How will Party members in Vietnam using social networks to propagate information contrary to the Party's views and laws be disciplined?

Hello Lawnet, I have the following questions: In case Party members in Vietnam take advantage of Facebook to propagate information contrary to the Party's policy and the law, how to handle it? Thank you!

Party members in Vietnam who take advantage of social networks to spread views contrary to the Party's guidelines and the law will only be reprimanded?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 28 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 of the Central Committee, disciplinary measures for Party members in Vietnam who violate the regulations on propaganda and speech are as follows:

“Article 28. Violations against regulations on propaganda and speech
1. Party members who commit one of the following violations, causing less serious consequences, shall be disciplined in the form of reprimand;
a) Propagating, copying, distributing and providing information, documents and artifacts with bad content.
b) Arbitrarily speaking, providing information and documents to the press and other media agencies and organizations, violating the Law on Press, Law on Publication and other regulations of the Party and State on speech. , providing information, documents, propaganda, publishing.
c) Speaking, providing information, documents, documents, schemes, projects that are in the process of being drafted but have not yet been allowed to be disseminated by competent authorities according to regulations.
d) Writing articles, browsing posts, copying and distributing inaccurate articles and information.
d) Failing to post feedback or corrections as prescribed by law.
e) Taking advantage of the right to reserve opinions, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and social criticism to write articles, give interviews or use information, communication, and network media. society and associations, groups, clubs and forums to spread views contrary to the guidelines and regulations of the Party and laws of the State."

Thus, the application of the form of discipline and reprimand will be implemented when Party members violate the acts of propaganda and speech in accordance with the above provisions.

Accordingly, for acts of Party members taking advantage of social networks to spread views contrary to the Party's guidelines and the law and causing less serious consequences, they will be disciplined in the form of reprimand.

How will Party members in Vietnam using social networks to propagate information contrary to the Party's views and laws be disciplined?

How will party members in Vietnam who use social networks to propagate information contrary to the Party's views or laws be disciplined?

Will a Party member be warned or dismissed from his position for providing confidential information of the Party or State without the permission of the competent authority?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 28 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 of the Central Committee, stipulating the form of disciplinary warning or dismissal for Party members in Vietnam who violate the regulations on propaganda and speech such as: after:

“Article 28. Violations against regulations on propaganda and speech
2. If a person who has been disciplined under Clause 1 of this Article re-commits or commits the first violation, causing serious consequences or violates one of the following circumstances, the discipline shall be in the form of warning or dismissal (if there is a member of the Board of Directors). service):
a) Making statements contrary to the guidelines and regulations of the Party and laws of the State; spreading false information.
b) Providing information and documents to organizations and individuals on matters falling under the secrets of the Party, the State, organizations and individuals and other secrets according to the provisions of law without permission from competent authorities. permission. Providing unlicensed, untrue and dishonest information to the press and other media agencies and organizations. Providing information and documents to others to speak, write, post false news or articles on the media and social networks in order to distort or lower the reputation of the collective or individual.
c) Providing information and documents to the press about the case, the case is in the process of investigation, which has not yet been allowed to be published or has not yet been tried. Providing and posting detailed information and documents serving the conclusion of the case; cases that are in the stage of examination, supervision, inspection, audit, investigation, prosecution, trial, or judgment enforcement have yet to be concluded or are not yet allowed to be announced according to regulations.
k) Writing articles, approving posts, giving false information, not in accordance with regulations; threaten, demand claims on the content of articles, post articles, share information related to localities, agencies, units and individuals for personal gain.”

As such, Party members in Vietnam have been disciplined in the form of reprimands for violations of propaganda and speech that repeat or violate for the first time but cause serious consequences or violations in one of the following cases: above will be disciplined by warning or dismissal.

Accordingly, for acts of providing confidential information of the Party or State without the permission of competent authorities, Party members in Vietnam will be disciplined in the form of warning or dismissal.

To what extent will Party members in Vietnam violate the regulations on propaganda and speech, they will be expelled from the Party?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 28 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 of the Central Committee, which stipulates the disciplinary form of expulsion from the Party for Party members in Vietnam who violate the regulations on propaganda and speech as follows: :

“Article 28. Violations against regulations on propaganda and speech
3. In case of violations specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article causing very serious consequences or in one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of expulsion:
a) Failure to comply with the discipline of speaking and protecting secrets of the Party and the State, disclosing information, distributing documents and objects in contravention of regulations and regimes; spreading false information about the Party's internal affairs, adversely affecting political stability, discipline, discipline, solidarity and unity within the Party and people, so that the bad guys and other hostile and reactionary forces used to distort, oppose or lower the prestige of the Party and State.
b) Taking advantage of democracy and human rights to oppose the Party and State; speak, write, illegally store or distribute information, documents, and artifacts with content spreading the Party's guidelines and regulations, or posting on social networks that are against the Party's guidelines and regulations, or the law. gorvernment's.
c) Participating in or inciting or enticing other people to participate in seminars or talks without the permission of competent agencies or organizations, with contents contrary to the Party's guidelines and guidelines or the State's laws.
d) Taking advantage of the right to reserve opinions, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly to propagate against the Party and State, and to negate Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought.
đ) Having committed wrongdoings which have been reminded and explained by the competent authorities but do not accept, continue to write, speak, and distribute memoirs, petitions, letters, smearing, slandering, attacking the Party and State. and regime.”

Thus, Party members in Vietnam who violate the regulations on propaganda and speech within the scope of discipline, reprimand or warn or dismiss but cause very serious consequences or fall into one of the cases specified above will be expelled from the Party.

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Party members in Vietnam
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