Conditions for the exam to raise the rank of senior market controller in VIetnam? Who is the most qualified person in the Market Management force?

Hi Lawnet, let me ask the following question: I want to take the exam to raise the rank to senior market controller in Vietnam, what conditions do I need to ensure? Thank you!

Is the senior market controller in Vietnam the most qualified civil servant in the market management force?

Pursuant to Clauses 1 and 2, Article 5 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BCT stipulating the responsibilities and duties of senior market controllers as follows:

“Article 5. Senior market controller
1. Responsibilities:
Being a civil servant with the highest professional qualifications of the market management force; assume the prime responsibility for, and advise on, planning policies, strategies and projects within the functions, tasks and powers of the market management force or perform the task of leading, directing and organizing the implementation of enforce the law on market management with large scale and high complexity nationwide or in the assigned area.
2. Mission:
a) Preside over and advise on the development of legal documents related to the organization and operation of the market management force;
b) To assume the prime responsibility for advising on the development of strategies, plans, topics, schemes and scientific research works at the State, ministerial, branch or provincial levels related to functions, tasks, powers and mechanisms. the organizational structure of the market management force and related state management fields in order to renew and perfect the management mechanism, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the market management's activities;
c) Organize, direct, guide and inspect the implementation of regimes, policies and laws on official activities of the market management force and the inspection, examination and handling of violations. administrative violations for cases of large scale, complex nature, related to many branches, fields, geographical areas of many provinces or related to international affairs;
d) Summarize, evaluate and propose solutions to amend and supplement mechanisms, policies, laws and professional processes related to the operation of the market management force;
dd) To assume the prime responsibility for organizing the compilation and development of professional and professional instruction programs and documents of the market management force; organize thematic and professional training courses or disseminate knowledge and experience of the market management force;
e) Directly perform official duties and other tasks assigned by superiors.”

Accordingly, the Senior Market Controller in VIetnam is the civil servant with the highest professional expertise in the market management team, performing the tasks according to the content specified above.

Conditions for the exam to raise the rank of senior market controller in VIetnam? Who is the most qualified person in the Market Management force?

Conditions for the exam to raise the rank of senior market controller in Vietnam? Who is the most qualified person in the Market Management force? (Image from the internet)

What are the standards of professional competence and training qualifications of Senior Market Controller in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clauses 3 and 4, Article 5 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BCT stipulates as follows:

“Article 5. Senior market controller
3. Standards of professional competence:
a) Understand the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State related to the functions and tasks of the market management force; firmly grasp the political system, administrative management principles, public service and civil servant regimes of state management agencies; master knowledge of economic management, law, international economic integration and the situation, development trend of industry and field of domestic and international market management;
b) Firmly grasp the regulations on functions, tasks, powers, organizational structure, processes, procedures, order of inspection and examination and competence to handle administrative violations of the Market Manager;
c) Capable of researching and elaborating legal documents, schemes, projects and action programs; capacity to advise on strategic planning, master plans, plans and policies for the activities of the market management force;
d) Capable of organizing, directing, inspecting, controlling and handling violations of the law in complicated cases involving many branches, fields and localities. ;
dd) Capable of analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating the implementation of mechanisms, policies, systematization and proposing solutions to complete or solve practical problems posed within their respective functions and responsibilities. market management force;
e) Capable of organizing and directing the application of scientific and technical advances to improve and raise the quality and efficiency of the market management force;
g) Having skills in drafting, presenting, formulating and implementing projects, schemes and programs related to the state management of the market management force;
h) Having basic information technology skills, using foreign languages ​​or using ethnic minority languages ​​for civil servants working in ethnic minority areas as required by the job position.
4. Standards of training and retraining qualifications:
a) Possessing a university degree or higher with a major relevant to the field of operation of the market management force;
b) Possessing an advanced diploma in political theory or an advanced degree in political-administrative theory or a certificate of political theory level equivalent to advanced political theory issued by a competent authority;
c) Having a certificate of state management knowledge training for civil servants holding the rank of senior and equivalent specialists.”

Accordingly, a market senior controller must meet all standards of professional and professional competence and standards of training and retraining qualifications according to the above regulations.

What are the conditions for taking the exam for promotion to the rank of Senior Market Controller in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 5 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BCT stipulates as follows:

“Article 5. Senior market controller
5. Requirements for market management civil servants to compete for promotion to the rank of senior market controller:
a) Having held the rank of chief market controller and equivalent for full 06 years or more. In case the holding period is equivalent to the rank of Chief Market Controller, the period of holding the rank of Chief Market Controller must be at least 1 year (full 12 months) until the deadline for submitting the application for competition registration. rank raising;
b) During the time holding the rank of chief market controller and equivalent, he has presided over the development of at least 02 legal documents or state-level scientific research topics, schemes, projects or programs, ministerial, branch, and provincial levels which have been promulgated or accepted by competent authorities or preside over and participate in the formulation of strategies and schemes to prevent and combat smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods, and inspection schemes , handling violations of commodity lines, groups of goods, fields or projects on inspection and handling of violations according to thematics of the Steering Committee against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeit goods of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Directing Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Directives against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting of provinces and centrally run cities have been promulgated. Specifically:
There is a decision of a competent person to establish the Drafting Board, the Editorial Team or the Drafting Team of legal documents, or there is a document assigning the task of presiding over the construction of the competent person, for optional cases. must establish a Drafting Board, Editorial Team or Drafting Team in accordance with the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents.
There is a decision of a person competent to establish a drafting committee for scientific research topics, schemes, projects or programs at the state, ministerial, branch or provincial level, or there is a written assignment of tasks from the person having the authority to do so. authority on presiding over and participating in the formulation of strategies and projects of the Steering Committee against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Steering Committee against smuggling, commercial fraud and counterfeiting of provinces and centrally run cities.”

Accordingly, the market management civil servants participating in the competition to raise the rank to the rank of senior market controller in Vietnam must ensure the requirements as prescribed above.


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