07:46 | 23/07/2024

Which Official Positions are Eligible for High-Level Funeral Ceremonies? What is the Budget Allocation from the State Budget for High-Level Funeral Ceremonies?

Which officials are entitled to have a high-level funeral? What is the budget allocation from the state for a high-level funeral? - Question from Mr. Tuan (Hanoi)

Which officials are entitled to a High-Ranking Funeral?

In accordance with Clause 1, Article 34, Decree 105/2012/ND-CP, the officials entitled to a high-ranking funeral include:

- Incumbent or former officials under the management of the Politburo, the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (excluding those entitled to a State Funeral and a State-Level Funeral);

- Revolutionary veterans active before January 01, 1945, or those active in the South during the anti-American resistance (1954-1975) awarded the First-Class Independence Medal or higher;

- Distinguished social, cultural, and scientific activists (recipients of the Ho Chi Minh Prize - an individual award) and awarded the First-Class Independence Medal or higher;

- Distinguished social, cultural, and scientific activists (recipients of the Ho Chi Minh Prize - an individual award) who are People's Armed Forces Heroes or Labor Heroes, either working or retired at the time of passing, will be organized a High-Ranking Funeral.

Officials in the aforementioned categories, upon their passing, will be organized a high-ranking funeral.

However, according to Clause 2, Article 34, Decree 105/2012/ND-CP, if an official holding one of the positions specified in Clause 1, Article 34 of Decree 105/2012/ND-CP is disciplined by demotion or removal, the funeral is to be organized as a local official and public employee funeral.

Which officials are entitled to a High-Ranking Funeral? State Budget Expenditure for High-Ranking Funerals

Which officials are entitled to a High-Ranking Funeral? What is the budget expenditure for High-Ranking Funerals?

What is the budget expenditure for High-Ranking Funerals?

The budget expenditure for High-Ranking Funerals from the state budget, as regulated in Article 4 Circular 74/2013/TT-BTC, is a maximum of 60 million VND, specifically as follows:

- Fixed expenses: Up to 45 million VND+ Coffin purchase: Up to 10 million VND+ Altar setup: Up to 15 million VND+ Grave construction: Up to 15 million VND+ Shroud and funeral garments, mourning bands: Up to 5 million VND

- Discretionary expenses determined by the organizing committee: Up to 15 million VND+ Making two representative wreaths, 15 rotated wreaths.+ Hiring funeral service vehicles.+ Video recording, photography.+ Funeral services.

Where will High-Ranking Funerals be buried?

The burial place for High-Ranking Funerals is regulated in Article 39 Decree 105/2012/ND-CP as follows:

Burial Place

1. Burial at Mai Dich Cemetery, Hanoi (if the person passed away in Hanoi), or at Ho Chi Minh City Cemetery (if passed away in Ho Chi Minh City) for the following cases:

a) Officials under the management of the Politburo;

b) Revolutionary veterans active before January 01, 1945, or those active in the South during the anti-American resistance (1954-1975) awarded the First-Class Independence Medal or higher; distinguished social, cultural, and scientific activists (recipients of the Ho Chi Minh Prize - an individual award) awarded the First-Class Independence Medal or higher.

c) Distinguished social, cultural, and scientific activists (recipients of the Ho Chi Minh Prize - an individual award) who are People's Armed Forces Heroes or Labor Heroes.

2. For other positions, burial will be at the local cemetery or according to the family's wishes.

3. In case the family wishes for cremation, electronic cremation, or burial in the hometown, the Funeral Organizing Committee must organize the High-Ranking Funeral according to the provisions of this Decree.

Hence, the burial places are Mai Dich Cemetery, Hanoi (if passed away in Hanoi) or Ho Chi Minh City Cemetery (if passed away in Ho Chi Minh City) for the following cases:

+ Officials under the management of the Politburo;

+ Revolutionary veterans active before January 01, 1945, or those active in the South during the anti-American resistance (1954-1975) awarded the First-Class Independence Medal or higher;

+ Distinguished social, cultural, and scientific activists (recipients of the Ho Chi Minh Prize - an individual award) awarded the First-Class Independence Medal or higher.

+ Distinguished social, cultural, and scientific activists (recipients of the Ho Chi Minh Prize - an individual award) who are People's Armed Forces Heroes or Labor Heroes.

- Other officials will be buried at the local cemetery or according to the family's wishes.

- In case the family wishes for cremation, electronic cremation, or burial in the hometown, the Funeral Organizing Committee is responsible for organizing the High-Ranking Funeral according to the provisions of Decree 105/2012/ND-CP.

Who announces the death notice of officials entitled to a High-Ranking Funeral?

According to Article 35 Decree 105/2012/ND-CP, it is regulated as follows:

Announcing Death Notices

1. The Central Committee of the Communist Party and the agency currently or previously directly managing the deceased will jointly announce death notices for officials who are members of the Central Committee.

2. For other officials, the agency currently or previously directly managing the deceased; the Party committee, the local government of the homeland, or the residence location of the deceased will announce the death notice.

3. Death notices will be published on the front page of the Nhan Dan newspaper, the People's Army newspaper, the People's Public Security newspaper, the industry newspaper, and the local newspaper of the homeland or residence of the deceased.

Vietnam Television, the Voice of Vietnam, and the Vietnam News Agency will broadcast the death notices.

Thus, according to the above regulations, death notices will be published on the front page of Nhan Dan newspaper, People's Army newspaper, People's Public Security newspaper, industry newspapers, and local newspapers of the homeland or residence of the deceased.

Vietnam Television, the Voice of Vietnam, and the Vietnam News Agency will announce the death notices.


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