Design and install signs indicating the exits and exits, signs indicating the direction of escape, and low-altitude safety signs according to TCVN 13456: 2022?

In the near future, my company will construct a shopping center in Dong Thap. The advisory board asked me, in the case of installation of equipment, equipment with escape instructions for fire prevention and fighting, is regulated according to which standard?

Standards for design and installation of signs indicating exits and exits in fire protection in Vietnam today?

Pursuant to subsection 5.2, Section 5 of National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022 stipulating standards for design and installation of signs indicating exits and exits as follows:

Install signs indicating the exits and exits at all exits and exits of the emergency stairs, the escape routes on the floor and all exits of the room with 02 or more exits;

The arrangement may not be necessary in the following cases:

- For rooms equipped with emergency lighting, one of the following conditions must be satisfied:

+ Only 01 entrance or exit;

+ There is a direct exit to the side corridor or outdoor space.

- For rooms not equipped with emergency lighting, one of the following conditions must be satisfied:

+ There is only one exit and the distance from any point of the room to the nearest emergency exit is not more than 7 m;

+ The distance from any point of the room to the door is not more than 13 m and the minimum area of ​​the wall adjacent to the corridor is 50% glass and one of the following conditions is ensured:

• Doors open to corridors with emergency lighting arrangements;

• Doors open to the side corridor or open directly to the outside of the house.

- For a 1-storey house with a floor area of ​​not more than 200 m2 and the area of ​​openings in the outer wall of the house reaching at least 80%.

Design and install signs indicating the exits and exits, signs indicating the direction of escape, and low-altitude safety signs according to TCVN 13456: 2022?

Design and install signs indicating the exits and exits, signs indicating the direction of escape, and low-altitude safety signs according to TCVN 13456: 2022?

What are the current standards for designing and installing signs indicating the direction of escape?

Pursuant to subsection 5.2, Section 5 of the National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022 stipulating standards for design and installation of signs indicating the direction of escape:

Install signs indicating the direction of escape on the escape route, in the room and all positions where the view is obscured and the exits cannot be detected.

It may not be necessary to arrange a sign indicating the direction of escape, in the following cases:

- Garden, terrace area without roof.

- A 1-storey house with only a roof (no surrounding walls), with a floor area of ​​not more than 200 m2 and an opening area that accounts for at least 80% of the outside wall area of ​​the house.

What are the current standards for installing low-level safety signs?

Pursuant to subsection 5.2, section 5 of the National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022, stipulating standards for the design and installation of low-level safety signs in fire prevention and fighting, as follows:

- Install signs indicating the exits and exits at low altitudes on floors where hotel rooms are arranged with a height of 07 floors or a total volume of 5,000 m3 or more with an escape corridor. greater than 10 m.

- The bottom of the low-level sign must be installed at a distance of 150 mm to 200 mm from the floor. The distance between signs must be placed no more than 10 m apart. For emergency exit doors, the sign must be on the door or adjacent to the door with the nearest edge of the sign within 100 mm from the door frame (see figure A.5).

- Low-level safety signs are designed to assist people living and working in the building to the exits when smoke obscures the exits or signs indicating the exits are mounted at above the door and does not replace the standard safety sign.

Standards for design and installation of emergency exit diagrams in fire prevention and fighting?

Pursuant to subsection 5.2, Section 5 of the National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022 stipulating standards for the design and installation of an escape instruction diagram in fire prevention and fighting work as follows:

-At floors with an area larger than 1000 m2 or with two or more emergency exits, there must be an emergency exit diagram (see Figure A.6).

- In the rooms of hotels and accommodation establishments, rooms for rent must have an escape plan (see Figure A.7).

- The emergency exit diagram consists of two parts: the instructions in words and the part with geometric symbols. The emergency exit diagram must be posted at recognizable, conspicuous positions and frequented by people (see figure A.6).

+ The part of geometric symbols includes the floor plan; exits and direction of escape routes; stairs; the location of the plan at the floor; location of means and equipment for fire fighting and rescue and rescue (symbols in accordance with the provisions of TCVN 4879:1989 and TCVN 5053: 1990).

+ The instruction in words includes the content and the order of handling in case of fire.

- The size of the emergency exit diagram depends on the characteristics and nature of the operation; area of ​​floors, rooms; escape plan but must not be less than:

+ 600x400 mm - for the floor plan;

+ 400x300 mm - for room indication diagrams.

- The emergency exit diagram is mounted so that the lower edge of the emergency exit diagram is at a height of 1.5 m ± 0.2 m above the floor.

Standards on installation height of safety signs in fire protection in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 5.2, Section 5 of National Standard TCVN 13456: 2022 stipulating standards for design and installation of safety signs in fire prevention and fighting as follows:

- Safety signs (excluding low-level safety signs) must be installed at a height of between 2 m and 2.7 m above the floor, or right on the door if the door has a height greater than 2.7 m. . In areas that are not protected against smoke where smoke accumulation can obscure them, safety signs should be mounted at least 0.5 m below the ceiling to avoid smoke inhalation and no safety signs should be installed. lighting from the outside.

The above are some regulations on the design and installation of escape instructions in fire prevention and fighting.


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