How will Vietnamese Communist Party members who threaten to take revenge on witnesses for their wrongdoing be disciplined?

Hello LAWNET, I want to ask: In case a Vietnamese Communist Party member violates the Party's operating principles and threatens to retaliate against the witness for that violation, how will he be handled? Thanks!

Vietnamese Communist Party members who threaten to take revenge on witnesses about violations of Party activities will be disciplined?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 26 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 of the Central Committee, stipulating the form of discipline for Party members who violate the Party's principles of organization and operation:

“Article 26. Violations against the Vietnamese Communist Party's principles of organization and operation
1. Vietnamese Communist Party members who violate one of the following circumstances, causing less serious consequences, shall be disciplined in the form of reprimand:
a) Lack of responsibility in observing the guidelines and regulations of the Vietnamese Communist Party and laws of the State.
b) Being provoked, instigated, bribed, manipulated or coerced to participate in activities causing loss of democracy and internal unity.
c) Being instigated or manipulated to violate the Vietnamese Communist Party's principles of organization and operation; violate the regulations on democracy, working regulations of the Vietnamese Communist Party committees and organizations, and regulations of agencies, organizations and units where they work and live.
d) Threatening to take revenge or persecute people who question, give suggestions, criticize or denounce themselves or witnesses in any form.
dd) Failure to comply with the reporting, information and question-answering regime in accordance with regulations of the Vietnamese Communist Party and State.
e) Slander, defame, criticize, criticize others with impure personal motives.”

According to the above regulations, now that the act of Vietnamese Communist Party members taking revenge and punishing witnesses for their violations, they will be disciplined in the form of reprimand.

How will Vietnamese Communist Party members who threaten to take revenge on witnesses for their wrongdoing be disciplined?

How will Vietnamese Communist Party members who threaten to take revenge on witnesses for their wrongdoing be disciplined?

Vietnamese Communist Party members violate the Party's principles of organization and operation, will they be subject to disciplinary warning or dismissal?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 26 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 of the Central Committee, which stipulates the form of disciplinary warning or dismissal for Vietnamese Communist Party members who commit acts of violating the principles of organization and operation of Vietnamese Communist Party are:

“Article 26. Violations against the Vietnamese Communist Party's principles of organization and operation
2. If the offenders have been disciplined under Clause 1 of this Article, but recidivism or first-time violations cause serious consequences or commit one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of warning or dismissal (if there is a person in charge). service):
a) Taking advantage of positions and powers to veto opinions of the majority of members when passing resolutions or regulations falling within the collective's competence.
b) Participating in or inciting or forcing others to participate in divisive or partial activities that cause internal disunity.
c) Making false reports, distorting the truth; conceal defects or violations of oneself, others or the organization; create fake achievements; opportunity, position trumpet.
d) Partialism, factions, authoritarianism, transfer of power in direction and administration, leading to violation of the principle of democratic centralism.
d) Promulgating documents or doing things contrary to the documents of the Vietnamese Communist Party committee or organization.
e) Taking advantage of the principle of democratic centralism to mobilize individuals, dominate the collective, decide according to subjective will to benefit individuals, relatives and groups.
g) Taking advantage of positions and powers to suppress subordinates, take revenge, or persecute people with minority or contrary opinions.
h) Failure to comply with the guidelines and regulations of the superior party organization.
i) Speak and act in contravention of resolutions, directives and regulations that have been unanimously approved or promulgated by the Vietnamese Communist Party committees, party organizations, and leaders of agencies and units.
k) Failure to strictly observe the principles of organization and operation of the Vietnamese Communist Party; loss of will to strive, no example in work, avoidance, lack of responsibility, failure to fulfill assigned responsibilities and tasks.”

Accordingly, when a Vietnamese Communist Party member violates the Vietnamese Communist Party's principles of organization and operation in one of the cases mentioned above, or has been disciplined for acts of violating the Party's principles of organization and operation, or violating For the first time but causing serious consequences, they will be disciplined in the form of warning or dismissal.

In what cases will the discipline of expulsion from the Vietnamese Communist Party be applied to Party members who violate the Party's principles of organization and operation?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 26 of Regulation 69/QD-TW of 2022 of the Central Committee, which stipulates the form of expulsion from the Vietnamese Communist Party for Party members who commit acts of violating the principles of organization and operation of the Vietnamese Communist Party are:

“Article 26. Violations against the Party's principles of organization and operation
3. In case of violations specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article causing very serious consequences or in one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of expulsion:
a) Disorganized, undisciplined, quit their positions many times without legitimate reasons; acts against the guidelines and regulations of the Vietnamese Communist Party and laws of the State.
b) Taking advantage of democratic rights to create factions, group interests or local interests to cause disunity in organizations, agencies and units where they live or work.
c) Revenge, punish people who comment, fight, criticize, denounce or provide information, documents, evidences or witnesses related to violations committed by agencies, units or organizations.”

Accordingly, if a Vietnamese Communist Party member violates the regulations on the principles of organization and operation of the Party, the form of discipline will be applied, reprimanded or warned, or dismissed, but causing very serious consequences or falling into one of the following categories: In the case specified above, they will be expelled from the Vietnamese Communist Party.


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