How is the tuition fee framework announced for preschool and general education institutions in Vietnam in the 2022-2023 school year?

I have a child who is currently going to 10th grade and has a need to choose a school for him, I want to know what the law on general education tuition is in 2022 - 2023? Tuition is also an issue to consider when choosing a school. Looking forward to answering your questions, I thank you!

What is the principle of determining tuition fees for preschool and general education institutions in Vietnam?

According to Article 8 Decree 81/2021/ND-CP prescribes the principles for determining tuition fees as follows:

- For public preschool and general education institutions in Vietnam.

+ The tuition fee collection rate is built on the principle of sharing between the state and learners, suitable to the socio-economic conditions of each population area, the actual contribution capacity of the people and the growth rate only number of consumer prices, annual economic growth rate, roadmap for calculating prices for education and training services according to regulations and education quality assurance.

- For people-founded and private educational institutions

+ People-founded and private educational institutions have the right to proactively set tuition fees and prices for other services in the field of education and training (except for education and training services). determined by the State) to cover costs and have reasonable accumulation, to be responsible for publicizing and explaining to learners and society about the tuition fees and service prices decided by them;

+ People-founded and private educational institutions are responsible for explaining the average cost of education and training per student, annual tuition fees, and tuition fees for the entire school level for preschool and teacher education. general education and the whole course for higher education institutions; explain the schedule and rate of tuition increase in the following years (annual increase rate not exceeding 15% for university training; rate of increase not exceeding 10% for preschool and general education) and publicize in accordance with the law and explain to learners and society;

+ Students eligible for tuition fee exemption or reduction, and tuition fee support at people-founded and private educational institutions shall be paid by the state up to the same amount as the tuition fee for students of public educational institutions. not yet self-financed recurrent expenditures in the locality;

+ The People's Committee of the province, based on the local socio-economic development conditions, the requirements to be met by the primary education program, the size of primary school students in the locality and the student norm/ primary school class according to regulations to develop criteria to identify areas that do not have enough public schools, submit them to the Provincial People's Council for approval and decide on the level of tuition fee support for elementary students at private schools. in an area where there are not enough public schools for each school year; funding to support tuition fees shall be provided by the state budget in accordance with the Law on State Budget and guiding documents.

How is the tuition fee framework announced for preschool and general education institutions in Vietnam in the 2022-2023 school year?

How is the tuition fee framework announced for preschool and general education institutions in Vietnam in the 2022-2023 school year?

What is the tuition fee bracket for public preschool and general education institutions in Vietnam in 2022 - 2023?

According to Clause 2 Article 9 Decree 81/2021/ND-CP stipulates the tuition fee bracket for public preschool and general education institutions in 2022 - 2023 as follows:

- Tuition bracket (floor level - ceiling level) for Public pre-school and general education institutions that do not yet cover their own recurrent expenditures are as follows:

- Provincial-level People's Councils shall base themselves on the above regulations to decide on a tuition fee bracket or a specific fee level for a particular student. The public preschool and general education institutions fall under their jurisdiction and decide on the arrangement and classification of regions in the area so that the educational institutions can apply the tuition fee rates.

- The tuition fee bracket for public primary education specified at this point is used as a basis for the People's Council of the province to decide the level of tuition fee support for private primary school students in areas where it is not enough. Public primary schools and private primary school students are eligible for the policy of tuition exemption and reduction according to regulations.

- The ceiling of the tuition fee bracket for public preschool and general education institutions that self-finance their recurrent expenditures: The maximum is equal to twice the tuition fee ceiling at Point a of this Clause;

- The ceiling of the tuition fee bracket for public preschool and general education institutions that self-finance their recurrent and investment expenditures: A maximum of 2.5 times the tuition fee ceiling at Point a of this Clause;

- Public preschool and general education institutions that self-finance recurrent expenditures or self-finance recurrent expenditures and investment expenditures achieve the level of educational institution quality accreditation according to the standards set by the Ministry of Education and Training. creating regulations, they may determine the tuition fee rates by themselves on the basis of economic - technical norms and cost norms promulgated by educational institutions; submit it to the People's Committee of the province to request the People's Council of the province to consider and approve the tuition fee rate.

What is the tuition fee framework for preschool and public education institutions from 2023 to 2024?

According to Article 9 Decree 81/2021/ND-CP stipulates the tuition fee bracket for public preschool and General education institutions in Vietnam from the school year 2023-2024 onwards as follows:

- From the school year 2023-2024 onwards , the tuition fee frame is adjusted according to the proportion suitable to the local socio-economic conditions, the growth rate of the consumer price index, the annual economic growth rate and the people's ability to pay, but not more than 7.5%/year;

- Based on the tuition fee bracket specified at Point a of this Clause, the People's Committee of the province shall submit it to the People's Council of the province for decision on a specific tuition fee rate that must not exceed the prescribed ceiling.

Thus, the tuition rate from 2023 - 2023 onward will increase by no more than 7.5%/year for the previous year,


- In areas with high socialization capacity, based on the State's education development policy and the actual situation of the locality, the Provincial People's Committee shall submit it to the Provincial People's Council for consideration and decision. determine the tuition fee bracket or tuition rate for public preschool and general education institutions (including preschool and general education institutions run by universities, colleges, research institutes, etc.). established) on the basis of economic - technical norms and cost norms promulgated by competent agencies, ensuring the tuition fee collection commensurate with the quality of educational services and at the same time ensuring the fulfillment of the following objectives: compulsory education standards in accordance with the Law on Education and guiding documents.

- In the case of online learning (online learning), the People's Committee of the province shall request the People's Council of the province to specify the tuition fee rates for public educational institutions according to management decentralization on the basis of cost. reasonably arisen, up to the tuition fee level of the issued educational institution.

- For continuing education institutions, other training institutions implementing general education programs may apply tuition fees equivalent to those of public general education institutions of the same educational level in their respective localities. . As for other types of continuing education, the People's Committee of the province shall submit to the People's Council of the province for approval a specific fee rate suitable to each type of training and the actual conditions of each locality.


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