Is the border guard party responsible for regularly reporting to the province on the implementation of the situation compilation?

Hello Lawnet, I have the following question: Currently, when performing border guard work, does the provincial Party Committee of the provincial border guard need to report to the provincial Party Committee? Thank you!

What is the relationship between the district military party committee in Vietnam and the commune party committee in the performance of military tasks, local defense and army rear policy?

Pursuant to Section 13 of Guidelines 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 stipulates as follows:

“13- The relationship between the district military party committee and the commune party committee is a cooperative relationship for the performance of local military and defense tasks and the policy of the army's rear (Clause 3, Section II). , Part D)
a) District Military Party Committee
- Leaders of the district military command advise the district party committee to lead, direct, guide and inspect the leadership of the commune party committee in the performance of local military and defense tasks and rear policy army.
- Actively discuss with the commune Party Committee (cell) the situation and tasks of military and national defense work in the locality; coordinate with the commune party committees (cells) in directing the consolidation of the commune military command committees, building up the militia, reserve mobilization and party work in the places where the commune military branches are set up.
b) Commune Party Committee (cell)
- Implement the guidance and inspection of the district military party committee on military work, local defense and the policy of the army rear.
- Actively exchange and notify the district military party committee of the situation and results of performance of local military and defense tasks; consult with the district's military party committee on guidelines, directions, military tasks, national defense and policies on the army's rear. Discuss and reach agreement with the district military party committee before planning, training and appointing officers of the commune military command; prepare personnel for the congress of the commune military branch (if any).
- Coordinate with the political board of the district military command to direct and guide the political work in the militia and reserve forces, and to direct and guide the party's work in the places where military branches are set up. society."

Accordingly, the Military Party Committee in Vietnam of the district and the Party Committee of the commune will coordinate with each other according to the above-mentioned guidelines to carry out military tasks, local defense and the policy of the army's rear.

Is the border guard party responsible for regularly reporting to the province on the implementation of the situation compilation?

The Party Committee in Vietnam of the Provincial Border Guard is responsible for regularly reporting to the Provincial Party Committee on the implementation of border guard work?

The Party Committee in Vietnam of the Provincial Border Guard must regularly report to the Provincial Party Committee the situation of border guard work tasks?

Pursuant to Section 16 of Guidelines 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 has the following guidance:

“16- The relationship between the Provincial Party Committee and the Party Committee of the Provincial Border Guard duo (Clause 3, Section II, Part A)
Regulation No. 59-QD/TW, stating: "The border guards of the provinces and centrally-run cities are under the direct leadership of the provincial Party Committee in all aspects", shall be implemented as follows:
a) Provincial Party Committee
- Directly leading in all aspects the Party Committee and the provincial border guard command; which focuses on leading the implementation of the line, guidelines and regulations of the Party, the State, the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense and the provincial Party Committee's resolutions on the task of building, managing and protecting the country's sovereignty. border security in the province.
- Leaders of the Party Committee and command of the provincial border guard shall abide by the resolutions of the Party Committee and the orders of the Commander of the Border Guard on border guard work and the construction of the border guard force; resolutions of the Party Committee, directives and orders of the commander of the military zone on defense and combat tasks.
- Regularly inform the provincial Party Committee and command of the border guard on the policies of socio-economic development and consolidation of national defense and security in the locality, especially in border areas.
- Leaders of departments, branches, mass organizations and local people coordinate, help and create conditions for border guards to complete their tasks.
b) Party Committee of the provincial border guard
- Regularly report to the provincial Party Committee the situation of border guard tasks, political security, social order and safety and results of participation in socio-economic development; building and consolidating political, defense - security bases in communes, wards and townships in the area under the management of the provincial border guards.
- The committees of the Provincial Party Committee and the Political Bureau, the Party Committee for Inspection of the Party Committee of the Border Guards shall guide and inspect the Party Committee of the Provincial Border Guard on party building, political work and mass work. "

Accordingly, between the Provincial Party Committee and the Party Committee in Vietnam of the Provincial Border Guard, there will be a relationship according to the content guided as above. The Party Committee of the provincial border guards must regularly report to the provincial Party Committee the situation of border guard tasks, political security, social order and safety, and the results of their participation in economic development. society.

What tasks will the Party Committee in Vietnam of the provincial border guard and the district party committee where the provincial border guards are on duty to coordinate to perform?

Pursuant to Section 15 of Guidelines 08-HD/BTCTW in 2017 has the following guidance:

“15- The relationship between the Party Committee of the provincial border guard and the district party committee where the provincial border guard is on duty is a cooperative relationship (Clause 5, Section II, Part D).
a) Party Committee of the provincial border guard
- Regularly inform and exchange with the district party committee about border guard duties and related border situation; agreed with the district party committee on policies and measures to combine socio-economic development tasks with the protection of sovereignty and border security in the locality.
- Lead and direct subordinate units to actively participate in building political foundations, socio-economic development, strengthening national defense and security in the locality.
- Inform the district party committee about the promotion, appointment and transfer of officers in charge of the border guard posts in the district.
- Presiding over the development of regulations on coordination with the district party committee to implement the above work contents.
b) District Party Committee
- Regularly inform the Party Committee of the provincial border guards and border guard units on duty in their localities on the situation of socio-economic development, national defense and security in the locality.
- Local leaders strictly abide by the guidelines and regulations of the Party, State and Army on border security and perform the task of building, managing and protecting national border security sovereignty; linking socio-economic development with consolidating national defense and security in the locality.
- Leading and directing departments, branches, mass organizations and local people to coordinate, help and create conditions for border guards to complete their tasks.

Accordingly, the Party Committee of the provincial border guard and the district party committee in Vietnam where the provincial border guard is on duty will have a cooperative relationship with each other to carry out the tasks according to the above instructions.

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