What is an archival practice certificate in Vietnam? What is included in the current dossier of application for archival practice certificate in Vietnam?

May I ask: What is an archival practice certificate? What is included in the current dossier of application for archival practice certificate in Vietnam? - Ms. Phuong (Hai Phong)

What is an archival practice certificate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 5, Article 2 of Decree No. 01/2013/ND-CP, archival practice certificate means a written confirmation on professional capability issued by a competent state agency for a person who has full professional qualification, experience and conditions as prescribed by law to perform archival services.

According to that, the competence of issuance, re-issuance and withdrawal of archival practice certificates is defined in Article 18 of Decree No. 01/2013/ND-CP as follows:

Competence of issuance, re-issuance and withdrawal of archival practice certificates
1. An archival practice certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of its issuance and valid nationwide.
2. Directors of provincial Departments of Home Affairs shall issue, re-issue and withdraw archival practice certificates.
3. The Ministry of Home Affairs shall unify management and issuance of the blank prints of archival practice certificates.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the competence of issuance, re-issuance and withdrawal of archival practice certificates is the Directors of provincial Departments of Home Affairs.

What is an archival practice certificate in Vietnam? What is included in the current dossier of application for archival practice certificate in Vietnam?

What is an archival practice certificate in Vietnam? What is included in the current dossier of application for archival practice certificate in Vietnam?

What is included in the current dossier of application for archival practice certificate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the content specified in Article 20 of Decree No. 01/2013/ND-CP as follows:

Dossier of application for archival practice certificate
1. An application for archival practice certificate.
2. The certificate of archival operation examination result.
3. Written certification on the working time of 05 years or more in archival sector by agency or organization where the applicant works. The person making such certification must take responsibility for the exactness of certification content.
4. A certified copy of the graduation diploma in a specialized discipline suitable with each practice field, specifically:
a. For services of archival document preservation, embellishment, sterilization, deacidification and mold removal, the diploma in archives, chemistry or biology is required;
b. For document revision service, the tertiary diploma in clerical and archival operations is required; in case of bachelors of other disciplines, the clerical and archival training certificate granted by a competent agency is required.
c. For service of archival document digitalization, the diploma in archives or information technology is required. If graduated with archival diplomas, the information technology training certificate granted by a competent agency is required. If graduated with information technology diplomas, the clerical and archival training certificate granted by a competent agency is required;
d/ For services of research, consultancy, scientific application and technology transfer, the tertiary diploma in archives is required; if graduated with other disciplines, the clerical and archival training certificate granted by a compe¬tent agency is required.
5. A resume certified by the communal People's Committee of the locality where the applicant registers permanent residence.
6. Two 2x3 cm photos (taken within last six months).

Thus, according to regulations, the dossier for an archival practice certificate includes:

- An application for archival practice certificate (Form 10);

- The certificate of archival operation examination result.

- Written certification on the working time of 05 years or more in archival sector by agency or organization where the applicant works (Form 13).

- A certified copy of the graduation diploma in a specialized discipline suitable with each practice field.

- A resume certified by the communal People's Committee of the locality where the applicant registers permanent residence.

- Two 2x3 cm photos (taken within last six months).

What are the procedures for issuance of archival practice certificate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Subsection III, Section 2, Part II Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision No. 909/QD-BNV in 2021. The procedures of issuance of the archival practice certificate are carried out according to the following steps:

- Step 1: The individual directly submits the application for a practicing certificate, which is archived at the provincial Department of Home Affairs of the province or centrally run city where the individual registers his/her permanent residence;

- Step 2: The provincial Department of Home Affairs checks the application and issues the Receipt Form; decide to issue archival practice certificates according to regulations.

Thus, individuals wishing to issue a practicing certificate shall submit dossiers directly at the provincial Department of Home Affairs of the province or centrally run city where the individual registers his/her permanent residence.

Within 15 working days from the date of receipt of complete dossiers of the applicant for an archival practice certificate, the director of the provincial Department of Home Affairs shall issue an archival practice certificate to the eligible applicant in accordance with regulation.

The archival practice certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of issue and is valid nationwide.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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