Suggest checking restaurants, eateries serving candidates and their families in the high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2022?

There is only a short time left before the high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2022 will be held. Currently, relevant agencies are urgently implementing work to ensure the exam is conducted safely and effectively. So what directives has the Ministry of Health made to ensure medical work for the exam?

Recommend checking restaurants, eateries serving candidates and candidates' families in the high school graduation exam in 2022?

On June 22, 2022, the Ministry of Health issued Official Letter 3250/BYT-MT 2022 guiding the implementation of medical work for the 2022 high school graduation exam in Vietnam. In this regard, the Ministry of Health has proposed to the Departments of Health in the provinces and centrally-run cities across the country to carry out the work with the following contents to ensure medical work for the exam. graduating from high school in 2022:

"first. Follow the instructions in Official Letter No. 2232/BGDĐT-QLCL dated May 30, 2022 of the Ministry of Education and Training (enclosed), closely coordinate with the Education sector in organizing the exam in the locality. direction; in which, assume the prime responsibility for planning and implementing medical work: ensuring medical emergency, disaster emergency (fire, explosion, traffic accident,...), ensuring environmental sanitation, preventing , fighting epidemics, especially the COVID-19 epidemic, for all stages of the exam organization, especially the examination at the test sites and the marking and re-examination of the examination councils.
2. Arrange human resources, equipment, drugs, chemicals and assign medical facilities to participate in supporting the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, promptly give first aid and handle arising situations. during the examination period.
3. Check food safety conditions at restaurants and eateries serving candidates and candidates' families; strengthen education, propaganda and dissemination of measures to ensure food safety on the media; promptly investigate and handle situations if food poisoning or food safety incidents occur.
4. Organize the inspection and supervision of the preparation and implementation of the participating medical facilities serving the Exam. Appoint staff to act as the contact point for 24/24 hours so that the exam organizing committee of the province/city can contact when needed.”

Accordingly, the medical work for the high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2022 is carried out according to the above content of the Ministry of Health.

Candidates who take the high school graduation exam who are positive for Covid-19 in Vietnam will be given special consideration for graduation?

Pursuant to Section 2 of Official Dispatch 2232/BGDĐT-QLCL 2022 of the Ministry of Education and Training guiding the organization of the high school graduation exam in 2022 for candidates affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the following instructions are available: :

"2. Exam room arrangement for candidates affected by the COVID-19 epidemic:
a) For candidates in the F0 category, who have a certificate issued by a competent authority will be considered for high school graduation. Candidates under the category F0, if they wish to take part in the exam, must submit an application form, commit to comply with the regulations on prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, and be signed and approved by their parents or guardians. These candidates are arranged by the Examination Council to take the exam in separate exam rooms to meet the requirements of COVID-19 prevention and control.
b) For candidates with suspected cases:
The exam board arranged for candidates with suspected cases to take the exam in a separate exam room, meeting the requirements of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control. In the event that the arrangement of a separate exam room for these candidates has difficulties and problems, the Examination Council will organize an antigen test (quick test) for candidates on July 6, 2022 to serve as a basis for the arrangement. examination room, as follows:
- Candidates in the category of suspected cases with negative rapid test results are allowed to take the exam together with candidates who are not affected by the COVID-19 epidemic;
- Candidates in the category of suspected cases with positive rapid test results will be arranged by the Examination Council with candidates in the category of F0 in a separate examination room.
c) Candidates in the F1 category are allowed to participate in the Exam together with candidates who are not affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.”

Thus, the case of candidates taking the exam in the high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2022 will be specially considered for graduation when being positive for Covid-19 in Vietnam. In addition, if a candidate who is positive for Covid-19 on Vietnam wishes to take the high school graduation exam in 2022, a separate exam room will be arranged.

Suggest checking restaurants, eateries serving candidates and their families in the high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2022?

Suggest checking the restaurants and eateries serving candidates and their families in the high school graduation exam in 2022?

Solutions to ensure safety and combat the Covid-19 in Vietnam epidemic in the organization of the high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2022?

Pursuant to Section 3 of Official Dispatch 2232/BGDĐT-QLCL 2022 of the Ministry of Education and Training instructs as follows:

“3. Implement measures to ensure safety to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in the exam organization:
a) For the Examination Council:
- Create conditions for participants in the organization of the exam to strictly implement personal protection and epidemic prevention measures under the guidance of the Ministry of Health during the course of their duties and monitor their health after completing their tasks. into a task.
- Arrange at each test site a separate exam room for candidates under F0 category and suspected cases to ensure separation from other exam rooms of the test site and meet the requirements of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control. according to the instructions of the Ministry of Health. Candidates taking the test in a separate examination room are numbered in a new order; Accordingly, the candidate's position is arranged in accordance with the numbering regulations of the test score. Instruct candidates at separate examination rooms to correctly write personal information on the Examination Notice on the exam paper/multiple answer sheet.
- Arrange a sufficient number of examination officials and supervisors for separate examination rooms at the test sites. Fully prepare necessary conditions to ensure that exam administrators and supervisors of separate examination rooms strictly implement the implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control (such as using protective clothing, taking personal protective measures while on duty, frequently washing hands with soap and water or a quick hand sanitizer).
- Organize a plan to deliver exam papers and collect test papers from separate exam rooms at each test site to ensure the requirements of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control.
b) At the end of the test time, the examiner in a separate examination room collects the test papers, arranges and counts the candidates' test papers; then, together with the supervisor, seal the exam bag of the examination room and disinfect it to hand over the sealed test bag to the Head of the Examination Site at the end of each exam session. The Head of the Examination Site shall personally hand over these test bags to the Chairman of the Examination Council along with the handover of the Test Site's papers.
c) The marking of candidates' exams in separate examination rooms:
- For the essay test: In the exam preparation area, the Chairman of the Examination Council requests the Head of the Essay Writing Committee, under the direct supervision of the inspector, to deliver the candidates' papers at the examination halls. separate exam room to the correct bag of the exam room according to the candidate's registration number at the test site right before the collection of bags in the process of beating the essay exam.
- For multiple-choice test: The Chairman of the Examination Council requests the Head of the Multiple-choice Examination Committee, under the direct supervision of the inspector, to deliver the candidates' test papers in separate examination rooms to the correct bags. of the exam room according to the candidate's registration number at the test site right before scanning the multiple-choice answer sheet in the multiple-choice test processing process.
d) Thoroughly understand that F1 candidates, suspected cases and F0 patients strictly implement measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic during the exam period, during the process of moving from place to place. take the exam and vice versa (wear a mask, wash your hands often with soap and clean water or a quick hand sanitizer solution, limit close contact with others...). Ensure all necessary conditions and supervise candidates to comply with these regulations at the test site.
dd) Arrange medical crews at the test sites to assist in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, provide first aid and handle arising situations under the guidance of the Ministry of Health.
e) Strengthening environmental sanitation at the test sites:
- Deploy the cleaning of the exam area and exam room before and right after the examination of the exam is over. Special note: Private examination rooms must be cleaned and disinfected immediately after the end of each exam session.
- Arrange hand sanitizer solution at a convenient location for users; there is enough clean water and soap in the toilet area; arrange trash cans with lids to collect and treat garbage to ensure hygiene.
The Ministry of Education and Training proposed the Chairman of the People's Committee of the province and city directly under the Central Government to direct the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Health and relevant units to implement. During the implementation process, if there are difficulties or problems, they should immediately inform the Ministry of Education and Training (via the Quality Control Department, email address: for timely resolution.”

Accordingly, the work of ensuring safety for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 in Vietnam epidemic in the organization of the high school graduation exam in Vietnam in 2022 is carried out in accordance with the above regulations.

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