What are the unemployment insurance benefits for employees? How much are levels of contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Fund of Vietnam?

What are the unemployment insurance benefits for employees? How much are levels of contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Fund of Vietnam? T.Q - Hanoi.

What are the unemployment insurance benefits for employees in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 42 of the Law on Employment 2013, regulations on unemployment insurance benefits are as follows:

Unemployment insurance benefits
1. Unemployment allowance.
2. Job counseling and recommendation support.
3. Vocational training support.
4. Support for training and retraining to improve qualifications of occupational skills for job maintenance for workers.

Thus, 04 unemployment insurance benefits for employees include:

- Unemployment allowance.

- Job counseling and recommendation support.

- Vocational training support.

- Support for training and retraining to improve qualifications of occupational skills for job maintenance for workers.

What are the unemployment insurance benefits for employees? How much are levels of contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Fund of Vietnam?

Who is required to participate in unemployment insurance in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 43 of the Law on Employment 2013, regulations on compulsory participants in unemployment insurance are as follows:

Compulsory participants in unemployment insurance
1. Workers are obliged to participate in unemployment insurance when working under labor contracts or working contracts below:
a/ Labor contracts or working contracts of indefinite time;
b/ Labor contracts or working contracts of definite time;
c/ Seasonal or job-based working contracts with a term of between full 3 months and under 12 months.
In case a worker has signed and is performing more than one labor contract specified in this Clause, the worker and the employer under the labor contract signed first shall participate in unemployment insurance.
2. Workers defined in Clause 1 of this Article who are currently on pension or doing housework are not required to participate in unemployment insurance.
3. Employers obliged to participate in unemployment insurance include state agencies, public non-business units and people’s armed forces units; political organizations, socio-political organizations, socio-political-professional organizations, social organizations and socio-professional organizations; foreign agencies and organizations and international organizations operating in the Vietnamese territory; enterprises, cooperatives, households, business households, cooperative groups, other organizations and individuals that hire or employ workers under the labor contracts or working contracts specified in Clause 1 of this Article.

Thus, workers are obliged to participate in unemployment insurance when working under labor contracts or working contracts below, in which:

- Employees working under a labor contract or working contract include:

+ Labor contracts or working contracts of indefinite time;

+ Labor contracts or working contracts of definite time;

+ Seasonal or job-based working contracts with a term of between full 3 months and under 12 months.

Note: In case a worker has signed and is performing more than one labor contract specified in this Clause, the worker and the employer under the labor contract signed first shall participate in unemployment insurance.

- Employers obliged to participate in unemployment insurance include:

+ State agencies, public non-business units and people’s armed forces units;

+ Political organizations, socio-political organizations, socio-political-professional organizations, social organizations and socio-professional organizations;

+ Foreign agencies and organizations and international organizations operating in the Vietnamese territory;

+ Enterprises, cooperatives, households, business households, cooperative groups, other organizations and individuals that hire or employ workers under the labor contracts or working contracts.

How much are levels of contribution to the Unemployment Insurance Fund of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 57 of the Law on Employment 2013, it is stipulated as follows:

Levels of contribution to, sources and use of, the Unemployment Insurance Fund
1. The levels of and responsibility to pay unemployment insurance premiums are specified as follows:
a/ Workers shall pay unemployment insurance premiums equal to 1% of their monthly wage;
b/ Employers shall pay unemployment insurance premiums equal to 1% of the monthly wage fund of the workers currently participating in unemployment insurance;
c/ The State shall provide at most 1% of the monthly wage fund from the central budget as support for payment of unemployment insurance premiums of workers currently participating in unemployment insurance.
2. Sources forming the Unemployment Insurance Fund include:
a/ Contributions and support specified in Clause 1 of this Article;
b/ Profits from the Fund’s investment activities;
c/ Other lawful revenues.

Accordingly, the levels of and responsibility to pay unemployment insurance premiums are specified as follows:

- Workers shall pay unemployment insurance premiums equal to 1% of their monthly wage;

- Employers shall pay unemployment insurance premiums equal to 1% of the monthly wage fund of the workers currently participating in unemployment insurance;

- The State shall provide at most 1% of the monthly wage fund from the central budget as support for payment of unemployment insurance premiums of workers currently participating in unemployment insurance.


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