09:48 | 19/09/2024

From August 1, 2024, what does application for decision on investment, and decision on developers of official housing investment and construction projects in Vietnam include?

From August 1, 2024, what does application for decision on investment, and decision on developers of official housing investment and construction projects in Vietnam include?

From August 1, 2024, what does application for decision on investment, and decision on developers of official housing investment and construction projects in Vietnam include?

Based on Clause 1, Article 27 of Decree 95/2024/ND-CP, the application for decision on investment, and decision on developers of official housing investment and construction projects in Vietnam includes:

(1) A submission proposing the investment decision and decision of the project investor, including the following contents: the necessity of investing in the project; the objectives and main contents of the project's feasibility study report; recommendations on the content of the investment decision and the project investor;

(2) The project's investment policy decision from a competent authority;

(3) The project's feasibility study report;

(4) Other relevant documents (if any);

From August 1, 2024, what are the components of the investment proposal dossier and the decision of the investor for the construction project of official housing?

From August 1, 2024, what does application for decision on investment, and decision on developers of official housing investment and construction projects in Vietnam include?​(Internet Image)

What are the standards for the area and interior standards for official housing at central agencies in Vietnam?

Based on Article 4 of Decision 11/2024/QD-TTg, the standards for the area and interior standards for official housing at central agencies (excluding the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security) are as follows:

(1) For the positions of General Secretary, President, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, Chairman of the National Assembly, official housing is rented to ensure usage needs, work conditions, and security requirements as prescribed.

(2) The Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat, Politburo member, and Secretariat member are provided with rented official villas to meet the requirements prescribed in Point a, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 11/2024/QD-TTg, including:

- Construction land area from 450 m2 to 500 m2;

- The maximum cost norm for unfixed furniture is 350 million VND.

(3) The Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy, Vice President, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam are provided with rented official villas to meet the requirements prescribed in Point a, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 11/2024/QD-TTg, including:

- Construction land area from 350 m2 to under 450 m2;

- The maximum cost norm for unfixed furniture is 300 million VND.

(4) Central Committee members of the Communist Party, heads of central Communist Party institutions, Chairpersons of the National Assembly's Committees, Ministers, heads of central socio-political organizations, and equivalent positions are provided with one of two types of official housing, including:

- Adjacent houses with a land area from 200 m2 to 250 m2 to meet the requirements prescribed in Point b, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 11/2024/QD-TTg;

- Apartments with a usage area from 145 m2 to 160 m2 to meet the requirements prescribed in Point c, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 11/2024/QD-TTg;

- The maximum cost norm for unfixed furniture is 250 million VND.

(5) Deputy heads of central Communist Party institutions, Deputy Chairpersons of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Deputy Chairpersons of the National Assembly's Committees, Deputy Ministers, heads of agencies under the Government of Vietnam (excluding positions managed by the Politburo), scientists assigned to lead national-level scientific and technological tasks of special importance according to the Law on Science and Technology, talents making significant contributions to the country as recognized by competent authorities, and equivalent positions are provided with rented apartments to meet the requirements prescribed in Point c, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 11/2024/QD-TTg, including:

- Usage area from 100 m2 to under 145 m2;

- The maximum cost norm for unfixed furniture is 200 million VND.

(6) Deputy heads of agencies under the Government of Vietnam, General Directors, and equivalent positions are provided with rented apartments to meet the requirements prescribed in Point c, Clause 1, Article 3 of Decision 11/2024/QD-TTg, including:

- Usage area from 65 m2 to under 100 m2;

- The maximum cost norm for unfixed furniture is 180 million VND.

Note: The above standards for the area and interior standards of official housing for central agencies do not include the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security.

What are the contents of the decision on investment, and decision on developers of official housing investment and construction projects in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 3, Article 27 of Decree 95/2024/ND-CP, the content of the decision on investment, and decision on developers of official housing investment and construction projects in Vietnam includes:

- Project name;

- Name of the project investor;

- Objectives, scope, scale, and location of the project implementation;

- Total investment amount, capital structure, and capital allocation plan for project implementation;

- Related costs during implementation and operation after investment completion;

- Component projects or project investment phases (if any);

- Responsibilities of relevant agencies and units in implementing the project.


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