07:48 | 23/07/2024

Mechanism for Housing Assistance Payment for Poor and Near-Poor Households in Impoverished Districts

Mechanism for Housing Support Payments for Poor and Near-Poor Households in Poor DistrictsHow is the mechanism for housing support payments for poor and near-poor households in poor districts? This question was submitted by T.P from Gia Lai.

What is the maximum housing support for poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts provided by the central budget?

Based on the provisions of Article 74 Circular 55/2023/TT-BTC, the regulation is as follows:

Level and Conditions of Support

1. Based on the socio-economic development conditions in the locality and the local budget balancing capability, the Provincial People's Council decides the level of housing support for poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts from the state budget. The central budget supports the locality with a maximum of 40,000,000 VND per household for new housing construction and 20,000,000 VND per household for housing repair as stipulated in Clause 1, Article 9 of Decision No. 02/2022/QD-TTg.

2. Conditions for housing support for poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts are implemented following the guidelines of the Ministry of Construction.

Based on the above provisions, poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts are supported by the central budget with a maximum of 40,000,000 VND per household for new house construction and 20,000,000 VND per household for house repair.

Mechanism for housing support payment for poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts

Mechanism for housing support payment for poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts

What is the payment mechanism for housing support for poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts?

Based on the provisions of Article 75 Circular 55/2023/TT-BTC, the payment mechanism for housing support for poor and near-poor households in disadvantaged districts is as follows:

Based on the list of households receiving housing support and the specific support level approved by the competent authority; based on the completion confirmation report according to the new construction or repair stage and the completion confirmation report for new construction or repair for poor and near-poor households to put into use according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Construction, the Commune People's Committee implements the payment as follows:

- For households constructing new houses:

First-time support is 70% of the new house construction support level after completing the foundation; the remaining 30% after the household completes the new house construction work;

- For households repairing houses:

First-time support is 70% of the repair support level after the household has completed 30% of the work volume; the remaining 30% disbursed after the household completes the house repair work.

What is the level of support for laborers from poor households in disadvantaged districts going abroad for work?

Based on the provisions of Clause 1, Article 69 Circular 55/2023/TT-BTC on the contents and support level for laborers from poor households in disadvantaged districts going abroad for work as follows:

Contents and Support Level

1. For laborers from poor households, laborers who are ethnic minorities in disadvantaged districts, particularly difficult coastal and island communes who wish to work abroad: The support content and level are implemented according to the provisions at point a, clause 1, Article 25 of this Circular.


Thus, according to the above provisions, the support level for laborers from poor households in disadvantaged districts going abroad for work is stipulated as follows:

- Vocational training, vocational skills training: According to actual costs, capped at the level specified at points b and c, clause 1, Article 7 of Circular 152/2016/TT-BTC;

- Language training support: Up to 4,000,000 VND/person/course;

- Support for food and living expenses during the training period: 50,000 VND/person/day;

- Support for accommodation during the training period: 400,000 VND/person/month;

- Support for personal supplies (uniforms, blankets, mosquito nets, shoes, etc.): 600,000 VND/person;

- Travel expenses support (one round trip) from the place of permanent residence registration to the training location: 200,000 VND/person/course for laborers residing 15 km or more from the training location; 300,000 VND/person/course for laborers residing in particularly difficult socio-economic regions 10 km or more from the training location;

- Costs for processing procedures for laborers going abroad for work:

+ Passport, laissez-passer, exit permit fee; expenses are implemented according to Circular 25/2021/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance stipulating the levels, collection, submission, management and use of fees and charges in the field of exit, entry, transit, residence in Vietnam;

+ Fee for providing judicial record information: Costs for subjects not exempt from fees are implemented according to Circular 244/2016/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance on the levels, collection, submission, management, and use of fees for providing judicial record information;

+ Visa fee according to the current regulations of the host country;

+ Health examination fee according to the medical examination and treatment service prices of medical facilities, support capped at 750,000 VND/person.


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