10:26 | 16/02/2023

Has COVID-19 been added to the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance in Vietnam?

I would like to ask if COVID-19 has been added to the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance in Vietnam. - Question of Mr. Hung (Yen Bai)

Which diseases are included in the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Circular 15/2016/TT-BYT stipulating the current list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance in Vietnam, including:

List of occupational diseases covered by social insurance and guidelines for diagnosis and examination
1. Occupational silicosis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 1 issued together with this Circular.
2. Occupational asbestosis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 2 issued together with this Circular.
3. Occupational byssinosis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 3 issued together with this Circular. .
4. Occupational talc pneumoconiosis lung disease and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 4 issued together within this Circular.
5. Occupational coalworker's pneumoconiosis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 5 issued together with this Circular.
6. Occupational chronic bronchitis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 6 issued together with this Circular.
7. Occupational asthma and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 7 issued together with this Circular.
8. Occupational lead poisoning and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 8 issued together with this Circular.
9. Occupational intoxication of benzene and benzene homologues and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 9 issued together with this Circular.
10. Occupational mercurialism and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 10 issued together with this Circular.
11. Occupational manganism and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 11 issued together with this Circular.
12. Occupational trinitrotoluene poisoning and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 12 issued together with this Circular.
13. Occupational asernic poisoning and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 13 issued together with this Circular.
14. Occupational intoxication of pesticide chemicals and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 14 issued together with this Circular.
15. Occupational nicotine poisoning and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 15 issued together with this Circular.
16. Occupational carbon monoxide poisoning and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 16 issued together with this Circular.
17. Occupational cadmium poisoning and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 17 issued together with this Circular.
18. Noise-induced hearing loss and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 18 issued together with this Circular.
19. Occupational decompression sickness and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 19 issued together with this Circular.
20. Occupational whole-body vibration and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 20 issued together with this Circular.
21. Occupational local vibration and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 21 issued together with this Circular.
22. Occupational radiation toxicity and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 22 issued together with this Circular.23. Occupational cataract and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 23 issued together with this Circular.
24. Occupational black acne disease and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 24 issued together with this Circular.
25. Occupational melasma and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 25 issued together with this Circular.
26. Occupational chromium contact dermatitis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 26 issued together with this Circular.
27. Occupational skin diseases due to prolonged wet and cold exposure and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 27 issued together with this Circular.
28. Occupational skin diseases due to exposure to natural rubber and rubber additive chemicals and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 28 issued together with this Circular.
29. Occupational leptospirosis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 29 issued together with this Circular.
30. Occupational hepatitis B and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 30 issued together within this Circular.
31. Occupational tuberculosis and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 31 issued together with this Circular.
32. HIV infection due to occupational accidents and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 32 issued together with this Circular.
33. Occupational hepatitis C and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 33 issued together with this Circular.
34. Occupational mesotholioma cancer and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 34 issued together with this Circular.

Thus, the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance is as follows:

- Group of occupational lung diseases caused by silica, asbestos, cotton, talc, coal and chronic bronchitis, occupational asthma.

- Group of occupational poisoning diseases caused by lead, benzene and homologues, mercury, manganese, trinitrotoluene, arsenic, pesticides, nicotine, carbon monoxide, cadmium.

- Occupational diseases caused by physical factors include deafness caused by noise, decompression sickness, diseases caused by whole body and local vibration, radiation diseases, cataracts.

- Group of occupational skin diseases including nodular disease, tanning disease, contact dermatitis caused by chromium, skin diseases caused by prolonged exposure to wet and cold environments, exposure to natural rubber and rubber additives.

- The group of occupational infections includes: Leptospira disease, hepatitis B virus, tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis C virus, mesothelioma.

Has COVID-19 been added to the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance in Vietnam?

Has COVID-19 been added to the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Has COVID-19 been added to the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 1 of Circular 02/2023/TT-BYT stipulating as follows:

Amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 15/2016/TT-BYT dated May 15, 2016 of the Ministry of Health, providing for occupational diseases entitled to social insurance
1. Adding Clause 35 to the first Article 3 as follows: “35. Occupational COVID-19 disease and guidelines for diagnosis and assessment prescribed in Appendix 35 issued together with this Circular.
2. Amending the second Article 3 to Article 3a.
3. Supplementing Appendix 35 to guide the diagnosis and assessment of occupational COVID-19 disease issued together with this Circular.
4. Supplementing Appendix 36 to the Record of occupational exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus issued together with this Circular.

Thus, Circular 02/2023/TT-BYT has added COVID-19 to the list of occupational diseases covered by social insurance.

At the same time, Circular 02/2023/TT-BYT has added Appendix 35 Guidelines for diagnosis and assessment of occupational COVID-19 disease and Appendix 36 Record of occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Which occupations and jobs do workers often come into contact with the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Pursuant to Section 3, Appendix 35, Guidelines for diagnosis and assessment of occupational COVID-19 disease, issued together with Circular 02/2023/TT-BYT, providing guidance on occupations and jobs that are often exposed to the source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including:

- Persons working at medical establishments.

- Persons doing occupations and laboratory work, taking samples, transporting samples, handling, preserving and destroying samples containing SARS-CoV-2 virus.

- Persons who do jobs and jobs in epidemic prevention, service and relief for people infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus include:

+ Persons who do jobs and work directly in concentrated isolation areas, medical isolation at home, medical isolation in epidemic areas, support to care for COVID-19 patients at home;

+ Persons who transport and serve COVID-19 patients;

+ Persons transporting, burying, preserving, cremating and burying bodies of COVID-19 patients;

+ Persons who monitor, investigate and verify the COVID-19;

+ Customs officers, diplomats, immigration officers;

+ Officers, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers of the People's Army, defense civil servants, defense workers and defense officials;

+ Soldiers and officers of the police force;

+ Persons who do other occupations and jobs are assigned to participate in the prevention of COVID-19.

Circular 02/2023/TT-BYT takes effect from April 1, 2023.


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