When are military dogs used? What are the conditions for the unit responsible for military dog training in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what the conditions for the unit responsible for military dog training in Vietnam are. - Question from Mr. Tu (Quang Tri)

When are military dogs in Vietnam used?

Pursuant to Article 10 of Circular No. 16/2018/TT-BCA stipulating as follows:

Use of military animals
Military animals shall be used for performing missions and providing protection, which aims to reduce and prevent the violators from resisting or running way, protect law enforcement officials and people performing protection missions in accordance with Article 61 of the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Combat Gears and perform the following tasks:
1. Provide assistance in patrol, target guarding, preservation of public order, protection of courts, enforcement of judgments, search for dead bodies and evidence, identification of living people, detection of narcotic substances and explosives.
2. Provide assistance in search and rescue and serve performance of other professional tasks.

According to the above regulations, military dogs are used in a number of following cases:

- Be used for performing missions;

- Provide protection, which aims to reduce and prevent the violators from resisting or running way, protect law enforcement officials and people performing protection missions;

- Provide assistance in patrol, target guarding, preservation of public order, protection of courts, enforcement of judgments, search for dead bodies and evidence, identification of living people, detection of narcotic substances and explosives.

- Provide assistance in search and rescue and serve performance of other professional tasks.

When are military dogs used? What are the conditions for the unit responsible for military dog training in Vietnam?

When are military dogs used? What are the conditions for the unit responsible for military dog training in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the conditions for the unit responsible for military dog training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 8 of Circular No. 16/2018/TT-BCA stipulating as follows:

Military animal training
2. The unit responsible for military animal training should have officials, facilities, equipment and vehicles to serve military animal training and introduce military animal training programs. To be specific:
a) The official assigned to train military animals must obtain a certificate of management, training and use of military animals prescribed by law;
b) Facilities, equipment and vehicles that serve military animal nursing and training shall satisfy the standards and norms approved by the Minister of Public Security;
c) Military animal training programs shall be designed in a manner that serves training purposes of each course.
The unit responsible for military animal training shall take charge and cooperate with relevant specialized units in designing military animal training programs.
3. After the training has been completed, the unit responsible for military animal training shall issue the certificate of military animal as prescribed.

Thus, the unit responsible for military dog training must meet the following conditions:

- The official assigned to train military animals must obtain a certificate of management, training and use of military animals prescribed by law;

- Facilities, equipment and vehicles that serve military animal nursing and training shall satisfy the standards and norms approved by the Minister of Public Security;

- Military animal training programs shall be designed in a manner that serves training purposes of each course.

Which agency has the competence to train military dogs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 8 of Circular No. 16/2018/TT-BCA as follows:

Military animal training
1. A specialized unit affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security shall be assigned by the Minister of Public Security to train military animals.

Thus, a specialized unit affiliated to the Ministry of Public Security shall be assigned by the Minister of Public Security to train military animals.

What must be included in the record of military dogs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 9 of Circular No. 16/2018/TT-BCA stipulating as follows:

Management of military animals
1. The unit responsible for military animal training shall keep a record of military animals, including:
a) Genealogy;
b) Certificate of military animal;
c) Monitoring record of military animal training and use;
d) Decision on or license for equipment of military animals;
dd) Other relevant documents.
2. The organization/enterprise provided with military animals shall receive, manage and keep additional record of each military animal during military animal nursing, training and use.
3. When equipped with military animals, the organization/enterprise shall apply for the certificate of military animal registration. Military animals shall be only used after the competent authority issues the certificate of military animal registration.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the unit responsible for military dog training shall keep a record of military animals, including:

- Genealogy;

- Certificate of military animal;

- Monitoring record of military animal training and use;

- Decision on or license for equipment of military animals;

- Other relevant documents.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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