coefficients ranging from 3.20 to 5.90.

According to Clause 2, Article 3 of Circular 41/2023/TT-BQP, the method of calculating salaries for intermediate professional military personnel is as follows:

| Actual Salary = Statutory Pay Rate x Current Salary Coefficient || --- |

The current statutory pay rate is VND 1,800,000/month.

Thus, based on the above regulations, the salaries for intermediate professional military personnel are as follows:

- Salaries of Group 1 Intermediate Professional Military Personnel:

| Salary Coefficient | Salary (Unit: VND) || --- | --- || 3.50 | 6,300,000 || 3.80 | 6,840,000 || 4.10 | 7,380,000 || 4.40 | 7,920,000 || 4.70 | 8,460,000 || 5.00 | 9,000,000 || 5.30 | 9,540,000 || 5.60 | 10,080,000 || 5.90 | 10,620,000 || 6.20 | 11,160,000 |

- Salaries of Group 2 Intermediate Professional Military Personnel:

| Salary Coefficient | Salary (Unit: VND) || --- | --- || 3.20 | 5,760,000 || 3.50 | 6,300,000 || 3.80 | 6,840,000 || 4.10 | 7,380,000 || 4.40 | 7,920,000 || 4.70 | 8,460,000 || 5.00 | 9,000,000 || 5.30 | 9,540,000 || 5.60 | 10,080,000 || 5.90 | 10,620,000 |

*Note: The above salary levels do not include allowances.

New salary for intermediate professional military personnel after the 2024 salary reform according to Resolution 27 from July 1, 2023

From July 01, 2023, what will be the new salary for intermediate professional military personnel after the 2024 salary reform according to Resolution 27? (Image sourced from the Internet)

New salary for intermediate professional military personnel after the 2024 salary reform?

According to the spirit of Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018 on salary reforms, a plan is proposed to construct 03 new salary tables for the military based on job positions, titles, and leadership positions to replace the current salary table system; transitioning from the old salary to the new salary, ensuring that the new salary is not lower than the current one, including:

- 01 salary table for military officers, public security officers, and non-commissioned officers (based on titles, positions, and rank or grade).

- 01 salary table for professional military personnel and specialized technical public security officers.

- 01 salary table for national defense workers and public security workers (maintaining the wage correlation of the armed forces compared to current administrative officials).

According to Resolution 27-NQ/TW 2018, the salary structure for intermediate professional military personnel after the salary reform will include:

- Basic salary (approximately 70% of the total salary fund).

- Allowances (approximately 30% of the total salary fund).

- Additional bonuses (bonus fund approximately 10% of the total annual salary fund, excluding allowances).

Thus, after the anticipated salary reform from July 01, 2024, the salary for intermediate professional military personnel will be constructed based on the following formula:

| Salary of Professional Military Personnel = Basic Salary + Allowances (if any) + Bonuses (if any). || --- |

The new salary table for the military and public security will be constructed based on the following factors:

- Abolishing the statutory pay rate and the current salary coefficient, constructing a specific basic salary amount in the new salary table.

- Expanding the salary relationship to establish a specific salary level in the salary system, gradually approaching the salary relationship of the business sector suitable with the state's resources.

- Completing policies for regular salary increases and pre-term salary increases in accordance with the new salary table regulations.

Thus, the new salary table for intermediate professional military personnel after the salary reform anticipated from July 01, 2024, will be constructed based on the mentioned factors according to job positions, titles, and leadership positions, replacing the current salary system; transitioning from the old salary to the new salary, ensuring that the new salary is not lower than the current one.

What are the rights and obligations of professional military personnel?

According to Article 6 of Law on Professional Military Personnel, Workers and Public Employees of National Defense 2015, the rights and obligations of professional military personnel are as follows:

Rights of professional military personnel:

- The State ensures the material and spiritual life, policies, and preferential treatment commensurate with the mission of the People's Army.

- To be trained and fostered to improve political, military, legal, technical, and professional skills appropriate to held positions and titles.

- To enjoy other rights as stipulated by law.

Obligations of professional military personnel:

- Be absolutely loyal to the homeland, the people, the Communist Party, and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

- Strictly observe the Party's lines and policies, the state's laws, military discipline, and be ready to complete all assigned tasks.

- Absolutely obey orders from superiors; if an order is deemed illegal, in violation of military regulations, or rules, report immediately to the person who issued the order; if still required to comply, report promptly to the direct superior of the person who gave the order and bear no responsibility for the consequences of enforcing said order.

- Protect the properties and interests of the State, the military, agencies, organizations; protect the lives, health, properties, rights, and legitimate interests of individuals.

- Study politics, military matters, laws, culture, science, technology, and professionals; train organizational skills, discipline, and fitness, enhancing political and combat capabilities suited to each subject.

- Professional military personnel must fulfill combat duties, be ready to fight, and sacrifice to protect the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of the homeland, protect the people, the Communist Party, the State and socialist policies, fulfill international duties, comply with the regulations and rules of the People's Army, and other obligations of soldiers as stipulated by the Constitution and law.


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