07:48 | 23/07/2024

Which Official Titles Are Decided by the Secretariat? Responsibilities and Authorities of the Secretariat in Cadre Management.

Title: Which official positions are decided by the Secretariat? What are the responsibilities and authorities of the Secretariat in managing officials? Your question from Q.P in Gia Lai

Which Official Titles are Decided by the Secretariat?

According to Appendix 1 issued with Regulation 80/QD-TW in 2022, the official titles decided by the Secretariat include:

Central Government Agencies:

- Deputy Heads of Central Party Committees; Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics; Deputy Editors-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Editors-in-Chief of the Communist Review.- Vice President of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.- Vice Chairman of the Ethnic Council; Deputy Heads of National Assembly Committees; Deputy Chief of the National Assembly Office.- Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court; Deputy Director of the Supreme People’s Procuracy.- Deputy Minister, Deputy Heads of agencies equivalent to ministries.- Deputy Chief of the President’s Office; Deputy Auditor General.- Deputy Heads of central social-political organizations; Standing Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.- Members of the Central Inspection Commission.- Director of the National Political Publishing House – Truth.- Presidents of mass associations assigned by the Communist Party and State at the central level (for associations with Party committee).- Assistants to key leaders of the Communist Party and State; Standing member of the Secretariat; Members of the Politburo, Secretariat, Vice President, Deputy Prime Ministers, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly.- Director of the Legislative Research Institute under the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.- Directors of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, and Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City; General Director of the Vietnam Social Security; Head of the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Management Board; Chairman of the National Financial Supervisory Commission; Vice Chairman of the Committee for State Capital Management at Enterprises.- Judges of the Supreme People’s Court, procurators of the Supreme People’s Procuracy.

Provinces, Cities, and Central-affiliated Party Committees:

Deputy Secretaries of the Provincial Party Committees, City Party Committees, and central-affiliated Party committees; Chairpersons of the People’s Councils, Chairpersons of the People’s Committees, Heads of delegations of National Assembly deputies from provinces and centrally-affiliated cities.

Military, Public Security:

- Deputy Ministers of National Defense.- Deputy Ministers of Public Security.- Deputy Chief of the General Political Department of the Vietnam People's Army.- Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army.- Political Commissars, general directors, chiefs of the general departments (excluding Chief of the General Political Department of the Vietnam People's Army).- Political Commissars, deputy political commissars; commanders, deputy commanders of military zones, services, Border Guard.- Political Commissar, Director of the National Defense Academy.

The Secretariat considers and decides on the conferment or promotion of ranks for individuals holding the aforementioned positions and also the conferment or promotion to the ranks of Lieutenant General, Major General, Vice Admiral, and Rear Admiral of the Navy for lower positions.

Which official titles are decided by the Secretariat? Responsibilities and authority of the Secretariat in the management of officials?

Which official titles are decided by the Secretariat? Responsibilities and authority of the Secretariat in the management of officials?

What are the Responsibilities and Authorities of the Secretariat in Personnel Management?

According to Article 7 Regulation 80/QD-TW in 2022, the responsibilities and authorities of the Secretariat in personnel management are as follows:

- Deciding on the evaluation, planning, training, nurturing, appointment, introduction for candidacy, re-election, designation, mobilization, secondment, and deputation of officials; conferment, promotion, demotion, and stripping of military ranks for generals.- Dismissing from positions; temporary suspension, suspension from positions, resigning, relieving from duties, and dismissing; rewarding, disciplining; implementing policies for officials as outlined in Section II, Appendix 1 of Regulation 80/QD-TW dated August 18, 2022.- Deciding on inspections and supervision of personnel work as authorized by the Politburo.- Regularly reporting to the Politburo on personnel work and officials managed by the Secretariat.- Authorizing key positions such as the President, Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam, Chairman of the National Assembly, Standing Secretary of the Secretariat to consider:+ Deciding on the assignment, appointment, and introduction for candidacy of officials under the management of the Secretariat for positions with dual responsibilities in the Vietnam Fatherland Front, social-political organizations, parliamentary friendship groups between Vietnam and other countries, and steering committees as stipulated.+ Re-appointing and implementing retirement policies for officials managed by the Secretariat as regulated.

- Responsibilities of the Standing Secretary of the Secretariat:+ Chairing meetings with the Head of the Organization Committee of the Central Committee and the Chairman of the Central Inspection Committee to consider election results and approve the executive committees, standing committees, secretaries, deputy secretaries; inspection committees, chairmen, and deputy chairmen of inspection committees, and supplementary elected positions of the provincial Party committees, city Party committees, and central-affiliated Party committees.+ Appointing additional members to central-affiliated Party committees, standing committees of central-affiliated Party committees, Party delegations, and Party committees under the Central Committee according to the Party's regulations.+ Providing opinions on the personnel assistance of members of the Politburo, members of the Secretariat, Vice President, Deputy Prime Ministers, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly.

What Does Personnel Management Include?

According to Article 4 of Regulation 80/QD-TW in 2022 on the contents of personnel management:

- Decentralization of personnel management.- Evaluation of officials.- Planning, training, and nurturing of officials.- Selection, deployment, assignment, appointment, re-appointment, introduction for candidacy, re-election, designation, mobilization, rotation, secondment; conferment, promotion, demotion, and stripping of ranks; dismissal from positions; temporary suspension, suspension from positions, resigning, relieving from duties, dismissing officials.- Rewarding, disciplining officials.- Implementing policies for officials.- Inspecting, supervising, and controlling power in personnel work.- Addressing complaints and denunciations in personnel work and for officials.


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