Examination for Main and Senior Inspectors of the People's Procuracy in Vietnam in 2022: What criteria must be met to take the exam?

Currently I am in need of a civil servant exam, the position that I want to do is at the Procuracy. May I ask which positions the procuratorate will hold in 2022? Who will be eligible to participate in the exam? Thank you!

What are the rules for organizing the examination for selection of inspectors of the People's Procuracy in Vietnam in 2022?

According to subsection 3, Section I, Plan 70 /KH-VKSTC in 2022, promulgated by the Supreme People's Procuracy on May 12, 2022, stipulates the principles of organizing the exam to recruit inspectors of the People's Procuracy in 2022. as follows:

- The organization of selection and entrance exam is carried out according to the principles of publicity, transparency, objectivity and competition (with balance). For units that do not guarantee the competition source, it is not necessary to follow the competition principle.

- Candidates for the examination for the examination of higher inspectors must be holding the adjacent lower rank or equivalent.

- Candidates who register for the exam are responsible for completing the application according to regulations before the Examination Council approves the list of candidates.

- The successful candidate must have enough exams of the prescribed exam subjects; have 50 points or more for each test (without multiplier); with the higher total test scores, taken in order from highest to lowest within the quota of each grade, the examiner needs to be supplemented by the approved test registrant.

Đối tượng nào được thi tuyển kiểm tra viên ngành kiểm sát nhân dân năm 2022? Phải đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn gì thì mới được thi tuyển kiểm tra viên ngành kiểm sát?

Who can take the exam to recruit inspectors of the People's Procuracy in Vietnam in 2022? What criteria must be met to be eligible for the examination to be a procurator inspector?

Who is eligible to participate in the exam to recruit inspectors of the People's Procuracy in Vietnam in 2022?

According to subsection 2, Section II, Plan 70 /KH-VKSTC in 2022, issued by the Supreme People's Procuracy on May 12, 2022, the contestants are classified into the following groups:

- Senior inspectors: Principal inspectors, intermediate procurators, intermediate investigators, key experts working at the Supreme People's Procuracy, Senior People's Procuracy (except for the Supreme People's Procuracy). investigate).

Main Inspectors: Inspectors, Primary Procurators, Primary Investigators, Specialists working at the Supreme People's Procuracy, Senior People's Procuracy, People's Procuracy at all levels province (except for the investigation agency).

- In other cases (taking the exam for Senior Inspector, Chief Inspector), based on the requirements of tasks and personnel organization, the Party Personnel Committee of the Supreme People's Procuracy considers and decides.

Accordingly, the People's Procuracy is recruiting in 02 positions as main inspector and senior inspector. The candidates are individuals who are working at the people's procuracies at all levels (except for investigating agencies).

What are the criteria of candidates for the People's Procuracy in VIetnam in 2022?

According to subsection 3, Section II of Plan 70 /KH-VKSTC in 2022, issued by the Supreme People's Procuracy in Vietnam on May 12, 2022, the conditions for candidates are as follows:

- For Senior Inspector:

+ Ensure the general standards of inspectors specified in Article 2 of Resolution No. 924/2015/UBTVQH13;

+ Currently holding the rank of Chief Inspector or equivalent (intermediate procurator, intermediate investigator, principal specialist) and has held the rank of Chief Inspector for full 05 years or more (as of 31 December) December 2022); if he has held another equivalent judicial title for a period of time, such period shall be counted into the period of holding the rank of principal inspector;

+ Possess a bachelor's or advanced degree in political theory.

- For Principal Inspector:

+ Ensure the general standards of inspectors specified in Article 2 of Resolution No. 924/2015/UBTVQH13;

+ Currently holding the rank of Inspector or equivalent (primary procurator, primary investigator, specialist) and has held the rank of Inspector for full 05 years or more (as of December 31, 2020). 2022), if he has held another equivalent judicial title for a period of time, such period shall be counted into the period of holding the rank of Inspector;

+ A member of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

- In addition to the standards and conditions of each of the above categories, candidates who register for the entrance exam must meet the following criteria and conditions:

+ Have a good comment from the party committee or local government where the candidate resides for 12 months or more about the law observance of the candidate and his/her family at the place of residence;

+ Not during the review period or subject to disciplinary action; - Have enough health to complete assigned tasks;

+ Having a complete profile and personal background certified by a competent authority, ensuring political standards and ethical qualities as prescribed.


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