04:48 | 09/01/2023

Do I have to go for a health checkup before marriage registration in Vietnam? Is it possible to register marriage at the commune-level People's Committee of the place of temporary residence?

May I ask, do I have to go for a health checkup before marriage registration in Vietnam? Is it possible to register a marriage in a temporary residence? Question from Ms. Mai (Nghe An)

Do I have to go for a health checkup before marriage registration in Vietnam?

In Article 18 of the 2014 Law on Civil Status in Vietnam on marriage registration procedures as follows:

Marriage registration procedures
1. The male and female partners shall submit the marriage registration declaration, made according to a set form to the civil status registration agency and must be both present at the time of marriage registration.
2. Immediately after receiving complete papers specified in Clause 1 of this Article, if seeing that the marriage conditions are fully met in accordance with the Law on Marriage and Family, the justice and civil status officer shall record the marriage in the civil status book and together with the male and female partners sign in the civil status book. The male and female partners shall both sign the marriage certificate; the justice and civil status officer shall report to the chairperson of the commune-level People's Committee to organize the handover of the marriage certificate to the couple.
In case of necessity to verify the marriage conditions of the male and female partners, the time limit for settlement is 5 working days.

Article 10 of Decree No. 123/2015/ND-CP stipulates documents to be submitted and presented upon marriage registration in Vietnam as follows:

Documents to be submitted and presented upon marriage registration
An applicant for marriage registration at the People’s Committee of commune shall submit documents as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 2 of this Decree, Clause 1 Article 18 of the Law on civil status; and an applicant for marriage registration at the People’s Committee of district shall submit documents as prescribed in Clause 1 Article 38 of the Law on civil status and submit the original of certificate of marital status as prescribed as follows:
1. If the person applies for marriage registration at a People’s Committee of commune other than his/her permanent residence commune, he/she must submit a certificate of marital status issued by the competent People’s Committee of commune as prescribed in Articles 21, 22, and 23 of this Decree.
In case of application for marriage registration at a People’s Committee of district, the applicant for marriage registration living in Vietnam must submit a certificate of marital status issued by the competent People’s Committee of commune as prescribed in Articles 21, 22, and 23 of this Decree.
2. If the applicant for marriage registration has been going on business, studying, working under guest worker program abroad, he/she must submit a certificate of marital status issued by the Vietnamese diplomatic missions, or consular agents overseas (hereinafter referred to as representative body).

Thus, in the marriage registration documents that both parties need to present and submit, there is no health certificate. So when you go to register your marriage, you will not have to present a health certificate and do not need to go for a health checkup.Do I have to go for a health checkup before marriage registration in Vietnam? Is it possible to register marriage at the commune-level People's Committee of the place of temporary residence?

Do I have to go for a health checkup before marriage registration in Vietnam? Is it possible to register marriage at the commune-level People's Committee of the place of temporary residence? (Image from the Internet)

Is it possible to register marriage at the commune-level People's Committee of the place of temporary residence?

In Article 17 of the 2014 Law on Civil Status in Vietnam on the competence to register marriage and contents of marriage certificates as follows:

Competence to register marriage and contents of marriage certificates
1. Commune-level People's Committees of the place of residence of either of the male and female partners shall make marriage registration.
2. A marriage certificate must contain the following information:
a/ Family name, middle name and first name; birthdate; ethnicity; citizenship; place of residence; information about personal identity papers of male and female partners;
b/ Date of marriage registration;
c/ Signatures or fingerprints of male and female partners and certification of the civil status registration agency.

Thus, the competent agency for marriage registration is the commune-level People's Committee of the place of residence of either of the male and female partners, the place of residence can be understood as temporary or permanent residence. Therefore, both men and women can register their marriage in the temporary residence.

At which agency do I register a marriage with foreign elements?

In Article 37 of the 2014 Law on Civil Status in Vietnam on the competence to register marriage as follows:

Competence to register marriage
1. District-level People's Committees of places of residence of Vietnamese citizens shall register marriages between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners; between Vietnamese citizens residing in the country and Vietnamese citizens residing abroad; between Vietnamese citizens residing abroad; and between Vietnamese citizens who also have foreign citizenship and Vietnamese citizens or foreigners.
2. In case a foreigner residing in Vietnam requests marriage registration in Vietnam, the district-level People's Committee of the place of residence of either partner shall register the marriage.

Thus, the authority to register a marriage in which either party has a foreign element falls under the jurisdiction of the district-level People's Committee.


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