By 2030, the economic scale of the Mekong Delta will increase 2-2.5 times compared to 2021?

Recently, the Government has issued Resolution 78/NQ-CP in 2022 on the direction of socio-economic development and assurance of national defense and security in the Mekong Delta until 2030, with a vision to 2040. According to this Resolution, what is the goal of developing the Mekong Delta in the coming time?

The size of the economy in the Mekong Delta region will double in 2030 compared to 2021?

Pursuant to subsection 4, Section I, Program promulgated together with Resolution 78/NQ-CP in 2022 on directions for socio-economic development and assurance of national defense and security in the Mekong Delta until 2030. , the vision to 2040 has given the following specific goals:

4. Some specific targets by 2030:
- The average growth in the period 2021 - 2030 will reach about 6.5 - 7%/year. The size of the economy by 2030 will be 2-2.5 times higher than in 2021. The proportion of agriculture, forestry and fishery in the total regional income (GRDP) is about 20%; industry - construction about 32%; services about 46%; taxes and subsidies are about 2%. GRDP per capita is about 146 million VND/person/year. The rate of urbanization reaches 42 - 48%; 80% of communes meet new rural standards, of which 30% meet advanced standards.
- The rate of trained laborers reaches 65%, of which degrees and certificates reach 25%; the proportion of workers in the non-agricultural sector reaches 75 - 80%; the poverty rate decreases by 1.5 - 2%/year. Standard educational institutions: 75% preschool, 70% primary school, 80% junior high school, 90% high school. Reaching 30 hospital beds, 10 doctors, 2.8 university pharmacists, 25 nurses per 10,000 people.
- Forest coverage rate reaches 7.5%. The rate of using clean water and hygienic water of urban population reaches 98-100%, in rural areas it reaches 70%. The rate of collection and treatment of ordinary solid waste and hazardous waste from urban and industrial areas reaches 100%.”

Accordingly, the development goals of the Mekong Delta region are implemented according to the content mentioned above.

By 2030, the economic scale of the Mekong Delta will increase 2-2.5 times compared to 2021?

By 2030, the economic scale of the Mekong Delta will increase 2-2.5 times compared to 2021?

Is economic development in the Mekong Delta associated with ensuring national security?

According to subsection 5, Section II, the Program promulgated together with the Government's Resolution 78/NQ-CP in 2022 has set out tasks and solutions for economic development in the Mekong Delta in association with national security and defense such as: after:

5. Firmly ensure national defense and security
- Strengthen national defense and security in combination with economic, cultural and social development according to highly feasible master plans, schemes and plans, associated with ensuring economic security in the new situation, ensure network safety and security in all situations. Continue to effectively implement the Government's Resolution No. 88/NQ-CP dated September 13, 2017 promulgating the Government's action plan to implement the Directive No. 12-CT/TW dated January 5, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance. Politics on strengthening the Party's leadership in ensuring economic security in the context of socialist-oriented market economy development and international economic integration.
- Complete the master plan, adjust the system of defense works in the area, synchronously build and gradually modernize defense and security infrastructure on the mainland, coastal areas and islands. Invest in the construction of dual-use civil works, connecting civil defense works, rear bases and strategic rear, concentrating on borders and seas and islands; building border of peace, stability, friendship, cooperation and development, building permanent militia posts on the border; permanent militia squadron. To complete the marine defense economic zone and the Southwest island; border patrol roads, border works, continue to demarcate and set up landmarks on the mainland and conduct demarcation of borders at sea, boundaries of sea areas with other countries."

Accordingly, the task of socio-economic development in the Mekong Delta region associated with ensuring national security and defense is carried out according to the above content.

Attracting and effectively using loans and private capital in the form of public-private partnerships for infrastructure development in the Mekong Delta?

According to subsection 3, Section II of the Program issued together with the Government's Resolution 78/NQ-CP in 2022, the tasks and solutions for rapid and sustainable economic development in the Mekong Delta are as follows:

3. Rapid and sustainable development of regional economy
- Accelerate the restructuring of the regional economy in association with the transformation of the growth model in the direction of increasing the application of science - technology, digital technology, innovation, development of the digital economy, the green economy, and the digital economy. circular, night economy based on the ecosystem, in accordance with the laws of nature, biodiversity, culture and people in the Mekong Delta.
- Develop green industry, clean energy, renewable energy, especially wind power, solar power in association with forest and coastal protection; attach importance to developing processing industry, industry serving agriculture, supporting industry, high-tech application industry and telecommunications and information technology; develop rural industry for fine processing and deep processing, contributing to increase value and high technology content in industrial and handicraft products.
- To intensify the search for advanced technologies, promote application activities, transfer scientific and technological advances, and innovate technologies in order to solve pressing problems in production, business and service practices. socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security for each locality and the whole region.
- Researching and perfecting the principles and criteria for budget allocation for the region; prioritize resources and appropriate divergence to invest in key projects. Improve business investment environment, promote administrative reform; attracting and effectively using loans and private capital in the form of public-private partnership (PPP) to develop infrastructure and industries with advantages and proactively adapt to climate change; selectively attracting foreign-invested projects.”

Thus, in order to develop quickly and sustainably the economy of the Mekong Delta, it is necessary to implement the above contents.


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