10:15 | 31/12/2022

How is the certificate of insurance agent issued? What are the principles of conversion of old Certificate of Insurance Agent in Vietnam?

How is the certificate of insurance agent issued? What are the principles of conversion of old Certificate of Insurance Agent in Vietnam? - Question from Ms. Ngoc (Ha Nam)

When is the certificate of insurance agent issued from the date of exam results?

According to the provisions of Article 26 of Circular No. 69/2022/TT-BTC on conferral of Certificate of Insurance Agent as follows:

Conferral of Certificate of Insurance Agent
1. Within the duration of 03 working days after issuing the Decision on approval of exam results, the Department of Insurance Management and Supervision shall confer the Certificate of Insurance Agent upon candidates passing certification exams.
2. Certificate of Insurance Agent shall be electrically awarded via CEMS. The Form of the Certificate of Insurance Agent is displayed in the Appendix No. 9 hereto.
3. Insurance companies, branches of foreign non-life insurance companies, or mutuals providing microinsurance shall receive the list of Certificates of Insurance Agent via CEMS by logging in the accounts that they have been granted when registering the plans to conduct exams in the Certificate of Insurance Agent.
4. Persons and entities may examine the Certificate of Insurance Agent via CEMS by entering the certificate reference number or personal information of the certificate holder, including: Full name, birth date, Citizen ID card/ID card/Passport number.

Thus, the Department of Insurance Management and Supervision shall confer the Certificate of Insurance Agent upon candidates passing certification exams within the duration of 03 working days after issuing the Decision on approval of exam results.

How is the certificate of insurance agent issued? What are the principles of conversion of old Certificate of Insurance Agent in Vietnam?

How is the certificate of insurance agent issued? What are the principles of conversion of old Certificate of Insurance Agent in Vietnam?

What are the principles of conversion of old Certificate of Insurance Agent in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 28 of Circular No. 69/2022/TT-BTC on the principles of conversion of Certificate of Insurance Agent as follows:

Principles of conversion of Certificate of Insurance Agent
Conversion of the Certificate of Insurance Agent issued before January 1, 2023 into the Certificate of Insurance Agent defined in this Circular shall adhere to the following principles:
1. Certificate of Insurance Agent awarded by life insurance training institutions may be converted into the Certificate of Basic Life Insurance Agent.
2. Certificate of Unit-linked Insurance Agent awarded by life insurance training institutions may be converted into the Certificate of Unit-linked Insurance Agent.
3. Certificate of Insurance Agent awarded by non-life insurance training institutions shall be converted into the Certificate of Basic Non-Life Insurance Agent.
4. Conversion of the Certificate of Insurance Agent will be completed by December 31, 2025 at the latest. Certificate of Insurance Agent issued before January 1, 2023 shall be invalid as from the date of conversion into the Certificate of Insurance Agent defined herein or January 1, 2026, whichever occurs first.
5. Certificate of Insurance Agent shall be electrically converted and the electronic version thereof shall be deposited on CEMS.

Thus, conversion of the Certificate of Insurance Agent issued before January 1, 2023 into the Certificate of Insurance Agent defined in this Circular shall adhere to the following principles:

- Certificate of Insurance Agent awarded by life insurance training institutions may be converted into the Certificate of Basic Life Insurance Agent.

- Certificate of Unit-linked Insurance Agent awarded by life insurance training institutions may be converted into the Certificate of Unit-linked Insurance Agent.

- Certificate of Insurance Agent awarded by non-life insurance training institutions shall be converted into the Certificate of Basic Non-Life Insurance Agent.

- Conversion of the Certificate of Insurance Agent will be completed by December 31, 2025 at the latest. Certificate of Insurance Agent issued before January 1, 2023 shall be invalid as from the date of conversion into the Certificate of Insurance Agent defined herein or January 1, 2026, whichever occurs first.

- Certificate of Insurance Agent shall be electrically converted and the electronic version thereof shall be deposited on CEMS.

What is the request package for conversion of the Certificate of Insurance Agent in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 29 of Circular No. 69/2022/TT-BTC, the request package for conversion of the Certificate of Insurance Agent shall comprise the following:

- Written request form for conversion (enclosing the list of insurance agents that send the request for conversion of their certificate) defined in Appendix 10 hereto;

- Authenticated copy of the Certificate of Insurance Agent issued before January 1, 2023 of the insurance agent in question;

- Authenticated copy of Citizen ID card/ID card/Passport number of the insurance agent in question. Where the information system for handling of administrative formalities of the Ministry of Finance has successfully connected and shared citizen information with the national population database, the Department of Insurance Management and Supervision shall obtain such information from that database in accordance with law.


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