Criteria for the title of Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Central Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council in Vietnam today?

Hello Lawnet, may I ask the following question: What are the standards for the secretary of the provincial Party Committee and the Party Committee of the Central Government? Criteria of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Council in Vietnam? Thank you!

What are the criteria for the title of Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee or Party Committee of the Central Government?

Pursuant to subsection 2.19, Section 2, Part I, Regulation 214-QD/TW in 2020 stipulates as follows:

“2.19. Title block of province, city directly under the Central Government
a) Secretary of the Party Committee of the province or city directly under the Central Government
To fully ensure the general standards of a member of the Politburo, the Secretariat or a member of the Central Committee, and at the same time, it is necessary to have the following qualities and abilities: The most typical of morality, intelligence, high prestige, is the nucleus of unity in the executive committee, standing committee and party committee, not local and group interests. Having qualified, comprehensive knowledge of politics, economy, culture, society, national defense, security, foreign affairs, ... and firmly grasp the general situation of the locality and the country. Having high political will, decisiveness and decisiveness to decide to handle difficult and complicated issues related to the locality.Thorough understanding of Party building work, mass mobilization and the operation of the political system. Having the capacity to concretize the lines, guidelines and policies of the Party and the State's laws into the planning of construction and development strategies, and to effectively lead and administer the implementation in the locality. Capable of directing, summarizing, drawing experiences, discovering and proposing to the Central Government guidelines, mechanisms, policies and solving new problems arising from local practice. Having experience with key leaders at the district level (secretaries, deputy secretaries of district-level Party committees, presidents of the People's Councils, presidents of the district-level People's Committees) and having experienced and successfully completed tasks in the position of deputy Provincial Party Committee Secretary or equivalent.

Accordingly, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Party Committee under the Central Government will need to ensure the standards as prescribed above.

Criteria for the title of Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Central Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council in Vietnam today?

Criteria for the title of Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Central Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council in Vietnam today?

What are the standards of the current Chairman of the Provincial People's Council in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 2.19, Section 2, Part I, Regulation 214-QD/TW in 2020 stipulates as follows:

“2.19. Title block of province, city directly under the Central Government
b) Chairman of the People's Council of the province or city
To fully ensure the framework of common standards or criteria for members of the Central Executive Committee, and at the same time, it is necessary to have the following qualities and capabilities: Having qualifications and comprehensive knowledge of the law and state management; knowledgeable about the political, economic, social, security, defense and foreign affairs of the locality and the country. Having the capacity to concretize and institutionalize the guidelines, guidelines and policies of the Party, the State's laws, resolutions of the Party Committee into resolutions and regulations of the People's Council on economic and social development. local association, security, defense and foreign affairs; and at the same time directing the organization to effectively monitor the implementation. Capable of leading, directing, summarizing practices, proposing to competent authorities to promulgate local economic, social, security, defense and foreign affairs institutions, mechanisms and policies. Having the ability to coordinate and maintain relationships with the Fatherland Front, mass organizations and citizens; direct the timely settlement of lawful and legitimate proposalsof voters. Organize and administer the activities of the People's Council effectively and in accordance with the law. Having experience with key leaders at district level and having experience and successfully completing tasks in the position of vice president of the People's Council or vice president of the provincial People's Committee or member of the standing committee of the provincial or municipal Party Committee or equivalent."

Accordingly, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Council in Vietnam will need to ensure the standards as prescribed above

Standards of chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities?

Pursuant to sub-section 2.19, Section 2 of Regulation 214-QD/TW in 2020 stipulates as follows:

“2.19. Title block of province, city directly under the Central Government
c) Chairman of the People's Committee of the province or city
To fully ensure the framework of common standards or criteria for members of the Central Executive Committee, and at the same time, it is necessary to have the following qualities and capacities: Having qualifications and comprehensive knowledge of the law and state administrative management; knowledgeable about the political, economic, social, security, defense and foreign affairs of the locality and the country. Having the capacity to concretize and institutionalize the guidelines, guidelines and policies of the Party, the State's laws, resolutions of the Party Committee and the People's Council into programs and plans of the People's Committee and to direct lead the organization to perform effectively. Having comprehensive capacity in organizing, managing, directing and administering specialized agencies under their authority and the People's Committees at lower levels; decisively, decisively and promptly to decide on difficult and complicated issues related to local state management. Having experience with key leaders at district level and having experience and successfully completing tasks in the position of vice president of the People's Council or vice president of the provincial People's Committee or member of the standing committee of the provincial or municipal Party Committee or equivalent."

Thus, chairpersons of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities will need to meet the criteria as prescribed above.

What are the standards of the current Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and City Party Committee?

Pursuant to subsection 2.19, Section 2 of Regulation 214-QD/TW in 2020 stipulates as follows:

“2.19. Title block of province, city directly under the Central Government
d) Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Party Committee directly under the Central Government
Have qualifications and comprehensive knowledge; firmly grasp the general situation of the locality and the country; In-depth understanding of Party building work, mass mobilization and the operation of the political system. Having prestige in the party committee, the ability to gather and rally solidarity. Having the ability to direct, concretize and creatively apply the Party's resolutions, the resolutions of the Party congresses and the Party committees at all levels into programs, work plans and organize the effective implementation.Capable of directing and operating activities of advisory and assisting agencies of the Party Committee; inspect, supervise, review and summarize the implementation of guidelines, resolutions, programs and work plans of the Party Committee and propose guidelines, tasks and solutions to the Party Committee and standing committee. Party committees and party secretaries to lead and direct. Experienced in leading and directing the Party building work, building the political system. Having experience in key leadership at the district level and successfully completing his/her duties as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee or vice president of the provincial People's Council, vice president of the provincial People's Committee or equivalent.

Accordingly, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Party Committee under the Central Government will need to ensure the standards as prescribed above


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