Do users have the right to report spam messages and spam calls in Vietnam? What is the instruction on how to report spam messages and spam calls?

Do users have the right to report spam messages and spam calls? What is the instruction on how to report spam messages and spam calls to the Authority of Information Security of Vietnam?

Do users have the right to report spam messages and spam calls in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 12 of Decree 91/2020/ND-CP on the rights and obligations of users:

Rights and obligations of users
1. Forwards information about spam messages, spam emails and spam calls to the system for receiving anti-spam feedbacks of AIS or that of providers of telecommunications, Internet and emailing services.
2. Decide whether to receive or refuse to receive advertisements.
3. Cooperate with providers of telecommunications, Internet, mailing services, advertisers and competent authorities in the fight against spam messages, spam emails and spam calls..

In addition, pursuant to Clauses 1 and 3, Article 7 of Decree 91/2020/ND-CP on Do-Not-Call Register:

Do-Not-Call Register
1. Do-Not-Call Register is the list of phone numbers that have been registered by their subscribers who do not want to receive any opt-in message, advertising message or advertising call.
2. Users of telecommunications services are entitled to register or withdraw their legally held phone numbers from the Do-Not-Call Register.
3. Advertisers, providers of telecommunications and Internet services must not make advertising calls, send opt-in messages or advertising messages to any of the phone number on the Do-Not-Call Register.

Therefore, users have the right to decide whether to receive or refuse to receive advertisements. Users also have the right to forwards information about spam messages, spam emails and spam calls to the system for receiving anti-spam feedbacks of AIS or that of providers of telecommunications, Internet and emailing services.

Users may register for Do-Not-Call Register.

Advertisers, providers of telecommunications and Internet services must not make advertising calls, send opt-in messages or advertising messages to any of the phone number on the Do-Not-Call Register.

Do users have the right to report spam messages and spam calls in Vietnam? What is the instruction on how to report spam messages and spam calls? (Image from the Internet)

What is the instruction on how to report spam messages and spam calls to the Authority of Information Security of Vietnam (AIS)?

Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BTTTT on instruction on how to report spam messages and spam calls for users:

(1) Instruction on how to report and provide evidence of spam messages for users:

- Send reports via messages to 5656: users compose a reporting message using the syntax: S [Sending source] [Spam content] or S (Sending source) (Spam content) and send it to 5656;

- Submit reports according to instructions given on or via the switchboard or the application.

(2) Instruction on how to report and provide evidence of spam calls for users:

- Send reports via messages to 5656: users compose a reporting message using the syntax: V [Calling source] [Spam content] or V (Calling source) (Spam content) and send it to 5656;

- Submit reports according to instructions given on or via the switchboard or the application.

What are the rules for sending advertising messages and advertising emails, making advertising calls in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 13 of Decree 91/2020/ND-CP on rules for sending advertising messages and advertising emails, making advertising calls:

- Do not send advertising messages or make advertising calls to the numbers on the Do-Not-Call Register mentioned in Clause 1 Article 7 or without prior consents from the users.

- Advertisers may only send first and only opt-in message to a phone number that is not on the Do-Not-Call Register. The Ministry of Information and Communications shall elaborate regulations on sending opt-in messages.

- In case the user refuses to receive advertisements or does not answer the first and only opt-in message, the advertiser must not send any additional opt-in message or advertising message to that number.

- Stop sending advertising messages and advertising emails and making advertising calls to the user after receiving the user’s unsubscribing request.

- Each advertiser may send up to 03 advertising messages to a phone number, up to 03 advertising emails to an email address, and make 01 advertising call to a phone number within 24 hours unless otherwise agreed by the user.

- Advertising messages may only be sent during 07:00 – 22:00; advertising calls may only be made during 08:00 – 17:00 unless otherwise agreed by the user.

- Advertisement contents shall be conformable with advertising laws.

- Only send advertising messages or make advertising calls after an brandname is issued; Do not use phone numbers to send advertising messages or advertising calls.

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