Vietnam: What is the basis for animal disease safety? What conditions are animal disease safety facilities recognized for?

What is the basis for animal disease safety in Vietnam? What conditions are animal disease safety facilities recognized for according to Vietnamese regulations? asked My from Binh Duong.

How is the content of the animal disease response plan regulated in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating the animal disease response plan as follows:

- Develop, review and adjust epidemic response plans

+ For establishments registering for recognition of disease safety:

++ The establishment owner organizes the construction, approval and implementation;

++ Regularly review, adjust, supplement and take corrective measures, ensuring conformity with production practices, timely and effective response to epidemics at the establishment, or incidents in the surrounding area that pose a risk of causing disease insecurity to the establishment; retention of information and data as prescribed in Article 12 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

+ For areas registered for disease safety recognition:

++ People's Committees as assigned and decentralized to formulate and implement;

++ Regularly review, adjust, supplement and take corrective measures, ensuring conformity with production practices, timely and effective response when an epidemic occurs at the facility or incidents in the surrounding area that pose a risk of causing disease safety to the establishment; retention of information and data as prescribed in Article 24 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

- Contents of animal disease response plan

+ Contingency of resources, ensuring clear assignment of responsibilities of participants, meeting requirements to handle epidemics; organize the implementation of effective control measures when an epidemic occurs at the facility or region or in the surrounding area;

+ Provide sufficient funds, chemicals, personal protection, specialized means and tools to handle epidemics;

+ Have a plan to handle dead, sick, suspected animals and animals at the establishment or region as prescribed;

+ Report to local authorities and veterinary authorities on the situation and measures to handle epidemics at establishments or regions to determine the causes and limit the spread of disease;

+ Coordinate with specialized agencies in investigating, diagnosing, collecting patient samples and environmental samples for testing and detection of pathogens;

+ Organize environmental cleaning, disinfection and disinfection according to regulations;

+ Only raise and release at the place where the epidemic has occurred after the animal disease has been treated.

Vietnam: What is the basis for animal disease safety? What conditions are animal disease safety facilities recognized for?

Vietnam: What is the basis for animal disease safety? What conditions are animal disease safety facilities recognized for?

What conditions are animal disease safety facilities recognized for in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 10 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating the following conditions for animal disease safety establishments:

- Take measures to prevent animal diseases in accordance with the corresponding provisions of the Vietnam Law on veterinary medicine, animal husbandry or fisheries and the professional guidance of the veterinary authority

+ Geographical location that meets the provisions of the Vietnam Law on veterinary medicine, animal husbandry or fisheries; separate from other establishments with livestock, aquaculture and susceptible animals; separate from potentially infectious sources registered for safe recognition;

+ Areas for treatment of animal carcasses and waste that meet the conditions prescribed by the Vietnam Law on environmental protection and veterinary medicine; livestock and aquaculture areas must be separated from other areas of the facility; areas at risk of cross-contamination must have warning signs and be arranged separately from each other, including: Warehouses for agricultural supplies; animal isolation areas; surgical area; animal carcass disposal areas; sanitary and disinfectant areas for consumption of tools used in animal husbandry and aquaculture;

+ The water supply and wastewater treatment system meets technical requirements to minimize the risk of carrying pathogens according to current regulations;

+ Take measures to prevent wild animals, other animals and intermediate hosts from transmitting diseases from entering livestock and aquaculture areas;

+ Having disinfection and disinfection systems for people, vehicles, tools, equipment and other necessary supplies at the entrance and exit of establishments, livestock and aquaculture areas;

+ Having specialized equipment, tools and means of transport, suitable for livestock and aquaculture subjects, easy to clean and disinfect to minimize the risk of carrying pathogens;

+ Plan and organize the implementation of biosecurity measures as prescribed in Article 5 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

- Plan and organize animal disease surveillance as prescribed in Article 6 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT and Article 7 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

- No animal diseases: Comply with Article 11 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

- Veterinary activities at the facility to ensure control of animal diseases

+ Comply with the corresponding provisions of the animal disease prevention and control regulations of the Vietnam Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015, the regulations on animal disease prevention and control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the provisions of this Circular;

+ Plan and organize the implementation of epidemic response measures as prescribed in Article 8 of Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT

What is the animal epidemic-free zone/establishment in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 3 of the 2015 Vietnam Law on Veterinary Medicine stipulates as follows:

Article 3. Interpretation of terms
5. An animal epidemic-free zone/establishment means any zone/establishment raising animals and/or producing breeds that is identified to be free from the infectious diseases on the List of animal diseases subject to outbreak declaration for a time period specified for each disease, each species and veterinary activities in which ensure the control of such epidemic

Accordingly, animal disease safety establishments are those that raise livestock, aquaculture, and produce animal breeds that are determined not to have infectious diseases on the list of animal diseases that must announce epidemics within a specified period of time for each disease, each animal species and veterinary activities in such establishments to ensure disease control.

Circular 24/2022/TT-BNNPTNT will come into force from February 15, 2023.


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