07:46 | 23/07/2024

Title: Vietnam Social Security Agency Halts Implementation of Query Service Text Messages to Number 8079: What is the Process of Completing Social Insurance Codes for Participants?

Let me ask: Has the Vietnam Social Security Agency stopped providing inquiry service messages to number 8079? The question is from Ms. Ly from Hue.

Vietnam Social Security Agency Stops Implementing Query Messaging Service to Number 8079

Pursuant to Official Dispatch 337/CNTT-PM in 2023, the following is instructed:

The Information Technology Center (Center) has stopped implementing query messaging to number 8079 from February 3, 2023. The Center requests that the Social Insurance of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government (Provincial Social Insurance) carry out the following contents:

- Announce within the managed area the suspension of the query messaging service: Querying social insurance participation time, querying health insurance card usage period, querying submitted files, file status, and querying password retrieval so that people do not send query messages to number 8079, avoiding frustration due to inability to retrieve information.

- Strongly advocate, guide the people to select and use the available, free information channels provided by Vietnam Social Security for queries, specifically:

+ (1) Querying social insurance participation time, querying health insurance card usage period: VssID application - Digital Social Insurance or the online query function on the Vietnam Social Security portal (https://baohiemxahoi.gov.vn)

+ (2) Querying submitted files, file status: Query function on the Vietnam Social Security Public Service Portal (https://dichvucong.baohiemxahoi.gov.vn).

+ (3) Electronic Social Insurance transaction account password retrieval: “Forgot Password” function on the VssID application or Vietnam Social Security Public Service Portal (the password will be provided via the email address declared by the person when registering for the electronic social insurance transaction account).

- In cases where the email address information is not available when registering the account, support can be provided through the following channels:

+ Complete declaration form TK1-TS to add email information through the electronic social insurance transaction of the managing unit, collection agency.

+ Complete a declaration form to change, add registration information for using electronic transaction methods in the social insurance sector according to Form No. 02/SD-GD and submit directly at the nearest social insurance agency.

+ Contact the Customer Service Support Center directly for assistance in reissuing the password of the electronic social insurance transaction account.

Vietnam Social Security stops implementing query messaging service to number 8079? What is the process for finalizing the social insurance code for participants?

Vietnam Social Security stops implementing query messaging service to number 8079? What is the process for finalizing the social insurance code for participants? (Image from Internet)

What are the principles for querying, searching information of participants and attaching documents to finalize the social insurance code?

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Regulations on Management of Household Database and Social Insurance Code of social insurance participants issued under Decision 515/QD-BHXH in 2020, the following is prescribed:

Principles for querying, searching information of participants in the Household Database (HDB):

- Search information of the household head:

+ Search scope in priority order: at the commune level; district level; provincial level; and nationwide.

+ Search principle: search by name, date, month, year of birth, ID card/Citizen ID/Passport of the household head or information of household members to locate the household head.

- Search information of household members:

+ Search scope in priority order: within the same household; at the commune level; district level; provincial level; and nationwide.

+ Search principle in order:

++ Search by Identification Information nationwide.++ Search by ID card/Citizen ID/Passport nationwide.++ Search by name, date, month, year of birth, gender nationwide.++ Search by name, year of birth, province code of birth/province code of household registration.++ Search by name, year of birth nationwide.

List of attached documents as the basis for issuing, finalizing the social insurance code:

- Form TK1-TS

- ID card/Citizen ID/Passport or Birth Certificate (for those who have not been issued an ID card/Citizen ID/Passport).

- Other documents.

What is the process for finalizing the social insurance code for participants?

Pursuant to Article 6 of the Regulations on Management of Household Database and Social Insurance Code of social insurance participants issued under Decision 515/QD-BHXH in 2020, the following is prescribed:

The unit managing participants:

- Query, search and guide participants to find their correct social insurance code issued by the social insurance agency.

- In case the social insurance code cannot be found (including foreigners participating in social insurance, health insurance in Vietnam): guide participants to accurately complete Form TK1-TS; coordinate with the social insurance agency to send document images under Clause 2, Article 7 of the Regulations on Management of Household Database and Social Insurance Code of social insurance participants issued under Decision 515/QD-BHXH in 2020 for updating and finalizing the participant's database.

Provincial/District Social Insurance:

- Book and card officer

+ Receive documents from the Document Receiving Department (including electronic transaction documents): Query, search participants' social insurance code based on the information declared on Form TK1-TS with the Household Database as per the rules in Clause 1, Article 7 of the Regulations on Management of Household Database and Social Insurance Code of social insurance participants issued under Decision 515/QD-BHXH in 2020:

++ In case accurate information of participants with a social insurance code in the Household Database is identified: Notify and agree on the social insurance code with the participant, managing unit.++ In case the search reveals incomplete or inaccurate participant information: Adjust participant information already issued a social insurance code in the Household Database, adjust the participant to the correct Household (if in another Household); propose to the Control Team for approval of information adjustments (attached with documents under Clause 2, Article 7 of the Regulations on Management of Household Database and Social Insurance Code of social insurance participants issued under [Decision 515/QD-BHXH in 2020](https://lawnet.vn/vb/Quyet-dinh-515-QD-BHXH-2020-quan-ly-co-so-du-lieu-ho-gia-dinh-cua-nguoi-tham-gia-bao-hiem-xa-hoi-6C6BB.html#dieu_7)).++ In case foreigners participating in social insurance, health insurance in Vietnam not declared in the Household Database: Fully, accurately update the information on Form TK1-TS into the Household Database software; propose to the Control Team for approval of the social insurance code for foreigners (attached with documents under Clause 2, Article 7 of the Regulations on Management of Household Database and Social Insurance Code of social insurance participants issued under [Decision 515/QD-BHXH in 2020](https://lawnet.vn/vb/Quyet-dinh-515-QD-BHXH-2020-quan-ly-co-so-du-lieu-ho-gia-dinh-cua-nguoi-tham-gia-bao-hiem-xa-hoi-6C6BB.html#dieu_7)).

+ Transfer finalized social insurance code documents (record the social insurance code of the participant on the forms) to the collection officer to perform arising procedures as prescribed.

- Control Team

+ Receive approval requests from the book and card officer: Control compliance with the process, attached documents, the participant’s information and household members updated into the Household Database software:

++ In case the participant and household members’ information is complete and accurate with attached documents: Approve.++ In case the search, update, adjustment process is not fully implemented, or the participant and household members’ information does not match with attached documents: Require compliance with Point 2.1 Clause 2 Article 6 of the Regulations on Management of Household Database and Social Insurance Code of social insurance participants issued under [Decision 515/QD-BHXH in 2020](https://lawnet.vn/vb/Quyet-dinh-515-QD-BHXH-2020-quan-ly-co-so-du-lieu-ho-gia-dinh-cua-nguoi-tham-gia-bao-hiem-xa-hoi-6C6BB.html#dieu_6).

+ Approval time is performed within a maximum of 03 working hours.


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