07:46 | 23/07/2024

Which Subjects Must File the Declaration Form for Participating in and Adjusting Social Insurance and Health Insurance Information? Guide on How to Complete Form TK1-TS?

Which entities are required to complete the declaration form for participation, adjustment of Social Insurance and Health Insurance information? Your question from Mai in Long An.

Who is required to declare participation form, adjust Social Insurance, Health Insurance information?

According to the provisions of Clause 7, Article 2 of Decision 490/QD-BHXH in 2023 and the instructions for filling out the TK1-TS declaration form issued with Decision 490/QD-BHXH in 2023 as follows:

- Individuals responsible for completing the TK1-TS form include: The participant or the parent/guardian (for children under 6 years old).

In which, participants are:

- Workers responsible for providing information, fully declaring forms, and submitting them to the managing unit or the Social Insurance agency as per legal regulations as a basis for identifying participants, the amount of Social Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Health Insurance, Occupational Accident and Disease Insurance, specifically:

+ Individuals participating in mandatory Social Insurance, Health Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Occupational Accident, and Disease Insurance.

+ Individuals working abroad under contracts stipulated in points a, c, d of sub-clause 1.7, Clause 1, Article 4 of the process issued with Decision 595/QD-BHXH in 2017.

+ Recipients of policies as the spouse of personnel at Vietnam's representative agencies abroad.

+ Workers and individuals retaining the mandatory Social Insurance contributions but are missing a maximum of 06 months to be eligible for retirement or monthly survivor benefits.

+ Voluntary Social Insurance participants.

+ Individuals only participating in Health Insurance.

Who is required to fill out the application for participation, adjust Social Insurance, Health Insurance information? Instructions on how to complete the TK1-TS form?

Who is required to fill out the application for participation, adjust Social Insurance, Health Insurance information? Instructions on how to complete the TK1-TS form?

What is the latest form for participating in or adjusting Social Insurance, Health Insurance information in 2023?

The latest form for participating in or adjusting Social Insurance, Health Insurance information in 2023 is regulated according to Form TK1-TS issued with Decision 490/QD-BHXH in 2023 as follows:

Download the form for participation and adjustment of Social Insurance, Health Insurance information here: here

Instructions for filling out the form for participating in or adjusting Social Insurance, Health Insurance information

Instructions for filling out the form for participating in or adjusting Social Insurance, Health Insurance information are issued with Decision 490/QD-BHXH in 2023 as follows:

Section I: Applies to participants who do not find their Social Insurance code must fill in from indicators [01] to [11] (except indicator [08]) to participate in Social Insurance, Health Insurance as follows:

[01]. Full Name: write the full name, middle name, and first name in uppercase with diacritics of the participant.

[02]. Gender: write the gender of the participant (if male, write the word "male," or if female, write the word "female").

[03]. Date of Birth: fill in the full date, month, and year of birth as per the birth certificate or identification card/passport.

[04]. Nationality: write the nationality of the participant as per the birth certificate or identification card/passport.

[05]. Ethnicity: write the ethnicity of the participant as per the birth certificate or identification card/passport.

[06]. ID Card/Personal ID/Passport Number: write the personal ID or passport number of the participant issued by a competent authority (including personal identification numbers for children under 6 years old).

[07]. Phone Number: write the phone number of the participant or the contact phone number.

[08]. Email: write the email address of the participant or the contact email address (if any).

[09]. Place of Birth Registration: clearly state the commune (ward/commune-level town); district (district-level town/city); province (centrally run city) where the participant's birth is registered. If the place of birth registration is not determined, write the birthplace or residential address (following similar levels to the place of birth registration).

[10]. Full Name of Parent/Guardian (for children under 6 years old): write the full name of the parent or guardian for participants who are children under 6 years old.

[11]. Address for Receiving Results: choose the method of receiving administrative procedure results.

If receiving the physical Social Insurance book or Health Insurance card; provide the full address of current residence (house number, street/village; commune/ward/commune-level town; district/district-level town/city; province/centrally run city) for the Social Insurance agency to deliver documents, Social Insurance book, Health Insurance card, or other administrative results.

[12]. Declare the Household Member Appendix (attached appendix) for participants who do not find the Social Insurance code and those who participate in Health Insurance according to households to reduce the contribution amount according to the instructions.

Section II: Applies to participants who already have a Social Insurance code requesting to register, adjust information on the Social Insurance book, Health Insurance card as follows:

[13]. Social Insurance Code: write the Social Insurance code issued by the Social Insurance agency to the participant.

[14]. Adjust Personal Information: declare one of the personal information that needs to be adjusted specifically:

[14.1]. Full Name: write the full name, middle name, and first name in uppercase with diacritics of the participant.

[14.2]. Gender: write the gender of the participant (if male, write the word "male," or if female, write the word "female").

[14.3]. Date of Birth: fill in the full date, month, and year of birth as per the birth certificate or identification card/passport.

[14.4]. Place of Birth Registration: clearly state the commune (ward/commune-level town); district (district-level town/city); province (centrally run city) where the participant's birth is registered. If the place of birth registration is not determined, write the birthplace or residential address (following similar levels to the place of birth registration).

[14.5]. ID Card/Personal ID/Passport Number: write the personal identification card or passport number of the participant issued by a competent authority (including personal identification numbers for children under 6 years old).

[15]. Contribution Amount (applies to participants registering/adjusting voluntary Social Insurance contributions): write the monthly income level chosen by the voluntary Social Insurance participant.

[16]. Payment Method (applies to participants registering/adjusting voluntary Social Insurance payment methods): clearly specify the payment method according to regulations (e.g., every 03 months or 06 months,...).

[17]. Initial Medical Examination and Treatment Registration Location (for Health Insurance participants registering/changing initial medical examination and treatment location): write the initial Health Insurance medical examination and treatment registration location chosen by the participant following the instructions of the Social Insurance agency.

[18]. Change Content, Other Requests: write the requested change content, such as: reissuing the Social Insurance book, Health Insurance card, job title, address for receiving results, phone number, email,...

[19]. Attached Documents:

- For those adjusting information, specify the types of proving documents.

- For those entitled to higher Health Insurance benefits, specify the types of proving documents.

Upon completion:

+ Participants write the content: not found Social Insurance code, voluntarily declare, provide related documents to ensure accurate information, and are responsible before the law for the declared content; Sign and write full name.

+ The employing unit (employees retaining Social Insurance contribution time does not need to confirm) writes the content: confirm the adjustment information of the participant is correct with the managing records and is responsible before the law for the confirmation content; Sign, stamp, and write full name.

Appendix Household Member

  1. Purpose:

- Fully and accurately declare information about household members of people who do not find their Social Insurance code to supplement and complete the database.

- Accurately identify household members to reduce the payment amount when participating in household-based Health Insurance.

- Accurately identify households with children under 6 years old to issue Health Insurance cards linking data with the Ministry of Justice.

  1. Responsibility for creation: The participant or parent/guardian (for children under 6 years old).

  2. Creation time:

- When the participant registers for participation and does not find the Social Insurance code.

- When participating in household-based Health Insurance to reduce the payment amount if household member data does not match with the data managed by the Social Insurance agency.

- Issuing Health Insurance cards linking birth registration data for children under 6 years old on the Civil Status Registration and Management Information System of the Ministry of Justice.

  1. Method of creation:

a) General information section: fully write the full name of the household head; ID Card/Personal ID number; Household registration number (if any and accurate information about the head of household, household members); Contact phone; Residential address registered as permanent or temporary residence.

b) Household member information table (if the household registration number is determined, no need to declare this table):

- Column A: write the serial number from 1 to all household members.

- Column B: write the full name, middle name, and first name of each household member (including the household head).

- Column 1: write the Social Insurance code of each household member issued by the Social Insurance agency.

- Column 2: write full date, month, and year of birth as per the birth certificate or identification card/passport of each household member.

- Column 3: write the gender of each household member (if male, write the word "male," or if female, write the word "female").

- Column 4: write the nationality of each household member as per the birth certificate or identification card/passport.

- Column 5: write the ethnicity of each household member as per the birth certificate or identification card/passport.

- Column 6: write fully the commune (ward/commune-level town); district (district-level town/city); province (centrally run city) where the birth of each household member is registered. If the place of birth registration is not determined, write the birthplace or residential address.

- Column 7: write the relationship to the household head for each household member.

- Column 8: write the ID Card/Personal ID/Passport number of each household member issued by the competent authority.

- Column 9: write the phone number of each household member and any notes.

Upon completion:

+ Participants write the content: voluntarily declare, provide related documents to ensure accurate information, and are responsible before the law for the declared content; Sign and write full name.

Note: In case of administrative boundary rearrangement, write the place names at the time of declaration.


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