What are the conditions for offering continuing education program in Vietnam? What is the training time for continuing education programs in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what the conditions for offering continuing education program in Vietnam are. - Question from Ms. Huong (Bac Ninh)

What are the conditions for offering continuing education program in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 of Circular No. 43/2015/TT-BLDTBXH (amended by Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular No. 34/2018/TT-BLDTBXH), the conditions for offering continuing education program are as follows:

Organizations eligible to offer continuing education program
1. Vocational training facilities, enterprises with certificate of registration of vocational education:
a) For profession specified in the certificate of registration of vocational education, there must have been full-time training courses for such profession and at least one of which have ended.
b) For profession not specified in the certificate of registration of vocational education, the training program prepared for such profession must be in consistent with regulations in point b, c and d in clause 2 in this Article.
2. Enterprises, organizations or individuals without the certificate of registration of vocational education
a) producing or trading products or running business in sectors or trades which intend to offer vocational training courses;
b) having training programs, textbooks or materials of each profession prepared and approved in accordance with regulations in Article 4 and 5 of this Circular;
c) having trainers who are teachers, scientists, engineers, professional technicians or people holding the certificate of national vocational skills level 1 or certificate of craft workers level 3 in seven-point scale and higher, level 2 in six-point scale and higher, provincial skilled craft workers, village artisans, skilled farmers of districts, people entering the profession for at least 5 consecutive years gaining a teaching skill certificate
d) having training facilities, instruments or methods appropriate to the profession which can satisfy the number of students and training time.

According to the above regulations, the conditions for offering continuing education program are as follows:

Vocational training facilities, enterprises with certificate of registration of vocational education:

- For profession specified in the certificate of registration of vocational education, there must have been full-time training courses for such profession and at least one of which have ended.

- For profession not specified in the certificate of registration of vocational education, the training program prepared for such profession must be in consistent with regulations in Article 4 and Article 5 of Circular No. 43/2015/TT-BLDTBXH.

Enterprises, organizations or individuals without the certificate of registration of vocational education

- producing or trading products or running business in sectors or trades which intend to offer vocational training courses;

- having training programs, textbooks or materials of each profession prepared and approved in accordance with regulations in Articles 4 and 5 of Circular No. 43/2015/TT-BLDTBXH;

- having trainers who are teachers, scientists, engineers, professional technicians or people holding the certificate of national vocational skills level 1 or certificate of craft workers level 3 in seven-point scale and higher, level 2 in six-point scale and higher, provincial skilled craft workers, village artisans, skilled farmers of districts, people entering the profession for at least 5 consecutive years gaining a teaching skill certificate

- having training facilities, instruments or methods appropriate to the profession which can satisfy the number of students and training time.

What are the conditions for offering continuing education program in Vietnam? What is the training time for continuing education programs in Vietnam?

What are the conditions for offering continuing education program in Vietnam? What is the training time for continuing education programs in Vietnam?

What is the training time for continuing education programs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 9 of Circular No. 43/2015/TT-BLDTBXH as follows:

Time and plan for training
1. The training time for continuing education programs prescribed in this Circular shall depend on requirement of each training program, including time for acquiring knowledge and soft skills; time for practice; time for prior-testing, on-the-training testing and final testing in which the time for practice accounts for 80% of total time of the course.

According to the above regulations, the training time for continuing education programs includes:

- Time for acquiring knowledge and soft skills; time for practice;

- Time for prior-testing, on-the-training testing and final testing

In which the time for practice accounts for 80% of total time of the course.

How to conduct continuing education classes?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 10 of Circular No. 43/2015/TT-BLDTBXH on conducting continuing education classes as follows:

- The class of vocational knowledge and soft skills shall have up to 35 students. The class of vocational knowledge and soft skills for ethnic minorities or the disabled shall have up to 20 students. The class of vocational knowledge and soft skills for blind people shall have up to 10 students.

- The practice class or mixed-class shall have up to 18 students. The practice class or mixed-class for ethnic minorities and the disabled shall have up to 10 students. Especially, the practice class or mixed-class for blind people shall have up to 8 students.

- Each class shall have at least one teacher or trainer to directly give lessons and manage the students.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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