07:54 | 23/08/2024

Proposal to increase the allowance level for part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods in Vietnam

What is the proposal to increase the allowance level for part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods in Vietnam? - Mr. Can from Bac Lieu.

Proposal to increase the allowance level for part-time officials of neighborhoods in Vietnam

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 34 of the Draft Decree on commune-level officials and part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods, the proposal is as follows:

Allowance regime for part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods


2. Apply the implementation of allowances stipulated in this Decree for part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods . The central budget implements the lump sum allocation of the allowance fund, including support for health insurance contributions, to pay monthly for part-time officials in each neighborhoods as follows:

a) For hamlets with 350 households or more; residential groups with 500 households or more; hamlets and residential groups in key, complex administrative units of communes regarding security and order as decided by competent authorities; hamlets and residential groups in border or island commune-level administrative units are allocated an allowance fund amounting to 6.0 times the statutory pay rate;

b) For other hamlets and residential groups not specified at Point a, Clause 2 of this Article, an allowance fund amounting to 4.5 times the statutory pay rate is allocated.


Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 13 of Circular 13/2019/TT-BNV, it is stipulated as follows:

Part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods

1. The state budget implements a lump sum allocation of the allowance fund amounting to 3.0 times the statutory pay rate to pay monthly for part-time officials in each neighborhoods. Particularly for the following hamlets, an allowance fund amounting to 5.0 times the statutory pay rate is allocated:

a) Hamlets with 350 households or more;

b) Hamlets in key, complex administrative units of communes regarding security and order as decided by competent authorities;

c) Hamlets in border or island communes.


Hence, according to the above provisions, the proposal to increase the lump sum allocation of the allowance fund from 3.0-5.0 times the statutory pay rate for each type of neighborhoods to 4.5-6.0 times the statutory pay rate is as follows:

- Increase the lump sum from 5.0 to 6.0 times the statutory pay rate applicable to hamlets, residential groups under the current regulations, including:

+ Hamlets with 350 households or more; hamlets and residential groups in key, complex administrative units of communes regarding security and order as decided by competent authorities;

+ Hamlets and residential groups in border or island commune-level administrative units.

- Increase the lump sum for other hamlets and residential groups from 3.0 to 4.5 times the statutory pay rate.

Proposal to increase the allowance for part-time workers in hamlets and residential groups to how much?

Proposal to increase the allowance for part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Proposal to increase the allowance level for part-time officials of communes

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 34 of the Draft Decree on commune-level officials and part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods, the proposal is as follows:

Allowance regime for part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods

1. part-time officials of communes enjoy allowance policies. The central budget implements a lump sum allocation of the allowance fund, including support for health insurance contributions, to pay monthly for part-time officials of communes as follows:

a) Administrative units of communes Type 1 are allocated an allowance fund amounting to 21.0 times the statutory pay rate;

b) Administrative units of communes Type 2 are allocated an allowance fund amounting to 18.0 times the statutory pay rate;

c) Administrative units of communes Type 3 are allocated an allowance fund amounting to 15.0 times the statutory pay rate.

For administrative units of communes with an increased number of part-time officials according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 33 of this Decree, the total allowance fund is correspondingly increased (1.5 times the statutory pay rate per additional part-time worker).


Pursuant to Article 14 of Decree 92/2009/ND-CP (amended by Clause 5, Article 2 of Decree 34/2019/ND-CP), it is stipulated as follows:

Allowances and lump sum funding for part-time officials of communes

1. part-time officials of communes enjoy allowance policies, social insurance benefits, and health insurance benefits. The state budget implements a lump sum allocation of the allowance fund, including support for social insurance and health insurance, to pay monthly for part-time officials of communes according to the classification of commune-level administrative units as follows:

a) Type 1 is allocated an allowance fund amounting to 16.0 times the statutory pay rate;

b) Type 2 is allocated an allowance fund amounting to 13.7 times the statutory pay rate;

c) Type 3 is allocated an allowance fund amounting to 11.4 times the statutory pay rate.


Thus, regarding the allowance policies for part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods, and support policies for those directly involved in activities at hamlets and residential groups, the Ministry of Home Affairs proposes as follows:

Increasing the lump sum allocation of the allowance fund for part-time officials at each commune-level administrative unit Type 1 - 2 - 3 correspondingly from 16.0 - 13.7 - 11.4 times the statutory pay rate to 21 - 18 - 15 times the statutory pay rate.

Proposal to abolish the position of Chief of Commune Police in Vietnam

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 5 of the Draft Decree on commune-level officials and part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods, the proposal is as follows:

Positions, titles


2. Commune-level officials have the following titles:

a) Chief Commander of the Military Command;

b) Office – statistics;

c) Land management – construction – urban and environment (for wards, commune-level towns) or land management – agriculture – construction and environment (for communes);

d) Finance – accounting;

dd) Justice – civil status;

e) Culture – society.


Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 92/2009/ND-CP, it is stipulated as follows:

Positions, titles


2. Commune-level officials have the following titles:

a) Chief of Police;

b) Chief Commander of the Military;

c) Office – statistics;

d) Land management – construction – urban and environment (for wards, commune-level towns) or land management – agriculture – construction and environment (for communes);

dd) Finance – accounting;

e) Justice – civil status;

g) Culture – society.

Thus, according to the draft, it proposes to abolish the position of Chief of Commune Police.

View the entire Draft Decree on commune-level officials and part-time officials of communes and neighborhoods: Here.


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