What are details of Statements of Cash Donations to the Vietnam Fatherland Front to support people affected by flood after Yagi typhoon in Vietnam?

What are details of Statements of Cash Donations to the Vietnam Fatherland Front to support people affected by flood after Yagi typhoon in Vietnam?

What are details of Statements of Cash Donations to the Vietnam Fatherland Front to support people affected by flood after Yagi typhoon in Vietnam?

On September 14, 2024, Vietnam Fatherland Front compiled a list of groups and individuals who donated cash to Vietnam Fatherland Front.

The latest detailed statement of cash donations to Vietnam Fatherland Front for flood victims after Yagi typhoon is as follows:

The detailed statement of cash donations to Vietnam Fatherland Front for flood victims after Yagi typhoon is as above.

Details of the Vietcombank account of Vietnam Fatherland Front are as follows:

2.1. VND Account

Account Name: Vietnam Fatherland Front - Central Relief Committee

Account Number: 0011.00.1932418

At the Transaction Office of Vietnam Bank for Foreign Trade.

2.2. USD Account

Account Name: Vietnam Fatherland Front - Central Relief Committee

Account Number:

At the Transaction Office of Vietnam Bank for Foreign Trade.


According to statistics up to 5:00 PM on September 12, 2024, the amount of donations for flood victims after Yagi typhoon reached VND 527.8 billion.

See the entire detailed statement file of the Vietnam Fatherland Front as of September 10, 2024, for donations through Vietcombank here

The entire latest detailed statement file of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Vietinbank containing 2009 pages is here

Detailed Statement of Cash Donations to MTTQ Vietnam for Flood Victims after Typhoon Yagi?

What are details of Statements of Cash Donations to the Vietnam Fatherland Front to support people affected by flood after Yagi typhoon in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the criminal liabilities of the crime of obtaining property by fraud in Vietnam?

The crime of obtaining property by fraud in Vietnam is stipulated in Article 174 of the Criminal Code 2015 as amended and supplemented by the Law amending the Criminal Code 20177 as follows:

(1) Any person who uses deceptive means to appropriate another person's property with a value from VND 2,000,000 to under VND 50,000,000, or under VND 2,000,000 but falls under one of the following cases, shall be subject to non-custodial reform for up to 03 years or imprisonment from 06 months to 03 years:

- Has been administratively sanctioned for the act of appropriating property but continues to violate;

- Has been convicted of this crime or of one of the crimes specified in Articles 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, and 290 of the Criminal Code 2015, whose criminal record has not been expunged but continues to violate;

- Causes negative impacts on security, order, or social safety;

- The property is the main means of livelihood for the victim and their family.

(2) Committing the crime in one of the following cases shall be subject to imprisonment from 02 to 07 years:

- Organized crime;

- Professional nature;

- Appropriating property valued from VND 50,000,000 to under VND 200,000,000;

- Dangerous recidivism;

- Abusing position, authority, or exploiting the name of an agency or organization;

- Using deceitful tricks.

(3) Committing the crime in one of the following cases shall be subject to imprisonment from 07 to 15 years:

- Appropriating property valued from VND 200,000,000 to under VND 500,000,000;

- Exploiting natural disasters or epidemics.

(4) Committing the crime in one of the following cases shall be subject to imprisonment from 12 to 20 years or life imprisonment:

- Appropriating property valued at VND 500,000,000 or more;

- Exploiting wartime conditions or emergency situations.

(5) The offender may also be subject to a fine from VND 10,000,000 to VND 100,000,000, a ban on holding certain positions, practicing certain professions, or performing certain jobs for 01 to 05 years, or a partial or full confiscation of property.

What principles govern the organization of charity fundraising and calls for donations in Vietnam?

Article 4 of Decree 93/2021/ND-CP stipulates the principles for organizing, receiving, distributing, and using voluntary contributions as follows:

- The state encourages, honors, and creates favorable conditions for organizations and individuals to participate in voluntary contributions and organize fundraising efforts; fostering the spirit of solidarity, mutual aid, quickly supporting people affected by natural disasters, epidemics, incidents, or serious diseases to stabilize life, living conditions, and rapidly restore and develop production and business.

- Fundraising efforts for overcoming difficulties caused by natural disasters, epidemics, or incidents shall be carried out when these events cause damage to people, property, or affect people's lives; fundraising to support patients with serious diseases shall be carried out on a case-by-case basis.

- Fundraising must be done promptly and voluntarily; organizations and individuals are not allowed to set a mandatory minimum contribution level; voluntary contributions must come from the legal income and assets of the contributing organizations or individuals.

- Receiving, distributing, and using cash and material contributions to address difficulties caused by natural disasters, epidemics, or incidents, and support patients with serious diseases must be done promptly, effectively, fairly, transparently, for the right purpose, and to the right subjects; ensuring coordinated and close cooperation among related agencies, ministries, central authorities and local authorities, organizations, and relevant individuals.

- Funding for activities of fundraising, receiving, distributing, and using voluntary contributions shall be in accordance with the current provisions of the law on state budget and as stipulated in Decree 93/2021/ND-CP.


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