09:11 | 23/05/2023

What are the regulations on the application form and dossiers for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam?

What are the regulations on the application form and dossiers for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam? Question of Ms. An in Hue.

What is included in the application for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 9 of Decree No. 86/2021/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Extension of period of studying abroad
1. International students under Point a and Point b Clause 1 Article 3 hereof must send application for extending period of studying abroad to dispatching agencies for issuance of decisions allowing extension of studying period if they fail to complete studying program at the end of studying period as per decisions on sending students abroad for studying. International students shall not be granted scholarship during extended period (except for air ticket for returning to Vietnam according to Clause 4 of this Article).
2. Application for extension consists of:
a) Application form using Form No. 4 under Annex attached hereto;
b) Copies of written consent of foreign education institutions regarding extension of studying period;
c) Written consent of direct supervisory agencies of international students regarding extension of studying period (in case of having working agencies).
3. Procedures for implementation:
a) Applicants shall submit application via postal service or in person or online to dispatching agencies;
b) If application is inadequate, dispatching agencies shall inform applicants to revise within 05 working days;
c) If application is adequate, dispatching agencies shall permit international students to extend their studying period. Dispatching agencies shall send this Decisions to international students and direct supervisory agencies thereof (in case of having working agencies); in case of rejection, inform international students and direct supervisory agencies thereof (in case of having working agencies) and provide reasons.
4. International students who fail to adopt procedures for extending studying period with dispatching agencies within 45 working days from the expiry date of studying period as per decisions on sending students abroad for studying shall not be funded for air ticket for returning to Vietnam.
5. Total extended period must not exceed 36 months for doctor degree program, 24 months for master degree program, university degree, college degree, and 12 months for intermediate-level education, preliminary-level education and must not exceed the maximum studying period prescribed by foreign education institutions.
6. International students under Point a and Point b Clause 1 Article 3 hereof who must extend their studying period as a result of war, conflict, natural disasters, or epidemic while guarantee studying results confirmed by foreign education institutions shall remain eligible for scholarship with period of consideration for scholarship not exceeding 12 months. Based on request of international students, dispatching agencies are responsible for cooperating with Vietnamese representative missions in foreign countries in examining and considering on a case-by-case basis. In case of prolonged war, natural disasters, or epidemic, continuation of funding shall be considered and decided by competent authority.
7. International students under Point c Clause 1 Article 3 hereof upon extending period of studying abroad must adopt procedures under Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this Article and regulations of foreign countries that incur scholarship.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the application for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship includes:

- Application using Form No. 4 under Annex attached hereto;

- Copies of written consent of foreign education institutions regarding extension of studying period;

- Written consent of direct supervisory agencies of international students regarding extension of studying period (in case of having working agencies).What are the regulations on the application form and dossiers for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam?

What are the regulations on the application form and dossiers for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam?

What are the procedures for applying for extension of period of studying abroad?

The procedures for applying for extension of period of studying abroad specified in Clause 3, Article 9 of Decree No. 86/2021/ND-CP are as follows:

- Applicants shall submit application via postal service or in person or online to dispatching agencies;

- If application is inadequate, dispatching agencies shall inform applicants to revise within 05 working days;

- If application is adequate, dispatching agencies shall permit international students to extend their studying period. Dispatching agencies shall send this Decision to international students and direct supervisory agencies thereof (in case of having working agencies); in case of rejection, inform international students and direct supervisory agencies thereof (in case of having working agencies) and provide reasons.

What are the regulations on the application form for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam?

The application form for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam is Form No. 04 in the Appendix issued together with Decree No. 86/2021/ND-CP, it has the following form:

Download the application form for extension of period of studying abroad for international students under state budget scholarship of Vietnam: Click here.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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