Who is included in the list of heads of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies in Vietnam?

Who is included in the list of heads of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies in Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Phuc in Binh Duong.

Who are the current heads of 18 ministries and 04 ministerial-level agencies in Vietnam?

The heads of 18 Ministries include:





Ministry of National Defense

Mr. Phan Van Giang


Ministry of Public Security

Mr. To Lam


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Bui Thanh Son


Ministry of Home Affairs

Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Tra


Ministry of Justice

Mr. Le Thanh Long


Ministry of Planning and Investment

Mr. Nguyen Chi Dung


Ministry of Finance

Mr. Ho Duc Phuc


Ministry of Industry and Trade

Mr. Nguyen Hong Dien


Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Mr. Le Minh Hoan


Ministry of Transport

Mr. Nguyen Van Thang


Ministry of Construction

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nghi


Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Tran Hong Ha


Ministry of Information and Communications

Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung


Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs

Mr. Dao Ngoc Dung


Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Mr. Nguyen Van Hung


Ministry of Science and Technology

Mr. Huynh Thanh Dat


Ministry of Education and Training

Mr. Nguyen Kim Son


Ministry of Health

Ms. Dao Hong Lan

The heads of 04 ministerial-level agencies include:


Ministry-level agency



Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs

Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs: Mr. Hau A Lenh


The State Bank of Viet Nam

Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam: Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong


Government inspectorate

Government Inspector General: Mr. Doan Hong Phong


Government office

Chairman of the Government Office: Mr. Tran Van Son

Who is included in the list of heads of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies in Vietnam?

Who is included in the list of heads of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Governmental agencies in Vietnam?

Who are the heads of 08 Governmental agencies in Vietnam?

The current list of the heads of 08 Governmental agencies in Vietnam includes:


Governmental agency



Voice of Viet Nam

General Director Do Tien Sy


Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Management

Acting Chairman Bui Hai Son


Vietnam Social Insurance

General Director Nguyen The Manh


Vietnam News Agency

General Director


Vietnam Television

General Director Le Ngoc Quang


Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

Chairman: Mr. Chau Van Minh


Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

Chairman: Mr. Bui Nhat Quang


Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises

Chairman: Mr. Nguyen Hoang Anh

What are the tasks and powers of ministers toward their ministries?

Pursuant to Article 24 of Decree No. 123/2016/ND-CP, the tasks and powers of ministers toward their ministries are:

- To lead, direct and take personal responsibility for all aspects of work of their ministries; to direct units of their ministries in implementing approved strategies, master plans, plans, programs and projects, and perform tasks of their ministries assigned by the Government.

- To promulgate according to their competence or submit to the Government or Prime Minister for promulgation legal documents and policies on development of their ministries’ assigned sectors and fields; to guide, review and organize the implementation of such documents.

- To carry out the recruitment, appointment, relief from duty, dismissal, permission for resignation, suspension from the work, transfer, rotation, evaluation, planning, training, retraining, commendation, rewarding and disciplining of civil servants and public employees, and decentralize powers for management of civil servants and public employees to attached organizations and units in accordance with law.

- To decide on decentralization of powers and authorization to attached organizations or units.

- To decide on programs on scientific and technological research, and application of scientific or technological advances; standards, processes, regulations and technical- economic norms of sectors and fields according to their competence.

- To decide on the establishment of interdisciplinary coordination organizations in accordance with law.

- To decide on the appointment, relief from duty, dismissal, permission for resignation or suspension from work of general directors of general departments after receiving the Prime Minister’s opinions.

- To decide on the appointment, relief from duty, dismissal, permission for resignation, suspension from work, commendation, rewarding and disciplining of deputy general directors of general departments and heads and deputy heads of departments, bureaus/agencies/authorities, inspectorates, offices and public non-business units of their ministries and divisions of departments (if any), divisions of ministerial inspectorates and divisions of ministerial offices in accordance with law.

To decide on the decentralization of powers for appointment, relief from duty, dismissal, permission for resignation and suspension from work of heads and deputy heads of organizations and units of general departments, bureaus/agencies/authorities and public non-business units of their ministries with law.

- To lead and direct the inspection and examination of the implementation of laws in their ministries’ assigned sectors or fields nationwide.

- To manage and organize the effective use of working offices, assets and equipment, finance and state budgets allocated to them; to decide on measures to prevent and combat corruption, practice thrift and combat waste and manifestations of bureaucracy and authoritarianism in their ministries’ assigned sectors and fields.

- To promulgate their ministries’ working regulations, and direct and inspect the implementation of these regulations.

- To lead and direct the administrative reform and reform of the regime of official duties and civil servants in sectors and fields under their ministries’ state management.

- To take the initiative in closely coordinating with agencies of the Party, National Assembly, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy, Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and central bodies of socio-political organizations; to give explanations about matters of concern of the Ethnic Council or National Assembly Committees; to answer questions raised by National Assembly deputies and petitions of voters, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations on matters under their ministries’ management.

- To perform other tasks assigned by the Government or Prime Minister.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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