07:49 | 23/07/2024

Which Agency Has the Authority to Issue Certification of HIV Exposure, Occupational Accident-Induced HIV Infection from December 10, 2023?

Which authority has the jurisdiction to issue a certificate of exposure to HIV, being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents from December 10, 2023? Your question from T.P in Ha Nam

From December 10, 2023, which agency has the authority to issue a certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents?

According to Article 4 of Decision 24/2023/QD-TTg, the authority to issue a Certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents is as follows:

- The Ministry of Health issues the certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents for individuals under its management.

- The Ministry of National Defense issues the certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents for individuals under its management.

- The Ministry of Public Security issues the certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents for individuals under its management.

- The Departments of Health at the provincial and central city levels issue the certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents for individuals under their management and for individuals under the management of other ministries and central authorities, except for the cases mentioned above.

Thus, the authority to issue a certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents is implemented as outlined above.

Which agency has the authority to issue a certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents from December 10, 2023?

Which agency has the authority to issue a certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents from December 10, 2023? (Image from the Internet)

What documents are required for the issuance of a certificate of exposure to HIV, being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents?

According to Article 5 of Decision 24/2023/QD-TTg, the requirements are as follows:

Documents for the issuance of a certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents

1. Documents for the issuance of a certificate of exposure to HIV due to occupational accidents include:

a) Official Dispatch requesting the issuance of a certificate of exposure to HIV due to occupational accidents as prescribed in Form No. 01 Appendix issued with this Decision;

b) Occupational accident report;

c) Original or copy of the HIV-negative test result;

d) Original or copy of the HIV-positive test result of the source of HIV exposure (if any).

2. Documents for the issuance of a certificate of being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents include:

a) Official Dispatch requesting the issuance of a certificate of being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents as prescribed in Form No. 02 Appendix issued with this Decision;

b) Original or copy of one of the following documents: positive HIV test result, summary of medical records of the person infected with HIV due to occupational accidents.

Documents for the issuance of a certificate of exposure to HIV, or being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents are implemented according to the regulations above.

(1) Documents for the issuance of a certificate of exposure to HIV due to occupational accidents include:

- Official Dispatch requesting the issuance of a certificate of exposure to HIV due to occupational accidents;

- Occupational accident report;

- Original or copy of the HIV-negative test result;

- Original or copy of the HIV-positive test result of the source of HIV exposure (if any).

(2) Documents for the issuance of a certificate of being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents include:

- Official Dispatch requesting the issuance of a certificate of being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents;

- Original or copy of one of the following documents: positive HIV test result, summary of medical records of the person infected with HIV due to occupational accidents.

What conditions must be met to determine a person has been exposed to or infected with HIV due to occupational accidents?

* A person identified as being exposed to HIV due to occupational accidents must meet the conditions outlined in Article 2 of Decision 24/2023/QD-TTg as follows:

- While performing duties, exposed to one of the following accidents:

+ Blood, blood products, or body fluids of a person with HIV coming into direct contact with mucous membranes or damaged skin.

+ Blood, blood products, or body fluids of a person whose HIV status is unknown coming into direct contact with mucous membranes or damaged skin.

- Have a negative HIV test result performed by a testing facility as prescribed by the law on medical examination and treatment. The blood sample used for the HIV test must be taken from the person involved in the occupational accident within 72 hours from the time of the accident as stipulated in Clause 1, Article 2 of Decision 24/2023/QD-TTg.

A person identified as being infected with HIV due to occupational accidents must meet the conditions outlined in Article 3 of Decision 24/2023/QD-TTg as follows:

- Exposed to HIV due to occupational accidents.

- Have a positive HIV test result performed by a qualified HIV testing facility to confirm HIV positivity. The blood sample used for the test must be taken from the person exposed to HIV between 30 days and 180 days from the time of the occupational accident.

*Note: Decision 24/2023/QD-TTg takes effect from December 10, 2023.


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