For the Vietnam national master plan for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, must the efficient and economical use of natural resources, especially land and water resources be ensured?
- What is the implementation situation of the Vietnam national master plan been in recent years?
- What are the main causes of the limitations in the implementation of the Vietnam national master plan in recent years?
- For the Vietnam national master plan for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, must the efficient and economical use of natural resources, especially land and water resources be ensured?
What is the implementation situation of the Vietnam national master plan been in recent years?
Pursuant to Section I Conclusion 45-KL/TW in 2022, the situation of implementation of national planning in recent years has been clearly defined as follows:
- Develop and organize space for socio-economic development, defense, security and environmental protection activities in the country's territory to achieve many important results. Regional development and regional linkages have made positive changes, forming many large and important economic zones for the country's development.
- Initially form economic corridors in regions and inter-regions, especially corridors associated with large urban areas. Urban space is expanded, gradually forming an urban network, contributing to creating a driving force for economic growth. A number of large-scale concentrated production zones have been formed in important industries and fields.
- The infrastructure system is interested in building, especially transportation, irrigation, energy, urban, information and communication infrastructure, and many important infrastructure works in the fields of education and training. training, science and technology, health, culture, sports... creating a new face for the country.
- National parks, nature reserves... are interested in protecting, expanding, contributing to increase biodiversity.
For the Vietnam national master plan for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, must the efficient and economical use of natural resources, especially land and water resources be ensured? (Image from the Internet)
What are the main causes of the limitations in the implementation of the Vietnam national master plan in recent years?
Section I Conclusion 45-KL/TW in 2022 identifies the main causes of limitations in the implementation of the Vietnam national master plan as follows:
- The main cause of the limitations and weaknesses mentioned above is due to development thinking in the direction of spreading, lack of focus and focus; lack of a national and long-term master plan.
- The institutionalization and implementation of the Party's policy on regional development is still slow.
- Lack of mechanisms and policies to promote inter-sectoral and inter-regional economic development.
- Adequate resources have not been spent to invest in the formation of national and regional infrastructure frameworks; priority areas for development such as dynamic economic zones, key economic zones, economic corridors.
- Sustainable development, economic-cultural-social-environmental harmony has not been paid much attention, has not become the mainstream thinking in planning and implementing development policies.
For the Vietnam national master plan for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, must the efficient and economical use of natural resources, especially land and water resources be ensured?
Pursuant to Section II Conclusion 45-KL/TW in 2022 of the Central Committee, the formulation of the Vietnam National Master Plan for the period of 2021 - 2030 with a vision to 2050 is based on the following principles and views:
- Deeply and fully aware of and fully grasp the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2045; closely and concretize the resolutions and conclusions of the Central Committee of the Party and the Politburo on economic, cultural and social development, environmental protection, and assurance of national defense and security in the 2021 period - 2030, vision to 2045; based on the actual development of the country, especially the national development space organization in the last 10 years, domestic and international development trends.
- The national development space must be organized scientifically, effectively and uniformly throughout the country, ensuring inter-regional and inter-regional linkages on the basis of the current six socio-economic regions and exploiting the benefits of each region. comparative position of each locality in the region and the whole region; mobilize, allocate and effectively use resources, improve national competitiveness.
Focused and focused development, focusing on a number of areas with favorable geographical conditions, socio-economic infrastructure, high-quality human resources and other potentials and advantages for develop to form a driving force zone, an economic corridor, and a growth pole, creating spillover effects to promote the country's economy to develop quickly, efficiently and sustainably.
The national master plan must ensure feasibility and connectivity for the next stages in line with the economy's ability to balance resources.
- Efficiently and economically use natural resources, especially land, water, forest and mineral resources. Ensure food security, energy security, water source security; develop green economy, circular economy; environmental protection, nature conservation and improvement of biodiversity quality; proactively prevent and combat natural disasters and adapt to climate change.
- Balance and harmonize economic development with socio-cultural development, ensuring national defense and security.
The spatial organization of national and territorial development, economic corridors and urban systems must be associated with the development of a synchronous and modern infrastructure system; connection between urban and rural areas; land area with marine space; effectively exploit and use underground space, sea and airspace.
Effectively promote important regional and international economic corridors; to associate economic, cultural and social development with the protection of sovereignty, sovereign rights and territorial integrity, and to consolidate and strengthen national defense and security potentials; proactively and actively import deeply, substantively and effectively.
- Focus on prioritizing the basic formation of the national infrastructure framework; transport infrastructure, urban infrastructure, rural infrastructure, energy infrastructure, digital infrastructure, cultural and social infrastructure, irrigation infrastructure, environmental protection, natural disaster prevention and control, adaptation to climate change.
Promote economic restructuring in association with innovating the growth model on the basis of increased productivity, application of scientific - technological advances and innovation; give priority to the development of a number of industries and fields with potentials and advantages and still have great space, associated with new development space.
On the basis of current key economic regions, forming and developing dynamic regions; industrial, urban and service belts; important national growth poles become the locomotives leading the country's development.
Form and develop economic corridors along the North-South axis, East-West economic corridors, coastal economic belts; effectively connect seaports, airports, international border gates, major trade hubs, urban centers, economic centers, growth poles. The divergence of the implementation of important national programs and projects shall be considered and adjusted by competent authorities in accordance with requirements and resource capacity.