07:49 | 23/07/2024

From December 15, 2023, What are the Fees for Exploiting and Using Environmental Thematic Database?

<strong>From December 15, 2023, what is the fee rate for the exploitation and use of the environmental thematic database? Your question from T.Q in Hanoi</strong>

From December 15, 2023, what are the fees for exploiting and using the environmental thematic database?

According to Section I of the Table of Fees issued in conjunction with Circular 65/2023/TT-BTC, the fees for exploiting and using the environmental thematic database from December 15, 2023, are as follows:

| No. | Type of Document | Unit | Fee (Dong) || --- | --- | --- | --- || III | Database | | || 1 | Environmental thematic database scale 1/250,000; 1/500,000; 1/1,000,000 | Piece | 9,145,000 || 2 | Environmental thematic database scale 1/25,000; 1/50,000; 1/100,000 | Piece | 1,715,000 || 3 | Environmental thematic database scale 1/10,000 | Piece | 975,000 || 4 | Environmental thematic database scale 1/5,000 | Piece | 575,000 || 5 | Environmental thematic database scale 1/2,000 | Piece | 460,000 |

How much fee is the organization exploiting and using environmental data allowed to retain to cover costs?

Based on the provisions in Article 6 of Circular 65/2023/TT-BTC regarding the management and use of fees for exploiting and using environmental data, the following applies:

Management and use of fees

1. The fee-collecting organization is allowed to retain 70% of the collected fee to cover the costs for providing services and collecting fees as prescribed in Article 5 of Decree 120/2016/ND-CP dated August 23, 2016, of the Government of Vietnam detailing and guiding the implementation of some articles of the Law on Fees and Charges, and submit 30% of the collected fee to the state budget according to the corresponding Program and Sub-item of the state budget index.

2. In case the fee-collecting organization is a state agency not entitled to retain operation costs from the fee revenue as prescribed in Clause 1, Article 4 of Decree 120/2016/ND-CP, it must submit the entire collected fee to the state budget. The costs for providing services and collecting fees are allocated from the state budget within the budget estimates of the fee-collecting organization according to policies and spending norms of the state budget.

Therefore, according to the above regulations, the fee-collecting organization is allowed to retain 70% of the collected fee to cover the costs for providing services and collecting fees.

In case the fee-collecting organization is a state agency not entitled to retain operation costs from the fee revenue, it must submit the entire collected fee to the state budget.

From December 15, 2023, what are the fees for exploiting and using the environmental thematic database?

From December 15, 2023, what are the fees for exploiting and using the environmental thematic database?

What principles must be followed in the exploitation and use of information and data on natural resources and the environment?

According to Article 5 of Decree 73/2017/ND-CP, the exploitation and use of information and data on natural resources and the environment must adhere to the following principles:

- Ensure accuracy, truthfulness, scientificness, objectivity, and inheritance.- Collect and manage comprehensively the information and data sources of agencies, organizations, and individuals.- Store and preserve to meet long-term and convenient usage requirements.- Organize a system to serve conveniently the exploitation and use, achieving efficiency, saving for society, and enhancing national competitiveness.- Make information publicly available and accessible according to the Law on Access to Information, excluding state secrets and restricted information.- Serve promptly the state management work, meet the requirements of socio-economic development, and ensure national defense and security.- Use information for the correct purpose, cite sources, and comply with laws on state secrets protection and intellectual property.- Fulfill financial obligations for exploiting and using information and data as prescribed by law.

What are the responsibilities and rights of organizations and individuals exploiting and using information and data on natural resources and the environment?

According to Article 20 of Decree 73/2017/ND-CP on the collection, management, exploitation, and use of information and data on natural resources and the environment, the specific responsibilities and rights are as follows:

Responsibilities of organizations and individuals exploiting and using information and data on natural resources and the environment

Organizations and individuals exploiting and using information and data on natural resources and the environment have the following responsibilities and rights:

1. Comply with the principles of exploitation and use of information and data specified in Article 5 of this Decree.

2. Not transfer information and data to third parties for use unless agreed upon in the contract with the providing agency, organization, or individual.

3. Do not distort the provided information and data for use.

4. Pay the cost of exploiting and using information and data as prescribed in Article 8 of this Decree.

5. Comply with laws on intellectual property.

6. Promptly notify the managing agency about any errors in the provided information and data.

7. Have the right to complaints and denunciations as prescribed by law when their rights to exploit and use information and data are violated.

8. Be compensated according to the law when the providing entity supplies inaccurate information and data causing damage.

Thus, organizations and individuals exploiting and using information and data on natural resources and the environment have the above-stated responsibilities and rights.

Circular 65/2023/TT-BTC is effective from December 15, 2023.


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