08:30 | 03/02/2023

What is the application for renewal of customs broker’s number in Vietnam? Who is the customs broker’s number for?

What is the application for renewal of customs broker’s number in Vietnam? Who is the customs broker’s number for? Question of An from Hue.

What is the application for renewal of customs broker’s number in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Point b, Clause 4, Article 9 of Circular 12/2015/TT-BTC of Vietnam as amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of Circular 22/2019/TT-BTC of Vietnam as follows:

Procedures for issuance and extension of customs broker’s number
4. Re-issuance of customs broker’s number:
b) The customs brokerage agent shall prepare an application for reissuance of customs broker’s number and send it to the General Department of Customs, including: An application for reissuance of customs broker’s number using form No. 07B issued herewith; 01 copy of certificate of completion of training course in customs law as prescribed in Point c Clause 1 of this Article; 01 2x3 color photo taken within 06 months until the date of submission. If the national population database has not been put into operation, 01 copy of ID or citizen card shall be provided in case the information in ID or citizen card provided in the application for customs broker’s number has changed.
c) Within 05 days from the day on which the application is received, the General Department of Customs shall reissue customs broker’s number or provide explanation in writing in case the application is rejected.
The customs broker’s number shall bear the unexpired personal identification number or ID/citizen card until the date of submission of application for reissuance of customs broker’s number.

According to the above regulations, the application for reissuance of customs broker’s number includes the following documents:

- An application for reissuance of customs broker’s number

- 01 copy of certificate of completion of training course in customs law

- 01 2x3 color photo taken within 06 months until the date of submission.

What is the application for renewal of customs broker’s number in Vietnam? Who is the customs broker’s number for?

What is the application for renewal of customs broker’s number in Vietnam? Who is the customs broker’s number for?

In what cases will it be required to re-issue the customs clearance agent number?

Pursuant to Point a, Clause 4, Article 9 of Circular 12/2015/TT-BTC of Vietnam (amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of Circular 22/2019/TT-BTC) as follows:

Procedures for issuance and extension of customs broker’s number
4. Re-issuance of customs broker’s number:
a) The customs broker may be granted the unexpired customs broker’s number in the following cases:
a.1) If the customs broker’s number is lost and the customs brokerage agent makes a written confirmation in the application for reissuance of customs broker’s number;
a.2) The customs brokerage agent changes its business registration name;
a.3) The customs broker changes his/her personal identification number or ID/citizen card;
c) Within 05 days from the day on which the application is received, the General Department of Customs shall reissue customs broker’s number or provide explanation in writing in case the application is rejected.
The customs broker’s number shall bear the unexpired personal identification number or ID/citizen card until the date of submission of application for reissuance of customs broker’s number.

Thus, the customs broker may be granted the unexpired customs broker’s number in the following cases:

- If the customs broker’s number is lost and the customs brokerage agent makes a written confirmation in the application for reissuance of customs broker’s number;

- The customs brokerage agent changes its business registration name;

- The customs broker changes his/her personal identification number or ID/citizen card.

Who is the customs broker’s number for?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 8 of Circular 12/2015/TT-BTC of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Customs broker’s number
1. Any employees of a customs brokerage agent that satisfies the requirements specified in points a and b clause 2 Article 20 of the Law on Customs and recommended by such customs brokerage agent shall be granted customs broker’s number.
The customs broker’s number shall be printed in the customs broker card and shall be used during the practice time of the customs broker.

Thus, an individual who satisfies the following 02 requirements will be granted a customs broker’s number:

- Obtain at least a collegiate degree in economics, law or technique;

- Obtain a certificate of training in customs declaration;

Note, the person who is issued with a customs broker’s number must have worked at a customs brokerage agent and was requested by a customs brokerage agent is granted a customs broker’s number.


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