Economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services in 2022: Does the library of science and technology serve readers from afar?

May I ask if there is a circular stipulating economic - technical norms in Vietnam in science and technology services, so can I ask if the science and technology library service can serve readers from afar? Thank you!

What are the economic - technical norms in Vietnam of science and technology in library services?

According to Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN on economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services funded with the state budget in the field of information, statistics, library science and technology, regulations on economic and technical levels of science and technology library services are as follows:

Section 1. Searching and providing scientific and technological information
1. Look up electronic documents
2. Look up information on science and technology tasks
3. Look up information on scientific and technological tasks with contents on the list of state secrets
Section 2. Information processing, updating the catalog of scientific and technological documents
1. Supplementing scientific and technological information sources (paper documents)
2. Supplementing scientific and technological information sources (electronic documents)
3. Cataloging science and technology information and updating the paper cataloging module
4. Cataloging scientific and technological information and updating the electronic document cataloging module
Section 3. Store and preserve scientific and technological documents
1. Receiving, classifying and pricing scientific and technological documents
2. Storage and preservation of scientific and technological documents
Section 4. Serving local and online readers
1. Issue card/reader account
1.1. Issue card readers on the spot
1.2. Grant accounts for remote readers
2. Serve readers on the spot
3. Serving readers from afar"

Thus, the Library of Science and Technology has a remote reader account to serve readers from afar.

Economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services in 2022: Does the library of science and technology serve readers from afar?

Economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services in 2022: Does the library of science and technology serve readers from afar?

What are the economic and technical norms of information science and technology services?

According to Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN stipulating economic - technical norms in Vietnam of science and technology information services as follows:

Section 1. Compile and publish scientific and technological information publications
1. Compilation of science and technology news and broadcast it on the portal
2. Compiling and publishing electronic science and technology news
3. Compiling and publishing paper science and technology news
4. Compiling and publishing World Science and Technology Books
5. Editing and Publishing Books on Science, Technology and Innovation in Vietnam
6. Compilation and publication of journals/special editions of information and materials
7. Compilation and publication of scientific, technological, and economic abstracts
8. Issuing ISSNs for serials
Section 2. Information and dissemination of knowledge about science and technology
1. Developing an online website of Vietnam Scientific Journal online (VJOL)
2. Maintain the website of Vietnam Scientific Journal online (VJOL)
Section 3. Building and updating the database of technology profiles, technology experts
1. Building and updating technology profile database
2. Building and updating the database of technology experts
Section 4. Building and operating technology and equipment trading floors
1. Processing and updating information about technology and equipment offered for sale on the online technology and equipment trading floor
2. Process and update information about technology and equipment purchased on the online technology and equipment exchange
3. Content management of technology exchanges and online equipment
4. Organizing direct technology and equipment transactions
Section 5. Organization of science and technology exhibitions, technology and equipment fairs
1. Organizing exhibitions of scientific and technological achievements
2. Organize an exhibition of images of scientific and technological achievements
3. Technology and equipment fair (Techmart)
Section 6. Building and managing science and technology information infrastructure
1. Network Administration
2. Server Administration
3. Management of information technology equipment
4. Organize online meeting service
Section 7. Building and operating a science and technology information system, science and technology portal
1. Building and operating a science and technology information system
2. Operation and development of science and technology portal
Section 8. Building and operating the national database on science and technology
1. Building and updating database of science and technology tasks
1.1. Process information on scientific and technological tasks in the network environment from internal and local information hubs
1.2. Processing information on scientific and technological tasks submitted directly to the unit
2. Building and updating the database of scientific and technological publications in Vietnam
3. Building and updating the database of science and technology organizations
4. Building and updating the database of scientific and technological staff"

What is the norm of economic - technical service statistics of science and technology?

According to Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN stipulating economic - technical norms in Vietnam for scientific and technological statistics services as follows:

- Scientific and technological statistical investigation;

- Scientific and technological statistical professional activities;

+ National-level statistical reports on science and technology;

+ Report on research, development and innovation activities in enterprises.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN takes effect from 15/07/2022.


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