How is the organizational structure of the Government of Vietnam regulated? What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam to decide on the organizational structure of the Government?

How is the organizational structure of the Government of Vietnam regulated? What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam to decide on the organizational structure of the Government? Question of Ms. Dau in Lam Dong.

What are the regulations on the organizational structure of the Government of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the 2015 Law on Organizing the Government of Vietnam stipulating the organizational structure and members of the Government as follows:

Organizational structure and members of the Government
1. The Government shall be composed of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Heads of Ministry-levels. The structure and number of Government members shall be submitted by the Prime Minister to the National Assembly for decision.
2. The organizational structure of the Government shall be composed of Ministries and ministerial-level agencies.
Request for the National Assembly's decision on establishment or dissolution of a Ministry or ministerial-level agency shall be submitted by the Government.

Thus, the organizational structure of the Government shall be composed of Ministries and ministerial-level agencies.

Members of the Government of Vietnam include:

- Prime Minister,

- The Deputy Prime Ministers

- Ministers and heads of Ministry-levels.

The structure and number of Government members shall be submitted by the Prime Minister to the National Assembly for decision.

How is the organizational structure of the Government of Vietnam regulated? What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam to decide on the organizational structure of the Government?

How is the organizational structure of the Government of Vietnam regulated? What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam to decide on the organizational structure of the Government? (Image from the Internet)

What documents should be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam to decide on the organizational structure of the Government?

The dossier to be submitted to the National Assembly of Vietnam for decision on the organizational structure of the Government is specified in Clause 1, Article 34 of the Rules on National Assembly sessions, promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15, as follows:

Deciding on the organizational structure of the Government
1. A dossier to be submitted to the National Assembly for decision on the organizational structure of the Government includes:
a) A report on the organizational structure of the Government;
b) The draft resolution;
c) Verification report of the Law Committee of the National Assembly;
d) Other documents (if any).

Thus, the dossier submitted to the National Assembly for decision on the organizational structure of the Government includes:

- A report on the organizational structure of the Government;

- Draft resolution;

- Verification report of the Law Committee of the National Assembly;

- Other documents (if any).

How does the National Assembly decide the organizational structure of the Government of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 34 of the Rules on National Assembly sessions issued together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15 as follows:

Deciding on the organizational structure of the Government
2. At the first session of each National Assembly, the National Assembly shall decide on the organizational structure of the Government in the following order:
a) The representative of the previous Government presents the report;
b) The representative of the National Assembly's Law Committee presents the verification report;
c) National Assembly deputies discuss at the National Assembly Delegation; The President of the National Assembly may meet with the Heads of the National Assembly Delegation and invite the Prime Minister of the previous term to attend to discuss related issues;
d) The previous Government shall report to the National Assembly on its explanation and absorption of opinions discussed by National Assembly deputies at the National Assembly Delegation;
d) The National Assembly discusses;
e) The previous Government shall report to the National Assembly on the explanation and absorption of opinions of the National Assembly deputies and the revision of the draft resolution;
g) The National Assembly votes to approve the draft resolution.

Thus, at the first session of each National Assembly, the National Assembly decides the organizational structure of the Government in the following order:

(1) The representative of the previous Government presented the report;

(2) Representative of the National Assembly's Law Committee presents the verification report;

(3) National Assembly deputies discuss at the National Assembly Delegation; The President of the National Assembly may meet with the Heads of the National Assembly Delegation and invite the Prime Minister of the previous term to attend to discuss related issues;

(4) The previous Government shall report to the National Assembly on the explanation and absorption of opinions of the National Assembly deputies discussed at the National Assembly Delegation;

(5) The National Assembly to discuss;

(6) The previous Government shall report to the National Assembly on the explanation and absorption of opinions of the National Assembly deputies and the revision of the draft resolution;

(7) The National Assembly votes to approve the draft resolution.

What are the principles of organization and operation of the Government of Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 5 of the 2015 Law on Organizing the Government of Vietnam, the principles of organization and operation of the Government are as follows:

- Comply with the Constitution and legislation, and rule over society by the Constitution and legislation, and implement the principle of democratic concentration; ensure the sexual equality.

- Clearly distinguish between duties, powers and responsibilities of the Government and the Prime Minister and those of Ministers and Heads of Ministry-level agencies, and functions and governing scope of Ministries and Ministry-level agencies; enhance personal responsibilities of heads.

- Set up the administrative machinery of government in a lean, dynamic, efficacious and efficient manner; guarantee to adhere to the principle that inferior government agencies should submit to the leadership, directions and strictly comply with decisions of superior government agencies.

- Properly delegate and decentralize governing powers between the Government and local governments, and assure the consistent management power of the Government and promote initiative, creativity and responsible autonomy of local governments.

- Clarify and modernize operations of the Government, Ministries, Ministry-level agencies and state administrative organs at all levels; ensure that the administrative system has the consistency, transparency, continuity, democracy and modernity, serves the people and is subject to the people’s inspection and supervision.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

Government of Vietnam
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