07:45 | 23/07/2024

Fees for Issuing Ordinary Passports, Ordinary Chip-Embedded Passports in 2023: Regulations and Guidelines

What are the fees for issuing ordinary passports and ordinary chip-attached passports in 2023? - Question from Mr. Manh (Vinh Long)

Which entities are eligible for a regular passport?

According to Article 14 of the 2019 Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese Citizens, the entities eligible for a regular passport are Vietnamese citizens who are considered for issuance of a regular passport, except for the cases stipulated in Article 21 of the 2019 Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese Citizens, which include:

- Persons who have not complied with the administrative penalty decisions regarding violations of the provisions in Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, Article 4 of the 2019 Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese Citizens, including:

+ Intentionally providing false information to be issued, renew, restore, or report the loss of exit and entry documents.

+ Forging or using forged exit and entry documents to exit, enter, or traverse and reside abroad.

+ Gifting, giving, buying, selling, borrowing, lending, renting, leasing, pawning, or receiving pawned exit and entry documents; destroying, erasing, or altering exit and entry documents.

+ Using exit and entry documents contrary to the law, adversely affecting the reputation or causing harm to the interests of the State.

+ Exploiting exit and entry to infringe on national security, public order, and social safety of Vietnam, the rights, and lawful interests of agencies, organizations, or the lives, health, rights, and lawful interests of individuals.

+ Illegal exit and entry; organizing, brokering, assisting, harboring, concealing, or facilitating others in illegal exit and entry; crossing the national border without following the prescribed procedures.

+ Obstructing or resisting the enforcement of public duties in issuing exit and entry documents or controlling exit and entry.

- Persons temporarily banned from exit, except in special cases where the Minister of Public Security agrees with the person who issued the decision to temporarily ban the exit about allowing the person temporarily banned from exit to leave the country (Clause 12, Article 37 of the 2019 Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese Citizens).

- In cases related to national defense and security as decided by the Minister of National Defense or the Minister of Public Security.

The fee for issuing regular passports and chip-attached regular passports in 2023 is regulated as follows

The fee for issuing regular passports and chip-attached regular passports in 2023 is regulated as follows.

What is the fee for issuing a chip-attached regular passport in 2023?

The fee for issuing a passport, laissez-passer, exit permit, or AB stamp is regulated in Circular 25/2021/TT-BTC, specifically:

| No | Content | Fee

(VND/time issued) || --- | --- | --- || 1 | Passport issuance fee (including both electronic chip-attached and non-chip-attached passports) | || a | New issuance | 200,000 || b | Re-issuance due to damage or loss | 400,000 || c | Issuance of a certification of personal details | 100,000 || 2 | Laissez-passer issuance fee | || a | Vietnamese-Laos or Vietnamese-Cambodia border laissez-passer | 50,000 || b | Border laissez-passer for officials working at state agencies located in districts, district-level towns, city-level areas of Vietnam adjacent to the Vietnam-China border | 50,000 || c | Border laissez-passer for Vietnamese citizens residing in communes, wards, commune-level towns adjacent to the Vietnam-China border | 5,000 || d | Exit and entry border laissez-passer for Vietnamese citizens traveling for work, tourism in the border provinces and cities of China adjacent to Vietnam | 50,000 || 3 | Exit permit issuance fee | || a | Issuing exit permits | 200,000 || b | Issuing official letters requesting visas | 10,000 || c | Issuing APEC Business Travel Cards (ABTC) for APEC businesspersons | || | - First issuance | 1,200,000 || | - Re-issuance | 1,000,000 || 4 | AB stamp issuance fee | 50,000 |


- ABTC is the APEC Business Travel Card.

- AB stamp is a type of visa exemption document for holders of regular passports traveling abroad for business.

Are there any cases where the passport issuance fee is waived?

According to Clause 2, Article 5 of Circular 25/2021/TT-BTC, the cases exempted from passport issuance fees include:

- Overseas Vietnamese who have a written deportation decision by the competent authorities of the host country but do not have a passport;

- Overseas Vietnamese who must return to the country according to international treaties or agreements on readmission of citizens but do not have a passport, and cases for humanitarian reasons.

Note: For the above-mentioned fee exemption cases, the fee-collecting and fee-exempt organizations must stamp "Fee Exempt" (GRATIS) on the issued documents.


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