Who are the subjects of the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam? How does the plan set objectives?

Who are the subjects of the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam? - Question from Ms. Thao (Lam Dong)

Who are the subjects of the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 3, Section I of the 2023 public administration reform Information and Communication Plan, issued together with Decision 82/QD-BNV in 2023, the subjects of this plan include:

Cadres, civil servants and public employees working in the system of state administrative agencies from the central to grassroots levels, socio-political organizations, public service providers and people from all walks of life.

Who are the subjects of the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam? How does the plan set objectives?

Who are the subjects of the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam? How does the plan set objectives?

What are the objectives and requirements of the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section I of the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan, issued together with Decision 82/QD-BNV in 2023, determining the objectives and requirements for the implementation of the plan:

Regarding objectives:

- General objective:

Strengthen information and communication work to raise awareness and responsibility for administrative reform implementation of managers at all levels, cadres, civil servants and public employees in the process of performing their official duties. At the same time, raise awareness and consensus of people, organizations and society on the implementation of the objectives and tasks of state administrative reform.

- Detail objectives:

+ Determine the content and form of administrative reform information and communication suitable for each group of individuals, agencies and organizations.

+ Strengthen the responsibilities of heads of agencies and organizations in organizing the implementation of information and communication on administrative reform; contribute to raising awareness, responsibility, knowledge and skills on administrative reform for cadres, civil servants and public employees of ministries, branches and localities.

+ Raise awareness about administrative reform, increase the participation of people, businesses and social organizations in administrative reform implementation and monitor the administrative reform implementation process of state administration agencies at all levels.

+ Raise awareness and responsibility of heads of news agencies, newspapers, radio stations and television stations at central and local levels in directing, operating and organizing the implementation of information work. , to propagate administrative reform; improve the capacity and sense of responsibility of the contingent of cadres and reporters in charge of reporting, articles and reportage on public administration reform.

+ Strengthen coordination and information sharing between state administrative agencies and news agencies and press, ensure that information on the implementation and results of administrative reform in ministries, branches and localities is reflected fully, timely and to the right audience.

Regarding requirements:

- Disseminate and propagate in a timely, complete, regular, continuous, multi-dimensional manner, suitable to the nature, characteristics and tasks of each target group associated with the Government's roadmap for implementation of state administrative reform objectives and tasks in 2023.

- Integrating the work of information and communication on state administrative reform with the propagation, dissemination and education of the Party's undertakings and policies, and the State's laws on legislative and judicial reform law, building a socialist rule of law state of the People, by the People, for the People.

- information and communication on administrative reform must contribute to raising the sense of responsibility and public service ethics of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees, contributing to raising people's intellectual standards, preventing corruption and negativity, serving the cause of industrialization and modernization and promoting international integration.

What is the solution for the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection III of the plan on information and communication of administrative reform in 2023, issued together with Decision 82/QD-BNV in 2023, there are 06 solutions to implement the 2023 public administration reform information and communication plan in Vietnam:

(1) Raise awareness and responsibility of Party committees at all levels, leaders of mass organizations, leaders of ministries, branches and localities; heads of press agencies, radio stations and television stations at the central and local levels in directing, operating and organizing the implementation of information and communication work on administrative reform:

- Organize a conference to thoroughly understand the roles and responsibilities of heads of press agencies, radio stations and television stations at the central and local levels in informing and propagating administrative reform.

- Organize the serious and effective implementation of the 2023 public administration reform Information and Communication Plan of ministries, agencies and localities.

(2) Consolidate and improve the quality of human resources for information and communication on administrative reform. Improve knowledge and capacity for staff, reporters and editors who are in charge of special pages and columns related to administrative reform at press agencies, radio stations and television stations in Vietnam. Central and local:

- Develop training materials and organize training courses suitable for each type of press at the central and local levels.

- Periodically organize conferences on administrative reform between the Ministry of Home Affairs and central and local news and press agencies in order to provide and share information on administrative reform, contributing to improving the knowledge and skills of information and administrative reform propaganda for the contingent of reporters and editors.

(3) Strengthen coordination between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Information and Communications, Vietnam Television Station, Voice of Vietnam Radio, Vietnam News Agency, Government Portal and information agencies, media and mass organizations to launch and organize research and writing contests on administrative reform; build a network of collaborators to report on administrative reform.

(4) Improve and further improve the quality of information and administrative reform propaganda on communication tools of ministries, branches and localities (on websites, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, etc.).

(5) Organize the compilation and distribution of all kinds of informational and propaganda publications on the contents of administrative reform.

(6) Associate the work of information and communication on administrative reform with the work of emulation and commendation in the activities of agencies, organizations and units.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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