Will the administrative procedures for mineral mining registration be simplified? Will the procedures be done online in the near future in Vietnam?

The implementation of administrative procedures online is expanding and becoming popular. I want to know if I could have the administrative procedures for mineral mining done online. Thank you!

How to simplify administrative procedures for transferring mineral mining rights in Vietnam?

According to Decision 721/QD-TTg in 2022, regulations on reducing and simplifying administrative procedures are as follows:

Administrative procedure 5: Transfer of mining rights (administrative procedure code: 1.004305)

(1) Content reduction, simplification

- Modifying the receiving agency: The Office of Receiving and Returning results of administrative procedures of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for receiving and returning results of handling administrative procedures under the licensing authority of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Reason: Comply with Decree No. 61/2018/ND-CP.

- Modifying the form of returning administrative procedure results in the direction of expanding the method of receiving results at the request of organizations and individuals.

Reason: The current regulations only stipulate receiving results directly at the application-receiving agency.

- Abolishing the application component: Certificate of business registration or Certificate of business registration.

Reason: Exploiting on the National Database of Business Registration.

- Providing online public services at level 4 in the direction of digitization, integration and data sharing for profile components; documents proving that the obligations specified at Points a, b, c, dd, e and g, Clause 2, Article 55 of the Law on Minerals have been fulfilled up to the time of request for transfer of mineral mining rights.

Reason: The provision of online public services at level 4 and integration and sharing of data to eliminate the document component in order to reduce paperwork, cut printing and postal costs, save time, and be convenient for the object to perform.

- Reducing the time for reviewing and checking the validity of the application from 05 days to 03 working days.

Reason: It is appropriate to check the legality and completeness of the licensing dossier within 3 working days.

(2) Recommendations for implementation:

- Amendment to Article 47, Point a, Clause 3, Article 48, Points b and c, Clause 4, Article 51, Point b, Clause 1, Clause 2, Article 65 of Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP.

- Implementation roadmap: 2022-2024.

How to simplify administrative procedures for returning the mining license or returning part of the mining area in Vietnam?

According to Decision 721/QD-TTg in 2022, stipulating the return of the mining license or the return of part of the mining area as follows:

e) Administrative procedure 6: Returning the mining license or returning part of the mining area (administrative procedure code: 1.004292)

(1) Content reduction, simplification

- Modifying the receiving agency: The Office of Receiving and Returning results of administrative procedures of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for receiving and returning results of handling administrative procedures under the licensing authority of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Reason: Comply with Decree No. 61/2018/ND-CP.

- Modifying the form of returning administrative procedure results in the direction of expanding the method of receiving results at the request of organizations and individuals.

Reason: The current regulations only stipulate receiving results directly at the application-receiving agency.

- Providing online public services at level 4 in the direction of digitization, integration and data sharing for profile components; documents proving the performance of obligations specified at Points a, b, c, dd, e and g, Clause 2, Article 55 of the Law on Minerals by the time of request for return.

Reason: The provision of online public services at level 4 to reduce paperwork, cut printing and postal costs, save time, and facilitate implementation.

- Reducing the time for reviewing and checking the validity of the application from 05 days to 03 working days.

Reason: It is appropriate to check the legality and completeness of the licensing dossier within 3 working days.

- Reducing the appraisal time for documents, records and other contents related to the extension from 30 days to 20 days.

Reason: Verification of documents, records and other content related to the extension down to 20 days is appropriate.

(2) Recommendations for implementation:

- Amendment to Article 47, Point a, Clause 3, Article 48, Point b, Clause 3, Article 51, Point b, Clause 1, Clause 2, Article 65 of Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP.

- Implementation roadmap: 2022-2024.

Will the administrative procedures for mineral mining registration be simplified? Will the procedures be done online in the near future in Vietnam?

How to simplify administrative procedures for closing mineral mines in Vietnam?

According to Decision 721/QD-TTg in 2022, regulations on mineral mine closures are as follows:

g) Administrative procedure 7: Closure of mineral mines (administrative code: 1.004262)

(1) Content reduction, simplification

- Modifying the receiving agency: The Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for receiving and returning results of administrative procedures settlement is responsible for receiving and returning results of administrative procedures within its competence Licensed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Reason: Comply with Decree No. 61/2018/ND-CP.

- Modifying the form of returning administrative procedure results in the direction of expanding the method of receiving results at the request of organizations and individuals.

Reason: The current regulations only stipulate receiving results directly at the application-receiving agency. Therefore, expanding ways to create favorable conditions for individuals and organizations in the implementation of administrative procedures.

- Regarding the number of components in the application: Abolish the mining license.

Reason: The licensing authority has saved this license.

- Providing online public services at level 3 in the direction of digitization, integration and sharing of data for the following components: Environmental renovation and restoration plan, enclosed with the approval decision; documents proving that the obligations specified at Points a, b, c, dd, e and g, Clause 2, Article 55 of the Law on Minerals have been fulfilled by the time of request for mine closure.

Reason: The provision of online public services at level 3 and integration, data sharing to eliminate the document component in order to reduce paperwork, cut printing and postal costs, save time, and be convenient for the object to perform.

(2) Recommendations for implementation:

- Amendment to Article 47, Point a, Clause 3, Article 48, Point b, Clause 2, Article 56 of Decree No. 158/2016/ND-CP.

- Implementation roadmap: 2022-2023.

Thus, in the near future, the competent state agencies of Vietnam will come up with plans to simply administrative procedures, simplify the dossiers of mineral extraction, allow people to carry out administrative procedures by online form.


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