07:44 | 23/07/2024

Which Subjects are Eligible for Care during Lunar New Year 2023? What Activities are Included in Lunar New Year 2023 Care Activities in Ho Chi Minh City?

Could you please tell me which groups are eligible for care during the Lunar New Year 2023? What activities are organized for the Lunar New Year 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City? - A question from Mr. Duc from Tay Ninh.

Who are the Employees to be Cared for During the Lunar New Year 2023?

Based on Section II of Plan 61/KH-LDLD in 2022 regarding the beneficiaries to be cared for during the Lunar New Year 2023 as follows:

Officers, union members, workers, public employees, and laborers in the City who are in difficult circumstances:

- Union members and workers suffering from occupational accidents.

- Union members, workers, or their spouses/children with chronic or serious illnesses being treated in hospitals or receiving outpatient treatment at home.

- Union members and workers who have lost their jobs due to companies experiencing difficulties, having to downsize, shut down, dissolve, go bankrupt, relocate to another place, or those whose employers have absconded or did not give a Tet bonus at the time of Tet care. Pregnant female workers; union members raising children under 36 months old.

- Union members in professional associations and public service units.

- Union members or their children with difficult circumstances undergoing heart surgery under the "Heart with Love" program.

- Workers with difficult circumstances in units that have not yet established grassroots Trade Unions but where the companies have implemented trade union funding.

- Union members and workers working in remote areas or hazardous environments.

- Outstanding union members and exemplary union members in production labor.

- For other sudden difficult cases not covered by the criteria in the plan, the Executive Committee of the upper-level trade union will review and decide to provide care according to its authority (based on proposals from grassroots trade unions) ensuring the right beneficiaries in a transparent and accurate manner.

* Principle for reviewing Tet care from the grassroots level: cases of genuine special difficulty will list proposals to the directly superior grassroots trade union or the City Union for support.

* Criteria for determining difficulty will be reviewed by the grassroots trade union in accordance with the actual conditions at the unit and proposed to the directly superior grassroots trade union for approval.

Note: workers will receive only one form of the most beneficial care, avoiding duplication.

Employees cared for during Lunar New Year 2023? What activities are organized for Lunar New Year 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City?

Who are the employees cared for during Lunar New Year 2023? What activities are organized for Lunar New Year 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City? (Image from the Internet)

What Activities Are Organized for Lunar New Year 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City?

According to Section III of Plan 61/KH-LDLD in 2022, the activities organized for Lunar New Year 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City include:

- First: Visiting and wishing Tet to businesses that have well-implemented labor policies, ensuring production safety and Covid-19 prevention safety; units with difficult working environments; and visiting and wishing Tet to families of union members in special difficulty.

- Second: Visiting and wishing Tet to landlords who have well-implemented rent-free or reduced-rent measures to accompany workers; union members, workers, and public employees who stay in the city for Tet; "Tet for Children" program.

- Third: Meeting and giving gifts to the Union Executive Committee, union members in difficulty.

- Fourth: "Heartfelt Tickets - Union Tet" program awarding bus, train, and plane tickets to union members and workers.

- Fifth: "Tet Family Reunion - Spring Gratitude" program.

- Sixth: "Workers' Families Celebrate Tet with the City" program, 2nd edition.

- Seventh: Union member welfare program "Heartfelt Market - Union Tet" in an online or offline format to serve union members and workers for a joyful Spring Tet.

- Eighth: Organizing communication programs, press conferences, coordinating with media agencies to disseminate, and introduce Tet activities; mobilizing units and businesses to support tickets, discounts, and cultural programs for union members and workers to enjoy Spring Tet.

- Ninth: Meeting and giving gifts and visiting the families of labor martyrs, Leaders of the Ho Chi Minh City Labor Confederation through different periods and organizing a meeting for retired union officials at the Ho Chi Minh City Labor Confederation Office on the occasion of Lunar New Year Quy Mao 2023.

How is the Ho Chi Minh City Labor Federation Assigned to Organize Activities for Lunar New Year 2023?

According to Subsection 2 Section IV of Plan 61/KH-LDLD in 2022, the assignment for organizing activities of Lunar New Year 2023 for the Ho Chi Minh City Labor Federation is as follows:

- Specifically developing the contents and programs in section III of the plan to be implemented by the union levels:

+ Assigning the Legal Policy Department to advise on contents 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and implement them.

+ Assigning the Women’s Affairs Department to advise on content 2 and implement it.

+ Assigning the Propaganda Department to advise on content 8 and implement it.

+ Assigning the Organization Department to advise on content 9 and implement it.

- Closely monitoring labor relations, wage and bonus payments, and Tet care for workers.

- Mobilizing partners who have signed the "Welfare for Union Members" Program to participate in the "Workers' Festival - Heartfelt Market," supporting with funds, products, services, or special offers.

- Organizing communication programs, press conferences, and coordinating with media agencies to introduce Tet activities; working with relevant units to deploy activities for cultural and spiritual life care; Directing the "Workers - Union" TV program, website, and the electronic information page to create a special section for Tet activities of the city’s union levels, highlighting good examples of units well-coordinating with unions to organize Tet care for workers.

- Supervising the implementation of the Tet care plan for Lunar New Year Quy Mao 2023, ensuring transparency, accuracy, and comprehensiveness for all target groups; ensuring logistics and protocol for Tet programs.

- The Social Work Center and the City Workers’ Culture Palace will coordinate to organize care activities as requested by the directly superior union levels.

- The economic - career units will strengthen support activities for loans, social security programs, organizing Tet care activities for union members, workers, and participating in Tet activities organized by the City Labor Federation; the Legal Consulting Center and the Social Work Center will coordinate to organize good activities, the City Workers’ Culture Palace will organize cultural and artistic activities for union members and workers.

See detailed content at: Plan 61/KH-LDLD in 2022


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