What are entities with power to decide the specific number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns in Vietnam according to regulations in Vietnam?

What are entities with power to decide the specific number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns in Vietnam according to regulations in Vietnam?

What are entities with power to decide the specific number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns in Vietnam according to regulations in Vietnam?

According to Clause 2, Article 13 Decree 59/2023/ND-CP:

Organization of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns

1. Members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns are elected at community meetings.

According to the proposal of the Front working committee at villages, residential groups, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level shall review and relieve members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns; guide the election and supplementation of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns.

The organization of community meetings to elect, relieve, and supplement members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns is implemented according to the provisions of Article 3 of this Decree.

2. The number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns is determined According to the corresponding number of villages, residential groups in the commune-level area but not less than 05 members. The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level shall decide the specific number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns According to the principle that each village, residential group has a representative participating as a member of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns.

For communes, wards, and commune-level towns with fewer than 05 villages, residential groups, a maximum of 05 members of the People's Inspection Committee can be elected.

3. The People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns has a Head, Deputy Heads, and member commissioners.

The number of Deputy Heads is decided by the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level According to the number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns but not more than 02 people.

Thus, the number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns is determined According to the corresponding number of villages, residential groups in the commune-level area but not less than 05 members. The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level shall decide the specific number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns According to the principle that each village, residential group has a representative participating as a member of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns.

Which organization or individual has the authority to decide the specific number of members of the People's Inspection Committee at communes, wards, and commune-level towns as regulated?

What are entities with power to decide the specific number of members of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns in Vietnam according to regulations in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the duties and powers of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns in Vietnam?

According to Article 38 of the Law on the Implementation of Grassroots-level Democracy 2022 stipulates the duties and powers of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns in Vietnam:

(1) Inspect the implementation of decisions that have been discussed and decided by the People; supervise the implementation of policies, laws, and the law on the implementation of Grassroots-level Democracy by local commune-level governments, commune-level officials, and non-professional activists at the commune, village, and residential group levels.

(2) Recommend competent agencies and individuals to handle violations of the law when signs of legal violations are detected and supervise the implementation of these recommendations.

(3) Request local commune-level governments, commune-level officials to provide relevant information and documents to serve the work of verification, inspection, and supervision.

(4) Review and verify specific cases According to citizens' recommendations and community petitions.

(5) Recommend the Chairperson of the commune-level People's Committee, commune-level officials, Village Head, and Residential Group Leader to rectify limitations and deficiencies discovered during inspections and oversight; ensure the legal and legitimate rights and interests of organizations and citizens; commend units and individuals with achievements. In cases where individuals violate the law, recommend competent agencies and organizations for review and handling.

(6) Attend the meetings of the commune-level People's Council and commune-level People's Committee with contents related to the inspection and supervision duties of the People's Inspection Committee.

(7) Receive recommendations and reflections from citizens, communities, and relevant organizations and individuals related to the scope of inspections and supervision of the People's Inspection Committee.

How does the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns operate in Vietnam?

According to Article 39 of the Law on the Implementation of Grassroots-level Democracy 2022 stipulates the operations of the People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns in Vietnam:

- The People's Inspectorates of communes, wards, towns is directly directed and guided by the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level.

- According to the action program and the direction and guidance of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level, the People's Inspection Committee formulates its activity orientations and plans on a quarterly, 6-month, and annual basis.

- The People's Inspection Committee is responsible for periodically reporting or reporting upon request on its activities to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level. The People's Inspection Committee is invited to attend meetings of the commune-level People's Council, commune-level People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level with content related to the performance of the inspection and supervision duties of the People's Inspection Committee.


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