08:12 | 24/09/2024

According to Article 182 Land Law of 2024, what are regulations that people who are allocated or leased out dedicated rice cultivation land by the State to be used for non-agricultural purposes in Vietnam must comply?

According to Article 182 Land Law of 2024, what are regulations that people who are allocated or leased out dedicated rice cultivation land by the State to be used for non-agricultural purposes in Vietnam must comply?

According to Article 182 Land Law of 2024, what are regulations that people who are allocated or leased out dedicated rice cultivation land by the State to be used for non-agricultural purposes in Vietnam must comply?

Based on the provisions of Clause 4, Article 182 of the Land Law of 2024, the regulations are as follows:

Rice Cultivation Land

1. Rice cultivation land includes specialized rice planting land and other rice cultivation land. Specialized rice planting land is land used for growing at least 2 rice crops per year.

2. The State has policies to support, invest in building infrastructure, and apply modern science and technology to high-yield, high-quality rice cultivation areas; protect rice cultivation land, and limit the conversion of rice cultivation land to non-agricultural purposes.

3. Rice cultivation land users are responsible for improving and increasing soil fertility; not converting to other uses without permission from the competent state agency.

4. People who are allocated or leased out dedicated rice cultivation land by the State to be used for non-agricultural purposes shall comply with the following regulations:

a) Have topsoil projects in accordance with crop cultivation laws;

b) Pay an amount prescribed by law for the State to provide compensatory rice cultivation land area or increase productivity of rice cultivation land, unless the project is funded by state capital for public investment or state capital other than public investment capital according to public investment and construction laws;

c) Comply with regulations on environmental protection; do not affect the cultivation of adjacent rice land.

5. Users of rice cultivation land are allowed to convert the structure of crops and livestock on rice cultivation land but shall not destroy the necessary conditions to replant rice according to crop production law; a portion of the land can be used for constructing facilities directly serving agricultural production.

6. The Government of Vietnam shall detail this Article.

Thus, people who are allocated or leased out dedicated rice cultivation land by the State to be used for non-agricultural purposes in Vietnam must comply with the following regulations:

- Have a plan for using the topsoil layer according to crop production law;

- Pay an amount of money as prescribed by law for the State to compensate for the lost area of specialized rice planting land or to increase the efficiency of rice cultivation land, except for projects using public investment funds or State funds other than public investment as prescribed by the laws on public investment, construction;

- Comply with environmental protection regulations; not affect the farming on adjacent rice cultivation land.

Article 182 of the Land Law 2024 regulation on individuals allocated land, leased land for specialized rice farming to use for non-agricultural purposes

According to Article 182 Land Law of 2024, what are regulations that people who are allocated or leased out dedicated rice cultivation land by the State to be used for non-agricultural purposes in Vietnam must comply? (Internet image)

Is it permissible to freely repurpose the rice cultivation land for other types of land within the same agricultural land group in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1, Article 121 of the Land Law of 2024, the provision is as follows:

Land repurposing

1. Cases where land use conversion must be approved by the competent state agency include:

a) Rice cultivation land, dedicated forest land, protective forest land or production forest land is converted into land of another type included in the category of agricultural land;

b) Agricultural land is converted into non-agricultural land;

c) Land of other types is converted into land for intensive farming when carrying out large-scale intensive farming projects;

d) Non-agricultural land allocated by the State without land levy payment is converted into non-agricultural land of another type allocated by the State with land levy payment or leased out by the State;

dd) Non-agricultural land not used for the residential purpose is converted into homestead land;

e) Land for construction of public works or land used for both public and business purposes is converted into land used for non-agricultural business and production purposes;

g) Land used for non-agricultural business and production purposes not used for the commercial purpose is converted into commercial land.

Thus, repurposing rice cultivation land to other types of land within the same agricultural land group must be approved by the competent state agency.

What are the land-related prohibited acts in Vietnam?

Based on Article 11 of the Land Law 2024, the land-related prohibited acts in Vietnam include:

- Encroaching on, occupying, or destroying land.

- Violating the regulations of state management over land.

- Violating land policies for ethnic minorities.

- Abusing positions and powers to act against land management laws.

- Not providing information or providing inaccurate land information, not meeting the deadlines required by law.

- Failing to prevent or handle violations of land laws.

- Failing to comply with legal provisions when exercising land use rights.

- Using land and conducting land use rights transactions without registration with the competent authority.

- Failing to fulfill or improperly fulfilling financial obligations to the State.

- Obstructing or causing difficulties in land use, exercising the rights of land users as prescribed by law.

- Discriminating based on gender in land management and use.


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