Civil servants in Vietnam performing the task of leading district-level administrative agencies must be able to use foreign languages from August 15, 2022?

Hello editor, I am a district-level civil servant, if I want to perform the leadership task, what conditions must I meet? Thank you!

Which ranks of Civil servants in Vietnam perform leadership tasks in district-level administrative agencies?

According to Article 6 of Circular 02/2021/TT-BNV stipulating the main professional rank of Civil servants in Vietnam as follows:

"Article 6. Rank of Chief Specialist
1. Responsibilities:
Being a civil servant with high professional qualifications in one or several fields of state management in an administrative agency or organization from the district level or higher, responsible for researching, formulating policies or implementing the task of leading, directing and organizing the implementation of policies and laws in the locality from the district level upwards.
2. Mission:
a) Lead or participate in research, formulation and implementation of policies and laws; building and perfecting the state management institutions or mechanisms in the professional and professional domains assigned to them for management;
b) To assume the prime responsibility for or participate in researching and developing regulations and regulations on professional management of branches, domains and localities; to research and develop topics, schemes and scientific research works in order to renew and perfect the management mechanism, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the operation of agencies and organizations;
c) Preside over or participate in the implementation of professional activities; formulating general reports, evaluating and perfecting management mechanisms and policies;
d) Guide, monitor and inspect the implementation of professional regimes and policies; participate in proposing measures to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management of the sector, field or locality.

Civil servants in Vietnam performing the task of leading district-level administrative agencies must be able to use foreign languages from August 15, 2022?

Civil servants performing the task of leading district-level administrative agencies must be able to use foreign languages from August 15, 2022? (Image from the internet)

What are the professional standards and qualifications of civil servants of the main expert rank from August 15, 2022?

According to Clause 3, Clause 4, Article 6 of Circular 02/2021/TT-BNV (amended and supplemented by Article 1 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BNV) stipulating professional standards and qualifications of rank-and-file civil servants. The main experts are as follows:

- Standards of professional and professional capacity of Civil servants in Vietnam of the main expert rank:

+ Firmly grasp the Party's guidelines and guidelines, the law on industries and fields of work, and professional knowledge and skills in the fields of management;

+ Capable of participating in the formulation of legal documents, schemes, projects, action programs and guiding the implementation of regimes, policies and regulations on state management in branches, domains or localities working method;

+ Understand the situation and development trend of the industry and field of work in the country and the world; capable of organizing research for management and processing management information;

+ Ability to work independently or in a team; have skills in drafting documents and making presentations on assigned research and consulting issues;

+ Having basic information technology skills and using foreign languages ​​or using ethnic minority languages ​​for civil servants working in ethnic minority areas as required by the job position

- Standards on training and retraining qualifications of civil servants of the main specialist rank are as follows:

+ Having a university degree or higher with a major or training discipline relevant to the industry or field of work;

+ Possessing a certificate of state management knowledge and skills training for civil servants of the main specialist rank and equivalent or an advanced degree in political-administrative theory.

How are Civil servants in Vietnam participating in the exam to raise the rank to the rank of main expert?

According to Clause 5, Article 6 of Circular 02/2021/TT-BNV stipulating the requirements for Civil servants in Vietnam to take the exam for promotion to the rank of main expert:

"Article 6. Rank of Chief Specialist
5. Requirements for civil servants taking the exam for promotion to the rank of main expert:
a) Having held the rank of specialist and equivalent for full 09 years or more (excluding the probationary period or probationary period). In case the duration is equivalent to that of an expert, the period of holding the rank of specialist shall be at least 1 year (full 12 months) by the end of the time limit for submitting the application for registration for the promotion exam;
b) During the time of holding the rank of expert or equivalent, has participated in the development and appraisal of at least 01 legal document or scientific research topic, scheme, project or program at grassroots level or higher. that the agency employing civil servants assigned to preside over the research and construction has been promulgated or accepted by competent authorities."

Thus, from August 15, 2022, when Circular 06/2022/TT-BNV amending and supplementing Circular 02/2021/TT-BNV takes effect, civil servants perform the task of leading administrative agencies. The district level must be able to use foreign languages ​​or ethnic minority languages ​​for civil servants working in ethnic minority areas according to the requirements of the job position and meet the above-mentioned criteria.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BNV takes effect from August 15, 2022.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

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