07:45 | 23/07/2024

Is Animal Cruelty in Livestock Farms Considered a Violation? What are the Penalties?

I would like to ask if a livestock farm that beats or abuses animals is considered a violation? - a question from Mr. Khoi (Binh Phuoc)

How should organizations and individuals engaged in animal husbandry comply with humanitarian treatment principles for animals?

Based on Article 69 of the 2018 Livestock Law, the regulations are as follows:

Humane Treatment of Animals in Livestock Farming

Organizations and individuals engaged in animal husbandry must meet the following requirements:

1. Have appropriate housing and space for the animals;

2. Provide adequate, hygienic food and water supply;

3. Prevent and treat diseases according to veterinary law;

4. Do not beat or abuse animals.

Animal husbandry facilities must meet the following requirements:

- Have appropriate housing and space for the animals;

- Provide adequate, hygienic food and water supply;

- Prevent and treat diseases according to veterinary law;

- Do not beat or abuse animals.

Based on Article 70 of the 2018 Livestock Law, the regulations are as follows:

Humane Treatment of Animals During Transport

Organizations and individuals transporting animals must meet the following requirements:

1. Use appropriate transportation means and equipment, ensuring ventilated space, minimizing injuries and fear for the animals;

2. Provide adequate food and water for the animals;

3. Do not beat or abuse animals.

Animal husbandry facilities transporting animals must comply with the following requirements:

- Use appropriate transportation means and equipment, ensuring ventilated space, minimizing injuries and fear for the animals;

- Provide adequate food and water for the animals;

- Do not beat or abuse animals.

Based on Article 71 of the 2018 Livestock Law, the regulations are as follows:

Humane Treatment of Animals During Slaughter

Slaughter facilities must meet the following requirements:

1. Have hygienic places for holding animals; provide suitable drinking water for the animals while waiting for slaughter;

2. Minimize fear and pain for the animals; do not beat or abuse animals;

3. Implement measures to stun animals before slaughter; do not let animals witness others being slaughtered.

Animal husbandry facilities during the slaughter process must comply with the following requirements:

- Have hygienic places for holding animals; provide suitable drinking water for the animals while waiting for slaughter;

- Minimize fear and pain for the animals; do not beat or abuse animals;

- Implement measures to stun animals before slaughter; do not let animals witness others being slaughtered.

Based on Article 72 of the 2018 Livestock Law, the regulations are as follows:

Humane Treatment of Animals in Scientific Research and Other Activities

1. Animals used in scientific research and other activities must be humanely treated according to the regulations in Articles 69, 70, and 71 of this Law.

2. Humane treatment of animals must respect and harmonize with religious, cultural, and traditional activities, and be acceptable to the community.

Animals used in scientific research and other activities must be treated according to the principles of humane treatment outlined in animal husbandry, transportation, and slaughter.

Additionally, humane treatment must respect and harmonize with religious, cultural, and traditional activities, and be acceptable to the community.

Therefore, animal husbandry facilities must comply with the principles of humane treatment for animals in husbandry, transportation, slaughter, and scientific research and other activities as outlined above.

Do animal husbandry facilities that beat or abuse animals commit a violation? What are the penalties?

Do animal husbandry facilities that beat or abuse animals commit a violation? What are the penalties? (Image from the Internet)

Do animal husbandry facilities that beat or abuse animals commit a violation?

Based on Article 69 of the 2018 Livestock Law, the regulations are as follows:

Humane Treatment of Animals in Livestock Farming

Organizations and individuals engaged in animal husbandry must meet the following requirements:

1. Have appropriate housing and space for the animals;

2. Provide adequate, hygienic food and water supply;

3. Prevent and treat diseases according to veterinary law;

4. Do not beat or abuse animals.

Not beating or abusing animals is one of the principles of humane treatment in animal husbandry.

Therefore, beating or abusing animals in husbandry is considered a violation of the humane treatment principles.

What are the penalties for beating or abusing animals?

Based on Clause 1 Article 29 of Decree 14/2021/ND-CP and Clause 2 Article 29 of Decree 14/2021/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Violations of regulations on livestock activities, humane treatment of animals, and control of terrestrial animal slaughter

1. Fines ranging from VND 1,000,000 to VND 3,000,000 for acts of cruel beating or abuse of animals.

2. Fines ranging from VND 3,000,000 to VND 5,000,000 for concentrated slaughter facilities committing any of the following violations:

a) Lack of hygienic places for holding animals before slaughter;

b) Beating animals before slaughter;

c) Not implementing measures to stun animals before slaughter.

The penalties for beating or abusing animals are as follows:

- Fines ranging from VND 1,000,000 to VND 3,000,000 for acts of cruel beating or abuse of animals.

- Fines ranging from VND 3,000,000 to VND 5,000,000 for concentrated slaughter facilities committing acts of beating animals before slaughter.

Note: The fine levels mentioned apply to administrative violations committed by individuals. For organizations committing the same violations, the fine is double the level applicable to individuals according to Clause 2 Article 5 of Decree 14/2021/ND-CP.


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