From August 1, 2023, what are the standards of position of commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president?

From August 1, 2023, what are the standards of position of commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president? - An (Hue, Vietnam)

Is the commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president an offical?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 61 of the Law on Cadres and Civil servants 2008, it is stipulated as follows:

Posts and titles of commune-level cadres and civil servants
1. Commune-level cadres and civil servants defined in Clause 3, Article 4 of this Law include commune-level cadres and commune-level civil servants.
2. Posts of commune-level cadres include:
a/ Party committee secretary and deputy secretary;
b/ People’s Council chairman and vice chairman;
c/ People’s Committee president and vice president;
d/ Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee president;
e/ Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union secretary;
f/ Vietnam Women’s Union president;
g/ Vietnam Peasants Association president (applicable to communes, wards and townships with agricultural, forestry, fishery and salt-making activities and Vietnam Peasants Association chapter);
b/ Vietnam Veterans’ Association president

Thus, based on the above regulations, the commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president is a commune-level official.

From August 1, 2023, what are the standards of position of commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president?

What is the retirement regime of the commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president from August 1, 2023?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 28 of Decree 33/2023/ND-CP stipulating the retirement regime for commune-level cadres and civil servants as follows:

Retirement as commune-level officials
1. The retirement of commune-level officials shall comply with regulations of labor laws and regulations of the CPV and of social-political organizations at the central level.
2. Authorities competent to manage commune-level officials must notify in writing of retirement time 06 months before the dates on which commune-level officials retire; and promulgate retirement decisions 03 months before the dates on which commune-level officials retire.

Thus, based on the above regulations, the retirement regime for the commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president from August 1, 2023 is prescribed as follows:

- The retirement of commune-level officials shall comply with regulations of labor laws and regulations of the CPV and of social-political organizations at the central level.

- Authorities competent to manage commune-level officials must notify in writing of retirement time 06 months before the dates on which commune-level officials retire;

- Authorities competent to manage commune-level officials must promulgate retirement decisions 03 months before the dates on which commune-level officials retire.

From August 1, 2023, what are the standards of position of commune-level Vietnam Women’s Union president?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 8 of Decree 33/2023/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Standards of each position of commune-level officials
1. Secretary, Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party Committee:
a) Age: when officials participate in holding these positions for the first time, they must have served at least 01 term of office (60 months); For particular cases, they shall abide by decisions of authorities competent to manage officials;
b) Education level: officials must have graduated from high schools;
c) Professional level: officials must have tertiary education degrees. If otherwise prescribed by the CPV charter, the regulations of the CPV charter shall be applied;
d) Political theory level: officials must have graduated from intermediate schools or equivalent or higher. If otherwise prescribed by the CPV charter, the regulations of the CPV charter shall be applied;
dd) For other standards, regulations of the CPV and authorities competent to manage officials shall be applied.
2. The Chairperson of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, Secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Chairperson of Vietnam Women’s Union, Chairperson of Vietnam Farmer’s Union, Chairperson of Vietnam War Veteran Association at the commune-level:
a) Ages of officials shall comply with regulations of law, organizational charters and regulations of socio-political organizations at the central level.
b) Education level: officials must have graduated from high schools;
c) Professional level: officials must have tertiary education degrees. If otherwise prescribed by laws and organizational charters, regulations of such laws and organizations shall be applied;
d) Political theory level: officials must have graduated from intermediate schools or equivalent or higher. If otherwise prescribed by laws and organizational charters, regulations of such laws and charters shall be applied;
dd) For other standards, regulations of the CPV, socio-political organizations at the central level and authorities competent to manage officials shall be applied.

Accordingly, the Chairman of the Vietnam Women's Union at commune level must meet the following standards:

- Ages of officials shall comply with regulations of law, organizational charters and regulations of socio-political organizations at the central level.

- Education level: officials must have graduated from high schools;

- Professional level: officials must have tertiary education degrees. If otherwise prescribed by laws and organizational charters, regulations of such laws and organizations shall be applied;

- Political theory level: officials must have graduated from intermediate schools or equivalent or higher. If otherwise prescribed by laws and organizational charters, regulations of such laws and charters shall be applied;

- For other standards, regulations of the CPV, socio-political organizations at the central level and authorities competent to manage officials shall be applied.

Decree 33/2023/ND-CP will take effect from August 1, 2023.


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