08:48 | 27/08/2024

Ensuring Food Supply Before, During, and After Tet Holidays in 2024 as Required by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam

Ensuring Food Supply Before, During, and After Tet Holidays in 2024 as Required by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam?

Ensuring the Supply of Food Before, During, and After the 2024 Tet Holidays as Required by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam?

Based on Section 2 of Directive 29/CT-TTg 2023, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam requires the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to implement the following tasks:

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development:

a) Closely monitor the situation, proactively direct and implement measures to ensure the supply of food before, during, and after the 2024 Tet Holidays.

b) Direct professional veterinary agencies to strengthen the quarantine of animal imports and the transportation of animals and animal products domestically according to the law, and strictly handle violations;

c) Coordinate with localities and relevant ministries and central authorities to promptly detect and strictly handle cases of illegal trading and transportation of animals and animal products across borders into Vietnam;

d) Focus on directing, organizing guidance, urging, and inspecting the prevention and control of animal diseases, especially African Swine Fever; proactively and closely monitor the disease situation; early detect, warn, and thoroughly handle outbreaks to prevent widespread transmission; direct and guide localities and enterprises to successfully establish disease-free zones and facilities to serve exports.

The Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam requires the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to closely monitor the situation, proactively direct, and implement measures to ensure the supply of food before, during, and after the 2024 Tet Holidays.

Ensuring the Supply of Food Before, During, and After the Tet Nguyen Dan Giap Thin 2024 as Required by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam

Ensuring the Supply of Food Before, During, and After the 2024 Tet Holidays as Required by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam

How Many Days Off Do Employees Get for 2024 Tet Holidays in Vietnam?

Based on the provisions of Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019 regarding holidays and Tet, it is stipulated as follows:

Holidays and Tet

1. Employees are entitled to fully paid leave on the following public holidays and Tet:

a) New Year’s Day: 01 day (January 01 of the Gregorian calendar);

b) Lunar New Year (Tet Holidays): 05 days;

c) Victory Day: 01 day (April 30 of the Gregorian calendar);

d) International Labor Day: 01 day (May 01 of the Gregorian calendar);

dd) National Day: 02 days (September 02 of the Gregorian calendar and 01 contiguous day before or after);

e) Hung Kings' Commemoration Day: 01 day (March 10 of the lunar calendar).

2. Foreign employees working in Vietnam, in addition to the holidays prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, are entitled to one traditional holiday and one National Day of their country.

3. Annually, based on actual conditions, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam decides specifically on the holidays stipulated in Points b and đ Clause 1 of this Article.

Thus, based on the above provisions, employees are entitled to fully paid leave for 05 days during the Lunar New Year (Tet Holidays).

Additionally, Section 5 of Notice 5015/TB-LDTBXH 2023 specifies the 2024 Lunar New Year holiday schedule for employees as follows:

- For the Lunar New Year holiday: choose between 01 day at the end of the year of the Cat and 04 days at the beginning of the year of the Dragon, or 02 days at the end of the year of the Cat and 03 days at the beginning of the year of the Dragon, or 03 days at the end of the year of the Cat and 02 days at the beginning of the year of the Dragon.

- Notify the plan for the Lunar New Year holiday in 2024 to employees at least 30 days prior to implementation.

- If weekly days off coincide with holidays stipulated in Clause 1, Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019, employees are entitled to compensatory leave on the next working day as per Clause 3, Article 111 of the Labor Code 2019.

- Employers are encouraged to apply the lunar New Year holiday schedule for employees similar to that for officials and public employees.

How is Salary Calculated for Working During Tet Holidays in Vietnam?

Based on the provisions of Article 98 of the Labor Code 2019, regarding overtime pay and working at night, it is stipulated as follows:

Overtime pay and night work pay

1. Employees working overtime are entitled to wages calculated based on their wage unit price or the actual wage of their current work as follows:

a) On regular days, at least 150%;

b) On weekly days off, at least 200%;

c) On holidays, Tet, paid days off, at least 300%, excluding the daily wage for holidays, Tet, or paid days off for employees who receive daily wages.

2. Employees who work at night are entitled to at least an additional 30% of their wage unit price or actual wage for a normal working day.

3. Employees who work overtime at night are entitled to an additional 20% on top of the wages stipulated in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article, calculated based on their wage unit price or actual wage of their daytime work on regular days, weekly days off, or holidays, Tet.

4. the Government of Vietnam provides detailed regulations for this Article.

In cases where employees work on Tet holidays, they are entitled to at least 300% of the daily wage, excluding the daily wage for Tet for those who receive daily wages.

Furthermore, in cases where employees work at night, they are entitled to at least an additional 30% of the wage for a regular working day and 20% of the wage for Tet.

Thus, working during the Lunar New Year 2024, the wages are calculated as follows:

- Working during the day: Receiving at least 400% of the wage.

- Working at night: Receiving at least 490% of the wage.


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