07:47 | 23/07/2024

Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC officially increases the examination fee for driving tests, registration fee, and issuance of specialized motorcycle license plates from August 1, 2023.

Increasing the examination fee for driving tests, registration fees, and issuance fees for specialized motorcycles from August 1, 2023—What are the changes? This is a question from An in Hue.

Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC stipulating fees for driving tests, registration fees, and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates for 2023?

On June 7, 2023, the Ministry of Finance issued Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC stipulating the rates, policies for collection, remittance, management, and use of fees for driving tests; fees for issuance of certificates and licenses to operate vehicles; and registration fees and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates.

In Article 1 of Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC, it is stipulated as follows:

Scope and subjects of application

1. This Circular stipulates the rates, policies for collection, remittance, management, and use of fees for driving tests; fees for issuance of certificates and licenses to operate motor vehicles on public roads; and registration fees and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates.

2. The subjects of application of this Circular include:

a) Organizations collecting fees and individuals paying fees as stipulated in Article 2 of this Circular.

b) Other organizations and individuals involved in the declaration, collection, remittance, management, and use of fees for driving tests; fees for issuance of certificates and licenses to operate vehicles; and registration fees and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates.

3. This Circular does not apply to driving tests and issuance of certificates and licenses to operate vehicles for military and police forces on national defense and security duties.

Thus, Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC stipulates the rates, policies for collection, remittance, management, and use of fees for driving tests; fees for issuance of certificates and licenses to operate motor vehicles on public roads; and registration fees and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates.

Circular 37/2023/TT-BGTVT applies to organizations collecting fees and individuals paying fees, including:

Fee payers are organizations and individuals submitting applications to provincial road administration offices, other related organizations and individuals involved in the declaration, collection, remittance, management, and use of fees for driving tests; fees for issuance of certificates and licenses to operate vehicles; and registration fees and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates, carrying out the following tasks:

- Issuing registration certificates and specialized motorcycle plates.- Issuing licenses and certificates to operate vehicles.- Conducting driving tests to issue driver's licenses for motor vehicles on public roads.

Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC officially increases driving test fees, registration fees, and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates from August 1, 2023?

Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC officially increases driving test fees, registration fees, and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates from August 1, 2023?

Increased driving test fees? Additional fees for driving tests using traffic simulation software starting from August 1, 2023?

Pursuant to the fee schedule issued with Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC, the fees for driving tests are as follows:

Compared to the current regulations in the fee schedule issued with Circular 188/2016/TT-BTC, the fees for driving tests are as follows:

Additionally, pursuant to Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC, it is stipulated as follows:

Implementation provisions

1. This Circular takes effect from August 1, 2023. It replaces Circular No. 188/2016/TT-BTC dated November 8, 2016, of the Minister of Finance, stipulating the rates, policies for collection, remittance, management, and use of fees for driving tests; fees for issuance of certificates and licenses to operate vehicles; and registration fees and issuance of specialized motorcycle plates.

As of August 1, 2023, the driving test fees will be increased as follows:

For driving tests for categories A1, A2, A3, A4:

- Theory test: 60,000 VND per attempt, an increase of 20,000 VND from the previous rate of 40,000 VND per attempt.- Practical test: 70,000 VND per attempt, an increase of 20,000 VND from the previous rate of 50,000 VND per attempt.

For driving tests for automotive categories B1, B2, C, D, E, F:

- Theory test: 100,000 VND per attempt, an increase of 10,000 VND from the previous rate of 90,000 VND per attempt.- Practical test in the circuit: 350,000 VND per attempt, an increase of 50,000 VND from the previous rate of 300,000 VND per attempt.- Practical test on public roads: 80,000 VND per attempt, an increase of 20,000 VND from the previous rate of 60,000 VND per attempt.- Driving test using traffic simulation software: 100,000 VND per attempt (newly stipulated).

It should be noted:

- The fees for driving tests stipulated in this Circular are uniformly applied nationwide (without distinguishing between central and local management agencies).- Individuals taking the driving test only pay the portion for the specific part of the test (calculated by test attempt: first attempt, retest).

How to declare, collect, and remit driving test fees and charges?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC, it is stipulated as follows:

Declaration, collection, and remittance of fees and charges

1. Fee payers shall pay fees and charges as specified in Article 3 of this Circular to fee-collecting organizations in the manner stipulated in Circular No. 74/2022/TT-BTC dated December 22, 2022, of the Minister of Finance regarding forms, deadlines for collection, remittance, declaration of fees, and charges under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance.

2. Periodically, no later than the fifth day of each week, fee-collecting organizations must transfer the collected fees of the previous week into a fee-waiting account at the State Treasury. Fee-collecting organizations shall declare, remit collected fees and charges into the state budget, and settle fees as stipulated in Circular No. 74/2022/TT-BTC.

3. Fee-collecting organizations shall remit the collected fees according to the percentage specified in Article 5 of this Circular and 100% of the collected charges into the state budget (central management organizations remit fees and charges into the central budget; local management organizations remit fees and charges into the local budget) according to the program, sub-program of the State Budget Index.

Thus, the declaration, collection, and remittance of driving test fees and charges are carried out as per the above regulations.

Circular 37/2023/TT-BTC will take effect from August 1, 2023.


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