09:40 | 31/12/2022

Vietnam: Is it possible to register other cars where the car is registered? What are the responsibilities of car owners in registering cars?

Let me ask when going to register a car, which registry to go to? Can I register cars elsewhere where the car is registered according to Vietnamese regulations? asked Mr. Long (Binh Thuan)

Is it possible to register other cars where the car is registered in Vietnam?

In Article 5 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT, there are regulations on the location of motor vehicle inspection as follows:

Article 5. Location of inspection
1. Preparation of vehicle dossiers and inspection documents (including cases of revision of vehicle dossiers) of motor vehicles shall be implemented at any register entities in the country.
2. Motor vehicles must be inspected in inspection line. In case oversize motor vehicles cannot enter inspection line, inspect operation and brake effectiveness on test roads outside of inspection line. For motor vehicles operating in islands where roads are not available to reach register authority; motor vehicles operating in areas secured in terms of safety, security, national defense that cannot access register authority; motor vehicles performing emergency missions (natural disaster, disease prevention and remediation), inspection shall be performed outside of inspection authority as per Clause 3 Article 8 hereof.

Thus, according to the above regulations, car owners can register their cars in any registration unit across the country, regardless of the place of vehicle registration.

Vietnam: Is it possible to register other cars where the car is registered? What are the responsibilities of car owners in registering cars?

Vietnam: Is it possible to register other cars where the car is registered? What are the responsibilities of car owners in registering cars?

What are the documents required when registering vehicles in Vietnam?

Article 6 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT stipulates the necessary documents when preparing vehicle dossiers and inspection as follows:

Article 6. Necessary documents when producing vehicle dossiers and inspection documents
1. Produce vehicle dossiers
Preparation of vehicle dossiers shall be prepared when a motor vehicle is inspected for the first time to participate in traffic (cases, where first-time inspection is conducted to issue Certificate of inspection and seal of inspection with 15 days of validity, are not required to produce vehicle dossiers). When bringing motor vehicles to register authority for inspection and preparation of vehicle dossiers, vehicle users must present the following documents:
a) Present: documents on vehicle registration (master register of Vehicle registration issued by competent authority or notice of receipt of master register of registration certificate of vehicles used as security of credit institution) or notice on date of issuing registration;
b) Submit copies of record of factory release quality inspection for motor vehicles manufactured and assembled domestically (except liquidated motor vehicles);
c) Submit master register of Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection for renovated motor vehicles in case of recently renovated motor vehicles.
2. Conduct inspection
When bringing motor vehicles to register authority for inspection, vehicle users must present the following documents and information:
a) Documents under Point a and Point c Clause 1 of this Article;
b) Information on username, password, and address of website managing tracking units and/or camera for motor vehicles that are required to mount tracking units and/or camera;
c) Declare information on transport service providers in document monitoring notice according to form under Annex I attached hereto.

Thus, when registering a car, the car owner carries documents including:

- Vehicle registration documents, or Appointment papers for registration certificates

- Factory quality inspection slip for domestically manufactured and assembled motor vehicles (except liquidated motor vehicles)

- Certificate of quality of technical safety and environmental protection for newly renovated motor vehicles.

- Declaration of transport business.

What are the responsibilities of car owners in registering cars in Vietnam?

Article 13 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT stipulates the responsibilities of vehicle owners in registering cars, including:

- Maintaining technical safety and environmental protection status of vehicles as per standards when participating in road traffic.

- Refraining from renting or borrowing parts and/or components of motor vehicles to satisfy inspection purposes; refraining from falsifying, removing, or fabricating Certificate of inspection, seals of inspection.

- Providing and declaring accurate information relating to inspection affairs, administration information, and technical specifications of motor vehicles, and providing relevant documents to register authority.

- Preserving Certificate of inspection and seals of inspection.

- Returning Certificate of inspection and seals of inspection when register authority issues notice on revocation.


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